Extended Reading

Flight of the Living Dead quotes

  • Paul Judd: Two in the chest, one in the balls. That's whay I say.

  • Frank: Excuse me, miss. I'll take a rum coke please. Rude me, make that two.

    Megan: [Truman shows the handcuffs so Megan would know Frank is a prisoner] Right, how about a coke?

    Frank: If a little bit bacardi would find its way in there. It would be our little secret, huh.

    Megan: Anything for you mister...

    Truman: Burrows, Truman. But no thank you.

    Frank: And I'm Frank. Frank Lee Strathmore. It's a name with a rich tradition, my family...

    Truman: She doesn't need to hear your family history, Frank.

    Frank: [to Megan] Look, I don't expect to be tied up long. Just a couple of parking ticket kinda things, really. I mean, how about if you and I meet at the Eiffel Tower around midnight?

    Truman: [to Megan] I'm sorry to disappoint you but Frank here, he's gonna be a little busy.

    Megan: That's okay. Truman, if you guys need anything let me know.

    Truman: Thank you.

    Megan: Okay.

    Frank: [Megan leaves] Truman? Truman? That pretty well does it for me. Look if you play your cards right, she could be cuffing you later.

    Truman: You're gonna shut up and drink your coke.