Extended Reading

Book Club quotes

  • [Sharon enters the house]

    Sharon: My son is engaged and my husband is in Maui with a tartlet named Cheryl.

    Diane: Oh.

    Sharon: I need a drink.

    Carol: Your 'husband'?

    Diane: You can't possibly still care about what Tom is doing.

    Sharon: I don't care. But the guy gets seasick in a swimming pool. I mean, what the hell is he doing in Maui?

    Vivian: Sounds like he's doing Cheryl in Maui.

    Sharon: Oh, please. Who gets involved in a relationship at 67? I mean, what is the point?

    Vivian: Oh, the point is to get laid. It's always the point.

    Sharon: Don't make me sick.

    Carol: Who still says, 'get laid'?

    Diane: Who still has any interest?

    Vivian: Ah, no, no, no, no, no. I am not gonna let us become those people.

    Diane: What people are you talking about?

    Vivian: You know what people. The people who stop living before they stop living.

    Sharon: I haven't had sex since my divorce, and it's been the happiest 18 years of my life.

    Vivian: What? That must be some kind of... record. I mean, what even happens to a vagina after 18 years?

    Diane: You know, I think Werner Herzog did a documentary on that.

    Carol: Yeah. It's called The Cave of Forgotten Dreams.

    [Vivian, Diane, and Carol laugh]

    Sharon: Okay, will you stop it? Moving on. Let's talk about the book.

    Vivian: Oh, God. The hiking book? Really?

    Carol: Come on. I liked it! It's such a remarkable undertaking. Can you imagine?

    Sharon: No, I cannot. I don't even like walking to my mailbox.

    Carol: It's just an amazing story. I mean, so many layers. I wouldn't even know how to break it down.

    Vivian: Well, I'll break it down for you. She hikes, she lost her boot, she did heroin.

    Diane: Did you only read the back cover?

    Vivian: [gulping her wine] I wish. I kept wanting to shout at her, 'Oh, wait ten years, honey. Dry shampoo is coming.'

    Sharon: You know, if you would ever connect with something on a more emotional level...

    Vivian: Emotional connection is highly overrated.

    Carol: You have not had an emotional connection for 40 years.

    Sharon: Wow, that must be some type of record.

    Diane: Yeah, but what happens to emotions after 40 years?

    Vivian: Okay, okay, are you guys having fun? Really?

    Diane: Oh, come on. You know we love you.

    Carol: Maybe it's time you did take a hike and try to reconnect with your own true self.

    Sharon: I'll buy you a backpack.

    Vivian: I'll tell you how to reconnect with your own true self...

    [gets up]

    Vivian: and it ain't by walking alone in the desert.

  • Vivian: [grabs copies of Fifty Shades of Grey from bag] I would like to introduce you to Christian Grey.

    Diane: Oh...

    Sharon: Oh, no.

    Vivian: [passes books to the other ladies] Why? It was a bestseller made into a movie.

    Carol: Oh, and that is our theme this year.

    Diane: Oh, wow.

    Sharon: We are not reading this.

    Vivian: It's my month! When it's your month, you can choose whatever boring, depressing book you want.

    Sharon: I'm not sure this qualifies as a book.

    Vivian: Well, 50 million people can't be wrong.

    Sharon: To... to even be holding this book is embarrassing.

    Vivian: Who's judging you? Your cat?

    Carol: I do like the idea of a romance.

    Sharon: We are too old.

    Carol: But it does say right here 'for mature audiences'.

    Diane: Yeah, that certainly sounds like us.

    Sharon: We started this book club to stimulate our minds.

    Vivian: Well, from what I hear, this book is quite stimulating.

    Diane: Oh, God.

    Vivian: [grabs her wine glass and gets up] So... come on! Let's toast to our new book.

    Carol: All right.

    [the ladies get up to toast]

    Vivian: Drink up. Hoist that glass. Happy reading, ladies.