Shyann 2022-06-13 14:10:19
rewind time
Since I was very young, I have always been interested in the concept of time, and even any film that involves time can make me fascinated for a while, including the butterfly effect before. Now it seems that this film is an antique, a film from 1993. , but I can only see it on the website just now....
Dorcas 2022-06-13 15:46:30
How about changing to an episode?
Time is still rebounding, and the story is more thrilling and weird. Every episode is one day, every day is a possibility, looking at the same event from different sides, gradually approaching the truth, the protagonist does not know how to choose, adding the butterfly effect... Haha, it should be...
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[as Barry reaches his office cubicle on the "fourth" morning, his supervisor comes over to deliver her usual tirade, which this time he cuts off]
Anne Jackson: Well, look who decided to show up.
Barry Thomas: Oh, Anne, don't get your panties in a bunch. If you just left us alone, the work could get done. But no, you're so damn invasive that no one can concentrate around here. So just stop assuming that we're all idiots, and don't you judge people by how cute they are!
[Anne Jackson is taken aback. Howard raises his head high enough over the cubicle wall that we can see by his expression that he's impressed]
Anne Jackson: Well. This is what I get for covering you for all these years.
Barry Thomas: [with an evil whisper] Thank you.
Anne Jackson: Well, it might be time to take a look into your performance record!
Barry Thomas: [with an evil grin] You do that.
Anne Jackson: [tears developing in her eyes and voice] Well, nice knowing you, Barry.
[she walks away, and Howard raises his head again to show an expression of awe at Barry's out-of-character chutzpah]
[on the "fourth" day, Barry is still trying to prove to Lisa that he knows about the time-loop Bounce. Barry takes Lisa's arm and points across the department to the hallway where Denk is entering, and again directs her attention to his time-line notes]
Barry Thomas: Look. Over there. See that? He's, he's about to light his cigarette. He's met you in the hallway these past few mornings, but today he can't, because you're here with me. What we have to do is keep Denk from finding out about the computer disk. So, today, I'll take all the information, all right?
Lisa Fredericks: [whispering] I can't just accept this.
Barry Thomas: [taking her arms, making her look at his honest expression] The epitaph on your canary's grave you made when you were nine years old was on a paper plate, and it said: Fly to Heaven.
[she looks at him with deep uncertainty]