By Orin 2022-04-24 07:01:17
There is only one kind of people in this world, mortals
Valar Dohaeris All mortals are mortal, and all mortals must serve. Fans of power will ask, why isn't winter is coming (winter is coming). That was a few years ago, and now it's all winter is here. If the next season can really end, it's winter is over. In fact, I think winter is just an opportunity to induce changes in the whole world, reshuffling of all power and power, until the end of the sixth season, the three camps will be in their respective positions. But whether it is a dozen lines...
By Autumn 2022-04-24 07:01:17
Only those who have liked the little devil in "Game of Thrones" are truly qualified to say that they do not judge people by their appearance.
To a certain extent, this kind of love, with self-pity and self-sorrow, is reflected in some parts of the little devil.
To live in the world with an unsatisfactory body, face up to its unbeautiful and even ugliness, live by it, and use the love and warmth to search everywhere to compete with the greed, arrogance, humility and despair... -
By Dee 2022-04-24 07:01:17
Everyone's little problem ends up being everyone's big problem
Robert Baratheon is a very politically wise man. He married the Lannister family himself, let his younger brother marry the Tyrell family, the Arryn family was the prime minister, the North was his best friend, and married the Tully family, except for the far away. A group of pirates on the overseas iron island, it can be said that there is no prince in the world. High, really high. No wonder his blood worked so well for black magic, it was the blood of a true king.
By Caden 2022-04-23 07:03:37
If there is a scene that moved me the most in the whole show, I think it wasn't that Hodor was yelling "hold the door hold the door...hold door.." ....hodor..." only to realize that the origin of the name hodor is for this moment in life. It's not that Sansa is not immune to Littlefinger's provocation sword to Arya. But many years later, in Winterfell, sansa walked to the gate and saw Brandon who he hadn't seen for many years. Brandon was still a lame man, just a little older, lying...
By Shayne 2022-04-23 07:03:37
When I saw GOTS6E10, a nearly 10-minute "light of the seven" really shocked. This is the first time that Game of Thrones has put a modern instrument on it - the piano.
With a low melody, a doomed trial begins.
As the melody slowly rises, so does Cersei's revenge. The torment and pain he suffered were also accompanied by the pipe organ, which was eliminated one by one, and the tone became higher and higher. It came to an abrupt end, ending with the corners of Cersei's mouth rising...

The Red Woman
Top cast
- Release date April 24, 2016
- Filming locations Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK
- Production companies Television 360, Startling, Bighead Littlehead
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By Ollie 2023-08-17 06:57:29
In fact, this season is the worst season of the six seasons. It was too urgent. In the end, only the tenth episode saved a little face, and the momentum of the storm was coming, but according to the current level of screenwriters, I am afraid that the first Seven seasons can't take...
By Conrad 2023-08-15 09:15:43
I really liked the last episode. The super-long soundtrack at the beginning reminded me of the scene in The Godfather, where Michael was baptized in the church, and there was a quiet revenge scene...
By Issac 2023-08-10 22:40:25
Xiaobopi is a handsome talent, and his understanding of human nature can be described as...
By Alan 2023-06-21 18:57:51
The effect of filling the hole too quickly. How can I be convincing and have faith after telling jokes for a season? Fortunately, the fascination value of the sharply decreased brother has helped to brush it back, and the Lannister brothers are stable and favorite. Is it because of the protagonist's halo or because of the sudden change in appearance? Girl's heart arouser, no no...
By Uriah 2023-06-13 01:35:40
I just don't want Little Rose and her family Loras to die, a clever and handsome gay, I feel bad.// Well, the seventh season is War of Widow...
Movie plot
Ellaria Sand: [to Doran, before killing him] Weak men will never rule Dorne again.
Daario Naharis: Isn't it frustrating wanting someone who doesn't want you back?
Jorah Mormont: Of course it is.
[Khal Moro grabs Daenerys' shirt]
Daenerys Targaryen: Do not touch me. I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen.
[Khal Moro lets go of Daenerys' shirt and steps backward]
Daenerys Targaryen: The First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khalisee of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.
[pause. Then Khal Moro bursts out laughing, and so are his companions. He grabs Daenerys' neck]
Khal Moro: You are nobody, the millionth of your name, Queen of Nothing, slave of Khal Moro. Tonight I will lie with you, and if the Great Stallion is kind, you will give me a son. Do you understand?
Daenerys Targaryen: [defiantly] I will not lie with you. And I will bear no children, for you, or anyone else. Not until the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east.