

  • Director: Jacob Gentry
  • Writer: Jacob Gentry,Alex Orr
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: January 22, 2016
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: Синхронность
  • "Synchronicity" (Synchronicity) is a sci-fi mystery film directed by American director Jacob Gentry .
    Scientist Jim Bill (Chad McKnight) reached an agreement with a wealthy businessman who funded his research on wormholes, while he traveled through time to try to prevent his subordinates from stealing his invention...


    • Release date January 22, 2016
    • Filming locations Atlanta Georgia, USA
    • Production companies Soapbox Films, POP Films

    Box office

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 35 ) Add reviews

    • By Mallory 2022-03-27 09:01:20

      My personal understanding. .

      Probably the parallel universe theory is related to the concept of infinity, so it always seems to be half-understood.
      My personal opinion after reading it is that the ending of the story is a temporary happy ending.
      The jim at the beginning of the story is called No. 1, and the jim in the universe that No. 1 passed through is called No. 2. At the end of the story, No. 1 died in the hotel, and No. 2 came to another universe. In that universe, No. 2 read the novel. This is what the...

    • By Timothy 2022-03-27 09:01:20

      movie#sync#movie review

      I have been looking for this movie for a long time~~I used to think that the website with the most resources could not find it, maybe I was concentrating on it~So I finally found it~~So I savored this film carefully~201 I have seen many two-dimensional movies, but only This is a bit puzzling~ But after reading it as a whole, there is also a basic introduction, and I have a general understanding of the true meaning of this movie~ From the perspective of the heroine, the causal relationship of...

    • By Delmer 2022-03-27 09:01:20

      The director is not good enough! Although the script is ok

      It's another low-cost small production. I didn't fully understand it at first, and I didn't even remember the names of foreigners. After reading the film review, I fully understand it, and after reading the film review, I think the plot is not bad. But just watching the movie, obviously the low-cost director's expressive ability is not enough to explain the movie more clearly. Most people don't read the movie review and can't understand it. Including those intentional literary styles and...

    • By Connie 2022-03-26 09:01:12

      Standard explanation about the ending, perfect analysis!

      First of all, this is a very good movie, with rigorous logic, almost no contradictions, and clear thinking. Some comments say that they can't understand it, but they are all contradictory. I think you didn't watch the movie seriously, so go watch it again.
      At the end of this story, why didn't the last male protagonist die?
      Everyone, please note that what the ending tells us is not that only the male protagonist who appeared in the last scene survived! But he's not the only one!...

    • By Reginald 2022-03-26 09:01:12

      Parallel universe

      There is a constant in parallel universes, and that is time.

      This also means that if there are 10 million parallel universes,

      then once the universe space-time breakthrough is achieved, at the same time, 10 million parallel universes must be traversed

      at the same time. Just on the road in this block,

      there will be 10 million male protagonists running in amazement at each other.

      It is more likely that the heroine had just finished washing her...

    User comments

      ( 49 ) Add comments

    • By Cordelia 2022-03-28 09:01:12

      Time travel is not...

    • By Arne 2022-03-28 09:01:12

      First of all, I sighed again: The milk of "Terror Cruise" has nurtured batch after batch of screenwriters...//Then, most audiences did not underestimate this film, but the director's ability was not good. For example, "Inception" is also complicated, but the story is very clear, smooth, and exciting, and then it became a classic. So, if the director can't do it, it won't work, don't blame the audience. In the same way, the director himself has messed up the story, and no matter how detailed the...

    • By Johnathan 2022-03-27 09:01:20

      Small-cost parallel universe...

    • By Mortimer 2022-03-27 09:01:20

      If you drink too much, your IQ is not enough to watch movies with a strong focus on science and engineering. = =. After reading the first-ranked L movie review, I think it is very exciting and I agree with the explanation that at least abby is a variable (the lines in the film do hint at this point). The script is good, the propulsion is not very attractive, but the tone is the chillwave style I...

    • By Addison 2022-03-27 09:01:20

      Poster, double exposure, beautiful colors. Parallel time and space A very underrated unpopular film, a rigorous and neat time and space travel...

    Evaluation action

    I believe that, like many people, I was at a loss after watching this movie. I feel that there are always some plots that have not been explained clearly. But I watched the discussion of netizens on foreign forums, and at the same time played it back myself, I think this movie is really shocking. The following analysis of the plot, pure dry goods, including spoilers.
      (Please forgive the style of writing in science and engineering...)...
    more about Synchronicity Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Jim Beale: How do I know I can really trust you?

      Abby: How do I know I can really trust you?

      Jim Beale: The ID number matches the one that came through the wormhole. But that's probably just a coincidence.

      Abby: You people don't believe in coincidences.

      Jim Beale: Sure we do. Yeah. Einstein himself said that they're "God's way of remaining anonymous."

    • Jim Beale: Time is our only real currency.

    • Jim Beale: Matty, you ever been to a Native American orgy?

      Matty: No.

      Jim Beale: It's fucking intense.

      Matty: I don't get it.