$1,200,000 (estimated)
$1,200,000 (estimated)
Movie reviews
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By Jayme 2022-10-11 20:48:03
The dew point is successful, the plot has
A movie I watched entirely for Linda Blair, I thought she was cute when she was in "The Exorcist", but in the future, although she received a lot of films, they were rarely outstanding. I only watched it in "International Airport 1975" She played a sick little girl; so when she saw the domineering poster of her leather short stick printed on the e-Donkey's release column, and it also took the first place in the cast list, she happily downloaded it. In the past, the image of Linda was limited to...
User comments
( 12 )
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By Beth 2023-04-23 18:04:50
Evil pure! This should be reported! 5-6...
By Annette 2023-03-31 13:30:50
Revenge movies are good...
By Alexane 2023-03-04 06:59:38
Golden years, popmetal is so good. The exorcist's lingering poison is too deep, this doodle face can only remind me of the...
By Danielle 2023-01-29 22:15:50
It's a pity that revenge came too late and wasn't cool...
By Jakob 2022-12-03 18:20:17
Really generous in terms of dew points, the gang must have never seen the exorcist shouldn't mess with Linda/laugh and...
Brenda: [has the upper hand on Jake] See? I told you to stay where you were. Now look what you got yourself into. You know what you look like? You look like a pig in a slaughterhouse, ready to butcher.
[opens her switchblade]
Brenda: You ever wonder what a pig must feel like, before they slit his throat? Or cut his balls off? Couldn't have been any worse than my sister must of felt. Or Francine? She was pregnant.
Brenda: [Jake spits at her] Fucking bastard. It's not gonna be quick, Jake.
Brenda: [after Jake finds Fargo and Red dead in the warehouse] YOU'RE NEXT... ASSHOLE!
Jake: [after Jake has emptied his pistol trying to shoot Brenda] BRENDA! I didn't get you, did I?
Brenda: [stepping out from the shadows] No, Jake... ya didn't get me! But I'm definitely gonna get you.