Shrek 2

Shrek 2

  • Director: Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury, Conrad Vernon
  • Writer: William Steig,Andrew Adamson,Joe Stillman
  • Countries of origin: United States, Japan
  • Language: English
  • Release date: May 19, 2004
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Sound mix: DTS, Dolby Digital, SDDS
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Шрек 2
  • "Shrek2" is a 2004 computer animated comedy movie. The film is produced and distributed by DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. , and is the sequel to the 2001 animation work " Shrek ". The film was directed by Andrew Adamson , Kelly Aspoli and Conrad Vernon , and dubbed by Mike Myers , Edward Regan Murphy , Cameron Diaz and others. In April 2004, the film participated in the 57th Cannes Film Festival competition   , and was nominated for the "Palmola" and was released in the United States on May 19, 2004.
    The film tells that Shrek and the Princess Fiona he rescued got married. The couple threw off their donkeys with super light bulbs and amplifiers and went on their honeymoon. 


    • Release date May 19, 2004
    • Filming locations Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Production companies Dreamworks Pictures, Pacific Data Images (PDI), DreamWorks Animation

    Box office


    $150,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 33 ) Add reviews

    • By Tara 2022-03-20 09:01:09

      After being together

      Meng turned by a cat in boots

      In fairy tales, there are not only stories of princes and princesses, but also stories of monsters and princesses transformed into monsters. When they were together and passed the honeymoon period smoothly, the next thing they need to face is the world and future life.
      Shrek has a little inferiority complex and wants to be handsome. This is what every "ugly kid"...

    • By Nat 2022-03-19 09:01:02

      "Shrek 2": Change for Love

      Copyright: Please indicate the original source and author information and this statement is reproduced the form of hyperlinks

      first very nice, of course, want to see the next one.

      I'm still looking at Taiwanese distribution, the plot is still the continuation of the first set of patterns, spoofing to the end. The princess was originally born in a kingdom called "Far Away". When the parents knew that she was...

    • By Shawna 2022-03-19 09:01:02

      Terribly far away excitement

      It's better than the first one. The story has begun to break away from traditional fairy tales and has already moved on another road. The king summoned the two to return to the country. This country is really far away. It took a long time to sit in the carriage. The way two people are now can scare ghosts to death! Sure enough, when the troubles in the country became serious, the old king desperately blocked him, and a handsome love rival appeared. The mother of the love rival was still a great...

    • By Noel 2022-03-19 09:01:02

      True and perfect, who is more reasonable?

      2004-8-30 21:48:00 A

        long, long time ago, there was a kingdom far, far away, and the kingdom had a very beautiful princess...
        But... the beautiful princess was unfortunately under a vicious curse!
        So ...... she is placed in a very distant spire of the castle very far away, waiting for her prince charming hit exclude hardships affectionate kiss to her, since you can live a happy life ......
        It turned out that fate and It's not so pretty, but I just make oth

    • By Ignatius 2022-03-19 09:01:02

      A work that continues the subversive style

      The biggest subversion this time is the image of the godmother in "Cinderella" (in fact, "Cinderella" does not have a godmother in all versions of the story). The godmother who was supposed to be a good person has become a villain in the animation. In addition, the human prince who was supposed to save the princess now appeared in front of Shrek and started a battle with him over lovers.
      This time the godmother played a very important role in it. On the one hand, she wanted to do...

    User comments

      ( 106 ) Add comments

    • By Kim 2023-04-25 20:24:07

      I like the theme song of the movie~Love is an accident~Whether you are a prince or a green...

    • By Laurianne 2022-04-24 07:01:02

      Terrible as always. . . Hahahahaha. . . . Talking donkey is so...

    • By Timothy 2022-04-24 07:01:02

      i've watched it 4 times... and it still touches my heart. i love the muffin man episodes and episodes of the animals rescueing Shrek. so...

    • By Rhett 2022-04-24 07:01:02

      The second half is better, the plot of Mission Impossible is funny, and it sells cute...

    • By Toby 2022-04-24 07:01:02

      Every princess needs a prince charming! ! !...

    Movie plot

    A long time ago, Shrek married Princess Fiona he saved. The couple threw off their donkeys with super light bulbs and megaphones to spend their happy and romantic honeymoon. The young couple are very sweet. When they returned to the swamp, they received an invitation letter from a "far away country." Fiona’s parents, King Havold and Queen Lillian, wanted to invite their long-separated daughter and Chenglong, who had never met, to come...
    more about Shrek 2 Movie plot

    Advanced lighting technology

    "Shrek 2" made two technological breakthroughs in the production process: light bounce shader (similar to global light illumination) and subsurface scattering technology. In "Shrek 2", 80% of the lenses used global light illumination technology.
    The "light bounce shader" was developed by DreamWorks, whose function is to make light bounce naturally from one surface to another. For example, there is only one small lamp in a dark room, but...
    more about Shrek 2 Advanced lighting technology

    Facial animation system expresses subtle and complex expressions

    In the past, CG characters were always hard to escape from stiff movements and false expressions. This can be said to have been greatly improved in "Shrek 2". The "facial animation system" developed by DreamWorks is the hero behind the scenes. Its complex layering system can express the inner emotions conveyed by the characters' facial expressions.
    The modeler first creates a skull for the character on the computer, then adds a piece of...
    more about Shrek 2 Facial animation system expresses subtle and complex expressions

    Dynamic movement of hair simulation wig production line

    Rendering realistic hair is another challenge faced by animators. The studio specially invited a master who specializes in making wigs to explain the production methods, colors and styles of various hairstyles to the animators. After some "professional training", animators all laughed and said that they had become a hair stylist, and called the process of simulating hair with a computer as a "wig production line", which included...
    more about Shrek 2 Dynamic movement of hair simulation wig production line

    New ideas

    The film's parody style of famous film scenes is more interesting, and this form has never appeared in previous cartoons, even in other forms of film, it is definitely not so concentrated and refreshing. In the honeymoon that Shrek and Princess Fiona spent, I saw some classic unforgettable shots and props of the movie, but the directors showed them in a hilarious way.
    In addition to imitating movies, this film is full of inspiration for...
    more about Shrek 2 New ideas

    Comedy style

    "Shrek 2" has a humor that traditional prince and princess stories have never dared to show. Those dialogues are not pure rap and amusement. The second part of the movie not only inherits the anti-traditional tendencies in the first part, but the entire movie is a game of humanity, although at the end of the movie, the reunion of Shrek and Fiona once again made the audience’s tears of familiar warmth in Hollywood. In the middle of the...
    more about Shrek 2 Comedy style

    Movie quotes

    • Donkey: [from their hiding place] Get your fine Corinthian footwear and your cat cheeks out of my face!

    • Blind Mouse: [muffled] Pardon me. Would you mind letting me go?

      Shrek: What? Puss!

      Puss-in-Boots: [spits Blind Mouse out] Sorry, boss.

    • [as Shrek and Harold get into a fight]

      Donkey: I got to go to the bathroom...

      Chef: Dinner is served!

      Donkey: Never mind. I can hold it.