The Trouble with Harry

The Trouble with Harry

  • Director: Alfred Hitchcock
  • Writer: John Michael Hayes,Jack Trevor Story
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: October 3, 1955
  • Also known as: Alfred Hitchcock's The Trouble with Harry
  • "The Trouble with Harry" is a suspenseful comedy film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Edmund Kellaway , John Forsythe and Shirley MacLaine . It was released in the United States on October 3, 1955.
    The film tells the story of a sudden murder in a quiet town. Several people related to the victim believe that they are the murderer, but the truth is beyond everyone's expectations   .


    • Release date October 3, 1955
    • Filming locations Morrisville, Vermont, USA
    • Production companies Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions

    Box office


    $1,200,000 (estimated)

    Movie reviews

     ( 8 ) Add reviews

    • By Zane 2022-12-04 07:51:20

      Hee's Strange Flavor Beans-"The Strange Corpse Case"

            Hitchcock's film       originally published in "Watching Movies Midnight Field" is mostly that the movie-watching pleasure brought by the technique itself is greater than the thinking brought about by the film's theme. Although [Doctor Edward] or [Scary] can dig out the themes for discussion by psychological analysis methods, [birds] can fully appreciate the spreading emotions of the apocalypse, [39 steps] this kind of gloomy Spy films are also affected by the atmosphere of...

    • By Chris 2022-10-28 16:08:03

      Not thriller but warmth

      This is a later Hitchcock movie. There are no beautiful women or handsome guys, but a very ordinary and sparse countryside. Hitchcock took a beautiful shot of the countryside, and a very strange corpse suddenly appeared in it. Around this matter, we found many people's attitudes towards life.
      On the surface, these people are very cold-blooded, because according to our current statement, it should be very guilty to kill someone by mistake. But there are no people in the story. They care...

    • By Jordy 2022-09-14 03:47:31

      Happiness is the source of life

      That's hilarious! Harry was more wronged than Dou'e. A heart attack died naturally, and he was dug up and buried by so many irrelevant people again and again! Although it is the usual suspense movie of Xi Pang, it does not have the usual tension and compactness. The whole story is relaxed and humorous, and many places make people can't help but hilarious. It seems that it is creating suspense, buckling the ring and so on, and you can find the shadow of Xi Pang everywhere! The soundtrack is also...

    • By Johnnie 2022-04-28 06:01:02

      Queer case

      The most gentle and relaxing one of Hitchcock’s films I’ve seen in "Ghost Case", there is no horror atmosphere in Psycho, no tense rhythm in The 39 steps, no complicated plot in Vertigo, but the same There is suspense, humor, and unexpected ending. The grassy slope where Harry's body appeared was like a dramatic scene, with people coming and going, as if they were going on stage and off stage. This is somewhat similar to "Rear Window". Many of the dialogues in the film are humorous and make...

    • By Chesley 2022-04-28 06:01:02

      Quiet countryside, calm people

      Comedy, the suspense part is not very exciting, but two loves, children, beautiful rural autumn scenery, the male protagonist's paintings attracted me. It was like a short story. Everyone was very calm about the corpse and unfolded quietly. The protagonist even drew a sketch of the corpse in oil painting. I have to say, that small shop full of male protagonists' paintings is very beautiful! On a barren ground, an independent store with all kinds of paintings. If I had money, I would buy them...

    User comments

      ( 48 ) Add comments

    • By Serenity 2023-09-02 11:56:11

      Barely two points. Hitchcock’s off-line comedy, a corpse lying on the mountain, the simple villagers either misunderstood that they were the one who killed themselves, or they walked away as if nothing happened (the doctor tripped over the corpse and apologized and left. The watching male protagonist The two said, “I don’t dare to see him in the future”). The relevant person found a reason to justify themselves and buried the body. The only challenge was to prevent the town’s security officers...

    • By Delia 2023-08-22 16:43:02

      Alfred_Hitchcock's style is different from the feeling, probably because his sense of humor accounts for the majority, but it is less gloomy, otherwise this should be regarded as black humor -- is it for color...

    • By Fidel 2023-08-09 09:08:36

      Stunned, but this is an abstract version of an escape room game. . . The more and more everyone gets to the end, the more and more unable to escape this strange magnetic field, until they finally relax, because no matter how hard they try, it is useless. The fact is that this magnetic field is automatically...

    • By Katheryn 2023-06-28 03:24:01

      I didn't expect it to be a light comedy, I still like the suspenseful Hitchcock...

    • By Clarissa 2023-06-27 17:43:53

      Heterogeneous in Hitchcock suspense films, super invincible and funny, highly...

    Movie plot

    In an autumnal afternoon, the little boy Hani Rogers was strolling in the forest of Vermont in a happy mood. Suddenly there were three huge gunshots in the forest. At this time the boy found the body of his father Harry Rogers. Harry died, and his death caused great trouble to the citizens of the city. Captain Albert Wiles believes that he accidentally killed Harry while hunting and shooting. The old maiden of the village, Miss...
    more about The Trouble with Harry Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    "The Trouble with Harry" is a very interesting suspenseful humorous sketch directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It is a very dramatic and gentle farce. The whole story takes place in a few houses in the countryside and a few outdoor scenes, and the characters are also very limited. The film has no horror, only suspense, no murder, only humor, and the relaxed atmosphere of pastoral life, which makes this sketch occupy a very special place in...
    more about The Trouble with Harry Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Jennifer Rogers: [Sam is kissing her] Lightly, Sam. I have a very short fuse.

    • Capt. Wiles: Coming home from Madagascar once we had a fireman on board who hit his head on a brick wall and died two days later.

      Sam Marlowe: Where did he find a brick wall on board a ship?

      Capt. Wiles: Mmmm... that's what we always wondered.

    • Sam Marlowe: I think, Captain Wiles, we're tangled up in a murder.

      Capt. Wiles: Murder. If it's murder who dunnit?

      Sam Marlowe: Who did it?

      Capt. Wiles: That's what I say, whodunnit?