Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue

Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue

  • Director: Bradley Raymond
  • Writer: Bob Destri Hilgenberg,Rob Muir,Joe Ansolabehere
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: September 21, 2010
  • Runtime: 1 hour 16 minutes
  • Sound mix: Stereo
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Tinker Bell: A Midsummer Storm
  • "Tinker Bell And The Great Fairy Rescue" is an American family fantasy animation in 2010 and the third work in the "Fairy Fairy" series, which was launched as a direct release video product.


    • Release date September 21, 2010
    • Production companies Disneytoon Studios

    Box office


    $35,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 6 ) Add reviews

    • By Blaze 2022-11-11 02:57:56

      Disney's classic aesthetic school cute pet animation movie

      Disney's classic aesthetic cute pet animation movie. The animated characters in the film are presented realistically in 3D with colorful and splendid colors. The dreamlike animation scenes and the ingenious storyline bring the audience into a whole new world, which can be called a classic film in the animation film industry. Each sequel is as addicting as ever.

      Plot twists and turns, engaging level: 5 points

      The artistic sense of the scene, the beauty of the character...

    • By Jaylon 2022-09-17 23:26:03

      Tinker Bell, Tinker Bell

      The music is nice, the pictures are beautiful, and the pictures are full of childlike fun. The fairies have many wonderful abilities. They talk to animals, make flowers bloom, and blow the summer breeze. There are also some fairies who specialize in inventing top-notch smart tools. They change the seasons and help nature in many ways. In order to cope with the hot weather and the coming autumn and winter, Tinkerbell and her fairy friends are very busy at the moment. Happy. Although they are...

    • By Milo 2022-09-17 22:48:18

      we go to believe

      The story tells the story of Tinkerbell, a repairman who is caught by a little girl who believes in fairies because he loves human objects and approaches a human house. The little girl's sincerity makes Jingdong and her friends. The little girl's father, a naturalist, gave him a blank study book. The girl and Jingdong completed the research on fairies together. However, her father did not believe in fairies, and continued to study butterflies whose wings were not painted by fairies....

    • By Zechariah 2022-09-17 22:21:08

      You're Tinker Bell, so I call myself Sweet Tinker

      Not really a movie review, I just miss it.

      Not many people know my name is Sweet Tinker. In addition to the English name of yisa.
      Only on the blog attached to my Sina Weibo, this name represents me.
      Oh by the way, there is also a Three Kingdoms Killing area that I don't often go to.
      But I just love the name as much as I love Tinker Bell, the story. I just thought, that's probably me, the self I'm looking forward to.

      Speaking of Tinker Bell, Magic Kingdom...

    • By Jerrell 2022-09-17 20:46:04

      beautiful is too beautiful

      The color graphics are all beautiful, and the characters are designed to look like Barbie dolls. But to be honest, the plot is a bit cliché, it's an out-and-out fairy tale, to the point where it's not suitable for adults to watch. The most climax is not the last scene where Lizzy braves the rain to fly to London to save the fairy, but the scene when Tinker Bell is trapped in the hut and sees a wall full of butterfly specimens.

      Because it seems to me that Lizzy's father would not...

    User comments

      ( 21 ) Add comments

    • By Thomas 2023-09-21 19:43:43

      An imaginative...

    • By Reagan 2023-08-26 21:27:47

      I like it very much, suitable for people with childlike...

    • By Franz 2023-08-22 06:58:53

      It's good to be able to plunge into such a fairy...

    • By Angelo 2023-07-16 21:23:24

      Although it is a straight-haired videotape animation film, the production is really excellent, especially in terms of texture and...

    • By Augusta 2023-06-16 11:45:21

      Good to go on! as...

    Movie quotes

    • Dr. Griffiths: [as Lizzy is hovering] I - I don't understand.

      Lizzy: You don't have to understand. You just have to believe.

    • Dr. Griffiths: [Lizzy has unintentionally trashed her room after her first flying attempt] Look at this room! It looks like a cyclone hit it!

      Lizzy: It's not that bad.

      Dr. Griffiths: Not that bad? Your books are all over the floor, your toys are everywhere, and you've torn your curtains!

      [looks up]

      Dr. Griffiths: What? HOW did you get FOOTPRINTS on the CEILING?


      Dr. Griffiths: This is simply too much. A temper tantrum of this magnitude is unacceptable.

      Lizzy: But I wasn't having a tantrum!

      Dr. Griffiths: Then how did this happen? And the TRUTH this time.

      Lizzy: [nervously] If I tell you the truth...


      Lizzy: you still wouldn't believe me!

      Dr. Griffiths: [sternly] Elizabeth, the truth.

      Lizzy: ...I was flying! My fairy showed me how.

      Dr. Griffiths: Oh, for goodness sakes! Your make-believe fairy did this. You've got to stop this nonsense!

      Lizzy: But it's not nonsense, Father! It's the truth!

      Dr. Griffiths: You have a real fairy, living in your room.

      Lizzy: Yes! And I can prove it.

      [picks up the fairy field journal she and Tinker Bell made and holds it out for her father]

      Lizzy: Just look at the research we did.

      Dr. Griffiths: [takes the field journal and flips through a few pages] Oh, Elizabeth, *this* is what you've been doing?

      [closes the journal]

      Dr. Griffiths: Field journals are to be filled with FACT, not fairy tales!

      Lizzy: [desperately] But Father, these ARE facts!

      Dr. Griffiths: I just don't understand this foolishness, Lizzy. You have such talent. Why would you waste it this way?

      Lizzy: [visibly hurt and shocked by her father's words] Why can't you just...


      Lizzy: *believe* me?

      Dr. Griffiths: I believe in what is real. And it's about time *you* started doing the same.

      [goes to her wall of fairy art and starts tearing it down]

      Lizzy: [fighting back tears] Father, wait!

      Dr. Griffiths: I know this is difficult for you to understand. But... this... is all make-believe!

      [throws some of Lizzy's pictures into the trash]

      Lizzy: No! They're real!

      Dr. Griffiths: Elizabeth! This discussion is over!

      [throws away the fairy field journal]

    • Lizzy: I had no idea fairies were responsible for changing the seasons. I thought it had something to do with the earth's axis as it rotated around the sun.

      Tinker Bell: That's what we wanted you to think.