The Omen

The Omen

  • Director: Richard Donner
  • Countries of origin: United Kingdom, United States
  • Language: English, Latin, Italian
  • Release date: June 25, 1976
  • Runtime: 1h 51min
  • Sound mix: Mono
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: The Birthmark
  • "The Omen" is a horror movie directed by Richard D. Schwartzberg and starring Gregory Peck , Lee Remick , David Warner and others.
    The film tells the story of a series of strange things that happened after an American couple adopted the baby Damian, only then did they discover that the child turned out to be the son of a devil. The film was released in the United States on June 25, 1976.


    • Release date June 25, 1976
    • Filming locations Windsor Safari Park, St. Leonards Hill, Windsor, Berkshire, England, UK
    • Production companies Twentieth Century Fox, Harvey Bernhard Productions, Mace Neufeld Productions

    Box office


    $2,800,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 7 ) Add reviews

    • By Lamont 2022-03-17 09:01:05

      Go to your mother's sense of ritual

      The whole context is very clear. The progression of the story is also well controlled. Those ingenious ways of death are also quite eye-catching. The only irritating thing is that the screenwriter set Robert's people to be so indecisive that even a cameraman is inferior. I can understand the softness and suspicion of human nature, but I watched innocent people die and still hesitate. No explanation can eliminate my relief of this kind of plot!

      There are good reasons and evidence, and...

    • By Daron 2022-03-17 09:01:05

      Strange emotions, metaphorical relationships

      The 1976 "Omen" Fox film production
      is regarded as the continuation of "Devil Baby", which has been reviewed before. It is a classic work that must be mentioned in the field of film noir, which tells about the growth experience of the son of the devil after he was born and harmed the world.
      The film tells that in order to comfort his wife who lost a child in another dystocia, the actor ambassador adopted an unknown baby boy in the hands of a priest in the hospital, and the...

    • By Alena 2022-03-16 09:01:04

      After playing the game Lucius, I watched it roughly again. . I think the child is so innocent.

      From the first babysitter, the dog and the housekeeper appeared, and they began to become evil.
      I think the child itself is quite cute. How many lives have died in the housekeeper and the dog and natural disasters.
      I always feel that the child is still innocent for the time being.
      He knocked over his mother and was naughty at the nanny's instigation. Later, Hua Rong was so frightened that Hua Rong was eclipsed. The
      last death of his mother was also the...

    • By Marge 2022-03-16 09:01:04


      This is the shadow of childhood.

      According to the level of fear at the time, I would not watch it again if I was killed.

      No, it's not fear, it's depression.
      What movie can depress a 10-year-old baby?
      It's a movie of the devil.

      I can still remember those shots.
      The forklift holding the glass, the brakes failed, and the reporter's head was held.
      The pastor who told the truth could not enter the door of the church, and the cross struck by...

    • By Angela 2022-03-15 09:01:04

      the pope's words kind of fascinated me

      Not because of curiosity about the gorgeous religious background at the beginning of the film, "And the angel blew the sixth trumpet.." ...It is
      generally rare to finish watching a film that is known to be a bit horrible. OK, after watching it, I still feel that the appetite in the opening section is the best. Reposted

      content introduction:
      A young American diplomat in Rome is told his baby boy has not survived, but he can have a replacement, whose mother died at...

    User comments

      ( 103 ) Add comments

    • By Dagmar 2022-04-24 07:01:06

      Horror movies in the 1970s are the best to watch. It all relies on the soundtrack, editing and photography to create a terrifying atmosphere. The cemetery scene and the 360-degree shot in the house are very good. It seems that the music when the murder was matched twice. is a...

    • By Fernando 2022-04-24 07:01:06

      I watched it when I was a child, and when I saw it clearly I remembered how scary the picture inside was, and then I didn't dare to watch it. I finally finished it today. The story is wonderful, and the soundtrack and pictures perfectly reflect the gorgeous and calm demeanor of the old film. Coupled with Parker's performance, it is a must-see for horror fans. The performance of the devil and Jesus in it was very popular in horror films at that time. It was about good and evil, good and evil,...

    • By Chance 2022-04-24 07:01:06

      horror of that era. . . So watch it as a religious movie. ....

    • By Jayda 2022-04-24 07:01:06

      Fuck it! ! ! Ghost movies linked to religion are really stupid!...

    • By Shana 2022-04-24 07:01:06

      Another example of a horror film, although it is not too scary from today's perspective, but the weird atmosphere is still good. It's always so magical when religion comes with horror...

    Movie plot

    At 6 a.m. on June 6, 1966, American diplomat Robert ( Gregory Peck ) adopted a child at the Roman Missionary Hospital to impersonate his wife, Catherine ( Lee Remick ), who died just after her birth. Soon after Robert accepted the appointment to the UK as ambassador, he took his wife and adopted son Damian ( Harvey Stephens ) with him, and from then on strange things began to surround them. On Damian’s birthday, Holly, the nanny,...
    more about The Omen Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    Quite similar to "The Exorcist" and "Rosemary's Exorcism", "The Omen" is not bloody but full of evil religious atmosphere to win, based on the resurrection of the devil in the "Bible: Revelation" It was modeled on to intimidate the audience. Although this type of film is not a minority, "The Omen" does give people a tremor of the heart, especially the grinning grin of the boy in the film. For the little bit of uncovering the life...
    more about The Omen Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • [last title card]

      Title card: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666." Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 18

    • Father Brennan: He must DIE, Mr. Thorn!

    • Mrs Baylock: Have no fear, little one... I am here to protect thee.