By Itzel 2022-12-29 14:05:16
Addiction, Rehabilitation and Growth | Interpretation of Ali and Rue's Restaurant Dialogue
Why is Rue addicted to drugs? It's hard for ordinary people to understand, but I understand.
I've also been addicted to the Internet, the bad experience of wanting to work but not wanting to start, wasting a day checking my phone, and waiting until the sun goes down and feeling full of guilt and self-loathing.
Every morning you vow to be a positive, motivated version of yourself, but each day is a mess. There are too many...
By Giuseppe 2022-12-27 22:06:53
Excited for this drama, the plot, pictures, music, atmosphere, and actors are all endless. The last two special episodes of the first season are probably the episodes that moved me the most. There are no exaggerated plots, one for redemption and one for confession. They are the kind of dialogue that is deeply rooted in people's hearts. Although I know it's just acting, my heart is shocked. Now, my eyes have blurred before I know it. Ali warmed my heart to the bottom of my...
By Jaclyn 2022-12-24 16:24:22
I watched Euphoria's Christmas special at the beginning of December, and took it out to read it again on Christmas Eve, lamenting Americans' obsession with religion. Since Flannery O'Connor began to discuss catholic possessed of modern consciousness, American intellectuals have never stopped reflecting on the meaning of religion in contemporary civilization. To put it bluntly, science cannot solve everything, or that science is pale and powerless in the face of the most...
By Antwon 2022-12-21 18:33:33
We need revolution, inside and out.
Talking movies, such movies usually have a great demand for the emotional expression of actors and script requirements. If they are not done well, they will be as boring as a mumbling old woman, but this movie does not. It has a lot to do with drugs, memories, life and death, Self-evasion and self-deception have been discussed at a mid-level, and during the viewing process, I did not feel a sense of preaching at all, but it was like discussing the impermanence of life with a...
By Lamont 2022-12-21 13:59:13
The dialogue in this article is wonderful. I can't remember what I said in the first season and the second season, but it seems that the last two heroines have a good ending. Anyway, the heroines like each other. It seems to be set to be a junior high school student or a high school student. Anyway, it is not a big heroine. The figure is good hahaha I don't remember anything about the plot, but it's not particularly sad, but you said that if the heroine really loses her...

Trouble Don't Last Always
Top cast
- Release date December 4, 2020
- Filming locations Frank's Restaurant - 916 W Olive Ave, Burbank, California, USA
- Production companies A24 Television, Dreamcrew, Little Lamb
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By Gail 2023-09-18 21:34:32
For those of you who can only see the drug rehab propaganda film, don't blame you, this episode has a threshold, this episode is not just so superficial, the contemporary issues of skin color, religion, and social change involved in the chat between the two people, The values and ways of contemporary people, life and death, how to redemption and reconciliation with oneself, this episode should be watched by the people they mentioned later in the play who really care about the big things...
By Michelle 2023-09-15 14:49:53
part 2 is so good and hurts so...
By Dallas 2023-09-08 19:02:35
Remember I want to be what one cannot...
By Deron 2023-09-08 15:53:19
Everything that can be said is light and airy, such as I miss you very much, and so do I. And those unspoken are my deepest love and fear. The sexual fantasy part is real, I want a lot of comfort, emotional or physical, but most of all, I don't know what to do right in front of my eyes, just endless tears and...
By Miles 2023-09-07 02:56:36
Hearing that the soundtrack of Liang Shenghua is so good, I want to direct it....
Ali: Uh, Rue, I'm not a guidance counselor. I'm just a crackhead who's trying to do a little good on this Earth before I die.
[both laugh]
Rue Bennett: Uh, you're, you're a trip, man.
Rue Bennett: Um... When I'm, uh, when I'm clean, you know, when I'm present, uh, like a part of this world, I don't just think about relapsing. It's, uh, it's darker than that. And, uh, you can say that sobriety is my, uh, greatest weapon, but... to tell you the truth, drugs are probably the only reason I haven't killed myself.
Ali: Oh. Now we're talkin'. Now you're being real. Now you're being honest. Because this whole bullshit about being a functioning drug addict, about finding balance, that ain't true. That's a lie.
Rue Bennett: It's not a lie.
Ali: It's a lie, whether you know it or not, but more importantly, I don't give a fuck to hear it.
Rue Bennett: [scoffs] Yeah, whatever, man.
Ali: Whatever, man?
[Rue chuckles]
Ali: Whatever, man. Listen, young blood.
Ali: I was shooting dope before your mama's egg dropped. I've lived a whole motherfuckin' life to get to this diner to sit across from your arrogant ass, so don't you ever whatever me. You're 17. You don't know shit. You think you're hard? I'm harder. You think you're tough? I'm tougher. You got clean and want to kill yourself? Same motherfuckin' story here. You want to know why? I'll tell you why. 'Cause you don't know how to live life. You don't have the tools. You're too busy running around, trying to bullshit everybody into thinking you're hard, and you don't give a fuck, when in reality, you give so much of a fuck, you can't even bear to be alive. So guess what? New rule. No more wasting my motherfuckin' time. You wanna use? Use. But the least you can do is be honest. Own that shit.
Ali: Why'd you relapse?
Rue Bennett: I don't know. Couldn't stop my mind from racing.
Ali: Racing about what?
Rue Bennett: Everything.
Ali: Hey, hey. Get specific.
Rue Bennett: [the shrugs her shoulders] All the things I remember and all the things I wish I didn't.
Ali: Okay. I get it. Why didn't you call me?
Rue Bennett: [scoffs] Just... honestly, I wasn't really trying not to relapse.
[Ali laughs]
Rue Bennett: [Rue bites her lip and chuckles]
Ali: Yeah. Man. Okay. Where'd you get the drugs?
Rue Bennett: I had some pills for emergency purposes.
Ali: Fuck. So you never stood a chance.
Rue Bennett: Nope.
Ali: Do you wanna get clean?
Rue Bennett: No.
Ali: You sure?
Rue Bennett: [whispers] Yea.
Ali: [exhales] I get it. I get it.
Rue Bennett: Is that fucked up?
Ali: What? That you don't want to get clean? Yeah, yeah. Of course it's fucked up.
Rue Bennett: Ah. I'm a piece of shit, huh?
Ali: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're a piece of shit.
[Rue exhales]
Ali: All right, but, uh, here's the silver lining. You're not a drug addict because you're a piece of shit. You're a piece of shit because you're a drug addict. You follow?
Rue Bennett: Mm, I don't really...
Ali: Okay, all right. What I'm saying is, you didn't come out of the womb an evil person. You, Rue, came out of the womb a beautiful baby girl, who unbeknownst to her, had a couple of wires crossed. So when you tried drugs for the first time, it, uh, set something off in your brain that's beyond your control. And it isn't a question of willpower. It's not about how strong you are. You've been fighting a losing game since the first day you got high. So you can destroy your life, you can f*ck your little sister's head up, you can abuse and torture and take for granted your mama, and sit here and look me in the eye, and say, as calm as can be, as cool as a cucumber, "Imma keep usin' drugs." Ha. That is the disease of addiction. It is a degenerative disease. It is incurable. It is deadly. And it's no different than cancer. And you got it. Why? Mm. Luck of the draw. But, hey, but the hardest part of having the disease of addiction, aside from having the disease, is that no one in the world sees it as a disease. They see you as selfish. They see you as weak. They see you as cruel. They see you as, uh, destructive. They think, why should I give a fuck about her if she doesn't give a fuck about herself or anybody else? Why does this girl deserve my time, my patience, my sympathy? Right? If she wants to kill herself, let her. All reasonable questions and responses. But luckily, you aren't the only person on planet Earth who has this disease. There happens to be people like me, who understand that you aren't all that bad.
[Rue chuckles]
Ali: Probably underneath all this busted-ass, chaotic energy, you might even be a good kid. Who knows? And that is why we are eating pancakes on Christmas Eve. Despite the fact that you don't want to get clean.