Extended Reading
  • Thomas 2022-07-05 20:29:32

    woman is a city

      Ladies City, well, I admit that I didn't understand the movie. I didn't know Fellini before watching it, and I still don't know after watching it, crazy dream maker, at least that's what the outside world said. I don't know Mastroianni either, and I have no idea other than to think he's a...

  • Sister 2022-07-05 14:57:25

    Honest Confessions of a Man

      Fellini likes to create dreams in his films, because our dreams are chaotic, (at least in the eyes of us non-professionals), so his films are often chaotic.
      To say that it is chaotic is not to say that the film has no logical clues to be found, just as we often say, "Dreams are random", but we...

City of Women quotes

  • Old Lady: "A house without a woman", they say in my parts, "is like the Sea without a Siren". Don't you agree with me?