Extended Reading

A Series of Unfortunate Events quotes

  • Klaus Baudelaire: That's the Two-Headed Cobra!

    Uncle Monty: Well spotted!

    Violet Baudelaire: Is that a he or a she?

    Uncle Monty: I have no idea! I didn't think it polite to ask.

  • Count Olaf: Looks like you could use a little assistance.

    Klaus Baudelaire: You're gonna need assistance when we get back to town! Aunt Josephine's gonna tell everyone what happened!

    Count Olaf: [sarcastically] And then I'll be arrested and sent to jail and you'll live happily ever after with a friendly guardian, spending your time inventing things and reading books and sharpening your little monkey teeth, and bravery and nobility will prevail at last, and this wicked world will slowly but surely become a place of cheerful harmony, and everybody will be singing and dancing and giggling like the littlest elf! A happy ending! Is that what you had mind?