Trailer Park Boys

Trailer Park Boys

  • Director: Cory Bowles, Warren P. Sonoda, Jonathan Torrens, Bobby Farrelly, Bruce McCulloch, Jay Baruchel, John Dunsworth
  • Countries of origin: Canada
  • Language: English
  • Release date: April 20, 2004
  • Also known as: 拖車公園男孩
  • "Trailer Park Boys" is a film directed by Michael Chattenberg, with Michael Chattenberg, Jean Paul Tremblay, etc. as screenwriters, and Jean Paul Tremblay, Robb Wells, etc. starring. 


    • Release date April 20, 2004
    • Filming locations Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
    • Production companies Foley Walkers Studio, Showcase Television, Topsail Entertainment

    Movie reviews

     ( 3 ) Add reviews

    • By Jordy 2022-10-01 21:16:46

      Background, characters and their brains

      I usually hate people who make mistakes with the translated name, but the translated name is too outrageous.
      "Trailer Park" is a gathering area for simple houses, where the poor in rural America live. The trailer was originally invented for family travel, but the poor later discovered this treasure. When there is no house to live in, get a trailer, find a place where the birds don’t shit, don’t pay rent, don’t pay taxes, don’t have an address, and occasionally go to someone else’s house to...

    • By Dagmar 2022-10-01 19:21:00

      Trailer Park Boys (Trailer Park Boys) two or three things

      Trailer Park Boys filming methods are the same as another classic comedy: The Office, which is a pseudo-documentary, pretending to be a team and filming next to the protagonists. The super online performances performed by the actors are all old dramas polished in the theater, and you can feel the full sense of the scene when you open an episode.

      Its life experience is quite legendary. It was shot from 2001 to 2007. After a total of seven seasons, films, short films, and TV movies were...

    • By Sonia 2022-10-01 18:25:58

      I got my head when I went to the toilet

      A little gloomy:

      This world is just like I told you.
      Everyone is different when the door is closed.
      Is he a doctor? Yes, he is, but he is not.
      Is he a teacher? Yes, he is, but he is not.
      Who is he, what is he doing, who is he during the day, and who is he at night.
      We see a little bit of these, but we can't see more.
      Behind those polite and decent, behind those gorgeous and elegant, behind those holy and generous. .
      Or more,
      we don’t...

    User comments

      ( 18 ) Add comments

    • By Jabari 2023-09-26 14:42:24

      Why do I waste my life watching a bunch of white trash...

    • By Geovanni 2023-08-14 19:08:14

      Ricky !!!No1 you fuck off,No2 youfuck...

    • By Chet 2023-07-27 19:27:06

      Hahahahahahahaha I love...

    • By Kassandra 2023-07-09 08:16:39

      Why do I waste my life watching a bunch of white trash...

    • By Sheridan 2023-07-04 10:58:48

      I kinda like this kind of humour. Watching episode 8 or 9 and want to continue watching...

    Movie quotes

    • Julian: [talking to camera] In sixth grade Bubbles made this puppet he called Conky.

      Ricky: What a little asshole.

      Julian: Bubbles took it everywhere with him. It was kinda like his confidant.

      Ricky: His what?

      Julian: Never mind. Anyway, we had to take the doll away because he, you know, fucked Bubbles' mind up.

      Ricky: Yeah, it was like, even though Bubbles was Bubbles, he was two people at the same time as bein' Bubbles. He was tryin' to be this other person that wasn't Bubbles, but he was still Bubbles. It was, it was fucked.

    • Ricky: I'd say we got about a ten per cent chance of gettin' out of this one boys.

      Officer George Green: [from out the window] Attention, this is the police. Come out with your hands up...

      Ricky: Is that George Green?

      Bubbles: That's definitely George Green.

      Ricky: Wicked. Okay, forget what I said, our chances just went up to about ninety five per cent.

    • Julian: Ricky, you're pointing a loaded handgun at a puppet. Behind the puppet is our friend. The bullet will go through the doll and kill Bubbles. Give me the gun.

      Ricky: I gotta kill this fuckin puppet, Julian.

    Movies Directed by Cory Bowles

    Movies Starring John Paul Tremblay