

  • Director: Stanley Kubrick
  • Writer: Dalton Trumbo,Howard Fast,Peter Ustinov
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: November 17, 1960
  • Runtime: 3h 17min
  • Also known as: Spartacus: Rebel Against Rome
  • "Spartacus" is a historical film directed by Stanley Kubrick and starring Kirk Douglas , Laurence Olivier , Jean Simmons , Charles Laughton and others.
    The film tells the story of the slaves in ancient Rome who rose up to resist because of the tyranny of the slave owners and rebelled under the leadership of Spartacus   .
    In December 2017, he was selected into the list of protected films by the Library of Congress   .


    • Release date November 17, 1960
    • Filming locations Hearst Castle, San Simeon, California, USA
    • Production companies Bryna Productions

    Box office


    $12,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 51 ) Add reviews

    • By Hattie 2022-03-26 09:01:04

      [Film Review] Spartacus (1960) 8.2/10

      Nigh the dog end of Hollywood's studio era, a young Kubrick replaced Anthony Mann to direct this 1st century BC historical epic, which later he disowned for want of a carte blanche within his directorial remit.

      That said, SPARTACUS is anything but a nondescript product out of Hollywood's assembly line, carrying a humongous budget around $12 million, it provides Kubrick a fecund playground to...

    • By Rosie 2022-03-26 09:01:04

      Times Choice

      The Spartan uprising, known before, is still not a commendable content in high school textbooks. After watching this movie, I have a brief understanding of that period of history. This movie, I think, shows the process of that period of history relatively "completely", and the sense of picture is still very strong. From the initiation to the development to the end, the director tries his best to express "oppression and choice". The ending of "Spartak's Descendants Free" may also express the...

    • By Adela 2022-03-25 09:01:06

      Freedom is a necessity for every man of seed, like blood

      At the beginning, it was said that freedom was the effort of Spartacus, but it didn't appear until two thousand years later. After reading the film review, I knew that this was not Kubrick's favorite work, probably because it was a romantic movie, with passionate music throughout. , beautiful picture, touching love, and even the ending is very perfect and touching, this is indeed a mediocre work.

      About Greece, about Rome, about the United States, about Western civilization, I...

    • By Payton 2022-03-25 09:01:06

      be free or die

      Kubrick's 1960 movie, 50th anniversary edition, huge 8.7g, bad wifi, mobile phone download for 4 nights, 3 hours and 16 minutes.

      In 209 BC, when the tyrant Qin II, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang revolted, opening the door to the demise of the Qin Empire. Before that, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were both peasants who could no longer suffer from poverty. Chen Sheng was a long-term worker, and Wu Guang was a poor man. They were recruited by tyranny to build the lofty and long Great Wall. The heavy...

    • By Berta 2022-03-25 09:01:06

      great war movie

      A great commander-in-chief, a true representative of the ancient proletariat. When the Roman phalanxes approached the insurgents one by one in the distance, I realized the beauty of war. Back then, the era without CG was created by group performances. Too bad there were no videotapes at that time. Some shots can only be experienced once, and if you want to watch it again, it will be gone. Later, I bought a book of "Spartacus" in the bookstore, and I probably understood the whole plot. It should...

    User comments

      ( 107 ) Add comments

    • By Marcelina 2022-04-24 07:01:05

      Although Kubrick was ashamed to admit it was his...

    • By Fabian 2022-04-24 07:01:05

      It's not easy to portray the characters in such a big scene. The principal acted like a thief, and he almost finished it. The dubbing of this old version was silent when Crassus and the slave were taking a bath. I listened to it. After a while, it's not a love story, why didn't it...

    • By Maybell 2022-04-24 07:01:05

      It's said to be the only film that Kubrick didn't fully control because he was taking someone else's job, but within his control, he's done the best he can. Kubrick's skillful display of grand war scenes can be called a great director! After digital restoration, the Blu-ray image is quite outstanding, which once again shows the ultimate pursuit of the image by the library guide. When Varinia appeared, she could clearly see the effect of the soft-focus mirror, which was very...

    • By Zion 2022-04-24 07:01:05

      Although it does not have Kubrick's style, it does not affect its being a good movie. The old Douglas is really handsome, and the young Douglas is more sexy. The rhythm of the 1960s, the soundtrack of the 1960s, and the style of the lines in the 1960s, when I think of the flesh-and-blood Spartan 300, there really is a sense of time splash. ....

    • By Myrna 2022-04-24 07:01:05

      The slave uprising at the end of the Roman Republic, the revolution started in BC did not end until this year, more than 2,000 years later. The citizens of Rome and the current middle class, the slaves all over the Mediterranean and the people at the bottom of the society, the parliamentarians of Rome and the powerful people... The society seems to have no...

    Shooting process

    Originally Douglas appointed Anthony Mann as the director, but Stanley Kubrick succeeded Anthony Mann as the director of the film a week after filming started. The film cost 12 million U.S. dollars and was filmed for 167 days. More than 10,000 people participated in the filming. The film was shot in the castle of American media tycoon William Radolph Hirst, where the 1972 "Godfather" was also shot. The war scenes in the film were shot...
    more about Spartacus Shooting process

    Evaluation action

    This epic film on a grand scale, through a true narrative of history, shows the eternal war of freedom of mankind. The director Kubrick used his unique film language to let Spartacus perform human love and promise on the magnificent historical stage   . (Netease Entertainment Review)
    In addition to the majestic appearance, the film also has a delicate and vivid description of the inner world of the main characters and the drama of...
    more about Spartacus Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Lentulus Biatatus: [reacting to a slow servant] The sun's over there! I have to pay these people!

    • Marcus Licinius Crassus: Did you truly believe 500 years of Rome could so easily be delivered to the clutches of a mob? Already the bodies of 6000 crucified slaves line along the Appian Way. Tomorrow the last of their companions will fight to their death in the temple of my fathers as a sacrifice to them. As those slaves have died, so will your rabble... if they falter one instant in loyalty to the new order of affairs. Arrests are in progress. The prisons began to fill. In every city and province, lists of the disloyal have been compiled. Tomorrow, they will learn the cost of their terrible folly... their treason.

      Gracchus: Where does my name appear on the list of the disloyal enemies of the state?

      Marcus Licinius Crassus: First. Yet, I have no desire of vengeance upon you. Your property shall not be touched. You will retain the rank and title of a Roman Senator. A house... a farmhouse in Picenum has been provided for your exile. You may take your women with you.

      Gracchus: Why am I to be left so conspicuously alive?

      Marcus Licinius Crassus: Your followers are deluded enough to trust you. I intend that you shall speak to them tomorrow for their own good, their peaceful and profitable future. From time to time thereafter, I may find it useful to bring you back to Rome to continue your duty to her, to calm the envious spirit and the troubled mind. You will persuade them to accept destiny and order and trust the gods!

    • Batiatus: There I was, better than a millionaire in the morning and a penniless refugee by nightfall with nothing but these rags and my poor flesh to call of my own. All because of Crassus decides to break his journey at Capua with a couple of capricious, over-painted nymphs! These two daughters of Venus had to taunt the gladiators, force them to fight to the death and before I knew what had happened, *revolution* on my hands!

      Gracchus: What revenge have you in mind?

      Batiatus: I sold Crassus this woman, Varinia. May the gods give her wens. There was no contract, but she was clearly his slave as soon as the deal was made. Now she's off with Spartacus killing people in their beds. And Crassus, no mention of the money, no!

      Gracchus: You never offered me this woman. Why not?

      Batiatus: Well, she's not remotely your type, Gracchus. She is very thin and...

      Gracchus: Look around you. You'll see women of all sizes. 500 sesterces deposit on Varinia. Since he hasn't paid, this gives me first call over Crassus.

      Batiatus: May the Gods adore you! Why would you buy a woman that you have never seen?

      Gracchus: To annoy Crassus, of course, and to help you.