Extended Reading
  • Jimmie 2022-09-30 14:00:51

    Horror has nothing to do with the times, you are an old movie, but you suck.

    The first thing I want to say is that the quality of a horror film should not be divided by era, like "Moonlight, Panic", from the current perspective and special effects, this film is simply too bad, but it is It is the originator of the horror and suspense film, the pioneering work. We have to...

  • Garfield 2022-09-30 23:19:53

    The kids are really idiots~~

    Adapted from Stephen King’s work, a child keeps saying that it’s a messenger of God, and the children don’t understand anything. If they don’t understand anything after 15 or 6, the protagonist should be killed. This film has a total of 9 parts, seven main stories, one origin, and a 2009 remake,...

Children of the Corn quotes

  • Burt: Hi, we've had an--

    [gets cut off]

    Diehl: I ain't got no gas.

    Burt: No, I don't need gas.

    Diehl: Ain't got no diesel fuel neither.

    Burt: No, you--

    [cut off again]

    Diehl: Don't buy no gas you can't use no restroom.

    Burt: Your telephone.

    Diehl: Telephone! I ain't got no telephone.

    Diehl: [dog barks] Sarge! You be still now.

    Diehl: [sees blood on car] Mister, what you wanna do is to go to Hemmingford. It's about 19 miles down that right fork there.

    Burt: What about Gatlin?

    Diehl: Gatlin! There ain't nothin' in Gatlin.

    Burt: What do you mean there ain't nothin' in Gatlin?

    Diehl: Well, folks in Gatlin's got a religion. They don't like outsiders, and they probably don't have a phone there either.

    Diehl: [dog barks again] Sarge! I said AT EASE!

    Diehl: Mister, I'd love to sit here and shoot the breeze with you about politics and stuff, but I got a transmission to fix. Now you get on the right fork there and you'll be in Hemmingford in no time.

    Burt: OK.

    [walks back to car]

    Burt: Yeah, thanks a lot.

    Burt: [sitting in car, to Vicky] Either that man's senile, or he's been out in the sun too long.

  • Isaac: [Malachai rebels against Isaac before their fellow Corn-Children] Don't just stand there! Seize him! Punish him! The Lord has chosen me as the bringer of His word and the giver of His laws! Disobedience to me is disobedience to Him! Do it now, or your punishment shall be a thousand deaths, each more horrible than the last!

    Malachai: They are tired of your talk, Isaac. I've shown them what I can do.

    [to the other Corn-Children]

    Malachai: Cut the woman down. Put Isaac in her place.

    [to Isaac]

    Malachai: We shall see how the Lord favors you.