The Others

The Others

  • Director: Alejandro Amenábar
  • Countries of origin: Spain, United States, France, Italy
  • Language: English
  • Release date: August 10, 2001
  • Runtime: 1h 44min
  • Sound mix: DTS, Dolby Digital, SDDS
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: The Darkness
  • The movie "The Others" is directed by Alejandro Amenábar and starring Nicole Mary Kidman , Elaine Cassidy and Keith Allen.
    The film tells the story of Grace, who raised a pair of children alone on a small island in England after the end of World War II, waiting for her husband to return, ushered in three weird new servants, a series of strange things happened, Grace gradually felt this The house was surrounded by a weird and mysterious atmosphere, and everything became confusing.


    • Release date August 10, 2001
    • Filming locations Palacio de los Hornillos, Las Fraguas, Iguña, Cantabria, Spain
    • Production companies Cruise/Wagner Productions, Sogecine, Las Producciones del Escorpión

    Box office


    $17,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 86 ) Add reviews

    • By Zion 2022-06-28 22:31:10

      Kojima: The Tragedy of War for one Family

      I almost missed a good movie because of the name Kojima Horror. It used to be scary or scary, but this movie is scary. It was made at a low cost by a few people. After watching it, there may be many questions. Why does my father want to Is the father dead or not? Why did the mother kill the two children? Why did the mother hear the piano sound? Why were the children afraid of the light and why was the mother not afraid? After watching the whole film carefully, my understanding is that the...

    • By Joe 2022-04-24 07:01:02

      The more real, the more terrifying

      As someone who doesn't like watching suspenseful horror movies, when I heard that the midterm assignment was to be written and appreciated with the title "Cry on the Island", my heart was desperate. On the one hand, I have no confidence in my own courage, and on the other hand, I am also quite disgusted by those tricks that use sudden close-ups and gloomy BGM to pretend to be a horror atmosphere. It is difficult for people to have a good viewing experience...

    • By Adam 2022-04-23 07:01:18

      What is humanistic care?

      If you look closely, you'll notice the words "Thank god for their youth in faith and love" written on the chalkboard by the window, likewise, "Leave us out peace!" and "This is our house." These are all declarations made by the director through the character's mouth. This film explores the trauma of war and the obsession with rooting in such a delicate way - it allows the audience and the characters to experience together how to explore in a foggy, dark world The source of the panic, and...

    • By Conor 2022-04-23 07:01:18

      Facing reality and being loyal to ideals

      After being recommended by a friend, I was fortunate enough to watch this film. The reversal of the ending made me unable to calm down for a long time. Without feeling the cruelty of the war, it brought such a tragedy to a family.

      The opening scene of Grace's awakening screaming from sleep sets the tone for the film, pulling the audience into this strange lonely house. In Nuoda's castle, there is only the heroine alone, and then three...

    • By Archibald 2022-04-23 07:01:18


      The peace of the outside world, the peace of the self, the redemption of the self, self-deception, deceiving others, being deceived by others, I hope to give myself some more subtle satisfaction in life, and keep giving myself hope, in order to live, see no end, no hope Desperate.

      The logic and thinking of the film are particularly strong. In fact, when I first started watching it, I felt it was a bit repetitive, and I made a bit of preconceived notions, so I didn't have much patience...

    User comments

      ( 79 ) Add comments

    • By Douglas 2023-09-02 05:42:20

      There are old stories in the old house, Nicole is so beautiful, and the youngest daughter inexplicably resembles the little heroine who resents orphans; it is still less attractive than the sixth sense, but the clips of the two children are very interesting, with serious vigilance. mother in stark...

    • By Ransom 2023-08-21 12:30:00

      Nikou was so beautiful back then~! The movie is also...

    • By Emmalee 2023-08-11 06:08:15

      Wonderful! The ending is awesome! It feels worth it to endure the super long foreshadowing in front! Nicole you are so...

    • By Ibrahim 2023-08-09 00:16:03

      Body and beauty coexist, temperament and acting skills all fly Nicole! !...

    • By Jevon 2023-08-04 17:12:13

      Ingeniously conceived, it gives a novel feeling, I personally think it is quite worth watching, nicolekidman is really a...

    Movie plot

    After the Second World War, on a small island, Grace raised her two children Anne and Nicholas alone, waiting for her husband to return from the battlefield. Because the two children are seriously ill allergic to the sun, they cannot accept the sun and can only stay indoors. So Grace drew tightly all the curtains in the huge apartment where they lived.
    One day, the servants left without saying goodbye. Grace had to hire three more...
    more about The Others Movie plot

    Publishing Company

    Emperor Gate Pictures [United States] (2001) (USA) (theatrical)
    RCV Film Distribution[Netherlands](Belgium)
    Senator Film[Germany](2002) (Germany) (theatrical)
    more about The Others Publishing Company

    Evaluation action

    "Small Island" is a psychological thriller that inherits the
      spirit of Hitchcock's "Butterfly Dream" and Kubrick's "The Shining". Stunts are the call. This work, written, directed and composed by the young Spanish director Amamba, like the "Sixth Sense of Supernatural" written by Indian Shamaran, injects different creativity into the step-by-step Hollywood model. The film seems to be an excellent chamber music work, with only one...
    more about The Others Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Grace: No one can make us leave this house.

    • [last lines]

      Mr. Marlish: Come along, Victor.

    • [repeated line]

      Nicholas: Mummy!