Reign Over Me

Reign Over Me

  • Director: Mike Binder
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: March 23, 2007
  • Sound mix: SDDS, Dolby Digital, DTS
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: Empty City
  • "Reign Over Me" is a feature film directed by Mike Binder and starring Don Cheadle and Adam Sandler . It was released in the United States on March 23, 2007.
    The film tells the story of dentist Charlie Farman after the "September 11 Incident", when he met his friend Alan Johnson and walked out of sad memories with the help of his friend   .


    • Release date March 23, 2007
    • Filming locations Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Production companies Relativity Media, Madison 23, Sunlight Productions

    Box office


    $20,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 97 ) Add reviews

    • By Clare 2022-04-23 07:02:18

      From the heart

      The soft and relaxing music brought me into Reign Over Me
         , the figure riding a motorcycle that symbolized America's freedom, openness, independence, and it was deeply imprinted in my mind.
        The previous understanding of 911 only stopped at how many people died or regretted the collapse of such a majestic high-rise building, but never thought about their impact on the lives of ordinary people.
        The pain of losing his wife and three daughters is vividly reflected in Chalie....

    • By Rubye 2022-04-23 07:02:18

      A successful transformation of comedy tragedy.

      A story in the shape of flowing water, telling the story of a soul saving a soul, a very good movie. What shocked me even more was that a well-known actor who had been doing comedy all the time, actually played this tragic man to the core of his heart. My favorite line is also the one that almost burst into tears: You can only see them clearly through the photos, and I walk on the street every day and see all the people who are them, clearly, and the poodle. You can still have each other, how...

    • By Wiley 2022-04-23 07:02:18

      Lonely heart lock needs a key to open

      Open your heart to let people see everything about you. It's a communication between souls, and it's a better feeling than anything. However, if you open your heart to the wrong person or to someone who is not completely correct, sometimes you will not feel, understand, and communicate, and you will only be hurt. The heart is blinded and created by such hurts again and again. A solitary offbeat group · Others say they are weird, only they know it's what others don't understand Although they...

    • By Wallace 2022-04-23 07:02:18

      Coincidence on the night of 9/11

      The American people in the film will never forget the disaster, especially the disaster that was imposed on them. Like 911.
      It is also seen in the film that an American who has suffered a disaster can indulge in his own world and repeat what he wants to do. With the generous government compensation, at the very least, he has no financial worries.

      Are there such people around us? It seems rude and offends others, but it is actually out of control. Repeated refusal to help is...

    • By Rahsaan 2022-04-23 07:02:18

      too slow

      I like the music at the beginning of the film, it gives people a carefree feeling, but it doesn't match the status quo of the two protagonists at the beginning. . .
      9/11 caused great pain to those involved, and Charlie was one of them. Because of the fear that he closed himself up, he did not dare to think about his wife and daughter's dog who died in the accident. Whenever he accidentally touched it, he would fall into grief and lose control. . Because he blamed himself for impatiently...

    User comments

      ( 91 ) Add comments

    • By Rogelio 2023-09-02 02:38:27

      The film was made a little painless, but a story similar to Rain Man did not capture that moving. . . Sandler should really do a good job in comedy. . . I admit I laughed. ....

    • By Abel 2023-07-27 21:12:47

      When Charlie, who lost his wife and children in despair and autism, met Alan, who was lost in a small self-space, the two men who were also trapped in family problems healed each other strangely. It was lucky to have such a friendship. It is also the description of the post-disaster crowd. Sometimes the description from the perspective of foreigners is always so human and always so meticulous. If we look at the domestic directors, they will always only pursue the superficial touch. When will...

    • By Amiya 2023-06-12 00:15:03

      film about friendship? maybe.but you see all that black people and white people, mental disease, 9/11, losing family, losing memory, Psychologist, it's a perfec movie for analisy! i'll dowload and just...

    • By Al 2023-05-30 11:12:37

      Adam Sandler acted very well, I cried when I saw what he said to his parents-in-law when he came out of the courtroom, really, only he knows the pain and feelings he feels, and it's hard for others to do it. Really feel...

    • By Lina 2023-04-25 01:54:55

      WTF?! I downloaded the "blind" version of the movie, which means it has a detailed descriptive voice-over, and I totally thought it was the director's elaborate sequence, and I thought it was extremely clever to make a mediocre The movie got smarter and cleverer, and I wrote this comment: "The voice-over works in the same way as the plot: every next step is expected. Then the movie can only be a wonderful fairy tale, profound I can't talk about it, and the good news is that the director doesn't...

    Movie plot

    In the early morning of September 11, 2001, two huge explosions occurred in the busiest area of ​​New York. This major accident known as the "September 11 terrorist attack" has long left deep wounds in the hearts of many New Yorkers and the families of other injured parties. On this day, Adam Sandler , who also lost a loved one under the rubble of the World Trade Center hit by a flight , has since lost interest in life. It was also...
    more about Reign Over Me Movie plot

    Creative Background

    Mike Binder has always wanted to write a story about friendship. When people encounter difficulties, they need a friend around them to help themselves out of the trough. And the central idea of ​​the film is'communication'-two men walk together and start chatting. On September 11, 2001, when the tragedy happened in New York, Mike Binder happened to be in New York. On that day, he witnessed many people on the street with panic and...
    more about Reign Over Me Creative Background

    Evaluation action

    "Reign Over Me" commemorates the September 11th incident from different angles compared with the previous works of the same type "World Trade Building" and "Flight 93". This is a new attempt. It chooses a civilian perspective and confronts the terrible with ordinary people's stories. Day (Sohu Entertainment Review)  .
    In "Reign Over Me", when Adam Sandler's performance did not miss a moment, Don Chandler also played a self-respecting...
    more about Reign Over Me Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Donna Remar: I have this odd sense of intimacy towards you. I don't even know why. I told my shrink about it, and she said I should act on it.

      Alan Johnson: Oh, she did? Well, you need to get a new shrink. Get several. And get a new dentist, too.

    • Alan Johnson: Are you having fun?

      Charlie Fineman: To tell you the truth, I kinda am, Johnson. I, uh, it's nice to see you in the soup like this. I'm not used to it. Any chance of you getting audited this week? That would make things even better. Or maybe we could go somewhere and you could burn your tongue on some pizza. How would you like that?

    • Angela Oakhurst: You wait for me enough times out on the street though, you might owe me some dental work.