Annabell 2022-04-21 08:01:07
Woman, you can't afford to provoke
Many times, many things happen, making people feel that good fortune is playing tricks on people.
In 1997, Gwyneth Paltrow broke up with Brad Pitt, and the fairy tale “Pitt Paltrow” of “Made in Heaven” was shattered. Gwyneth Paltrow, who has experienced the blow of love, entered in 1998. She first... -
Harmony 2022-04-21 08:01:07
Not perfect
Michael Douglas has a strong face, but he is always knocked down by women in movies. [Instinct] So it is, so is [Super Perfect Murder]. joke?
The organs are exhausted, but finally a key is mistaken. Good metaphor: the key. God knows which door it opens?
The ridicule of the upper class in the film...
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Mohamed Karaman: [after showing up unannounced to his desk at the police precinct] I know what you're worth Mrs. Taylor and that kind of money is always a motive, I took your case a part a thousand times, then I put it back together again, there was always one piece left out on the table like a screw that didn't quite fit, the dead man had a wallet, cash and change, driver's license even a membership card to a video store but not a single key, not one, not even to his apartment.