

  • Director: Ben Younger
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: October 28, 2005
  • Sound mix: DTS, Dolby Digital, SDDS
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Mi novia secreta
  • "Prime" is a romantic comedy film directed by Ben Young and starring Uma Thurman , Meryl Streep and Bryan Greenberg  . It was released in the United States on October 28, 2005 .
    The film is based on the British TV series of the same name. It tells the story of Rafi's sibling relationship with a disparity in age under the encouragement of the psychiatrist Lisa. Unexpectedly, she accidentally discovered that her boyfriend was Lisa’s only son, and the relationship between the three began to grow Development in an unpredictable direction   .


    • Release date October 28, 2005
    • Filming locations Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
    • Production companies Prime Film Productions LLC, Stratus Film Co., Team Todd

    Box office


    $22,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 56 ) Add reviews

    • By Adrian 2022-04-19 09:02:34

      101 minutes of verbosity

      According to the data, this film is a story made by the director himself, and I think it may be because of this that he cannot make a more concise treatment of the film.

      Movies are not novels. Movies should pay more attention to the language of the shots rather than the dialogue. The quality of the dialogue can improve the quality of a film, but it is not the task of the film to rely on dialogue to narrate. The overly lengthy dialogue in the film makes many scenes boring and...

    • By Alessandro 2022-04-19 09:02:34

      Thurman is enough

      A romantic comedy is most appropriate in a relaxed and entertaining state of mind.
      The plot is full of drama, as a 37-year-old woman meets a 23-year-old man and falls in love. A woman's psychiatrist is also a man's mother. Regardless, the ending is reasonable. After their life trajectories intersect, they move on, and then drift away.
      The film I watched some time ago, and now the plot and lines are blurred. But none of that matters. Uma Thurman's presence is enough. Her demeanor is...

    • By Rodolfo 2022-04-19 09:02:34

      insurmountable regret

      I watched an HBO movie before I came back to sleep from the night shift, but I didn't see the beginning. After searching it, it was called "Spring Heart" ("Prime"), about the love between a 37-year-old woman who just got divorced and a 23-year-old man The story, this woman is played by the heroine (Uma Thurman) in "Kill Bill". At first, she was not used to watching her strong and feminine performances. Later, she became more and more beautiful, and she looked like she was only 27 years old. She...

    • By Turner 2022-04-19 09:02:34

      Love also respects human nature

      It is rare to selectively watch pure love films. After watching too many episodes where the protagonists end up together after twists and turns, they will feel boring. I can accept all the happy endings in fairy tales in cartoons, but watching adults together like princes and princesses in fairy tales, thinking about who has never lived, no matter how fragile they are, they don't need fake perfection.
      David, a 23-year-old boy, fell in love with a 37-year-old divorced woman named Lafite....

    • By Krystal 2022-04-19 09:02:34

      Truth goes left, art goes right

      The movie I copied from my classmates didn't have much expectations for how exciting the plot would be, but the English title "Prime" was translated into "Spring Heart Ripple", which still aroused my curiosity and unwillingness: because of "Spring Heart" "And curious, I am unwilling to be translated into such a name that satisfies people's curiosity for such a good word "Prime". Finally, one night last week, I clicked on this movie, and after watching it, I was glad I clicked on it, an...

    User comments

      ( 89 ) Add comments

    • By Eleonore 2023-04-24 22:36:17

      In fact, it's okay, but I can't recommend a movie like the old cow eating the tender grass. ....

    • By Laurianne 2023-03-28 20:58:25

      Uma Thurman is my love!...

    • By Polly 2022-04-24 07:01:17

      Meryl's acting is...

    • By Shana 2022-04-24 07:01:17

      The ending that feels in line with reality is the more contrary to the real...

    • By Ian 2022-04-24 07:01:17

      I thought we'd be together in the end. Does the age gap really matter, I doubt...

    Movie plot

    Lafite ( played by Uma Thurman ) is a Manhattan woman who has just divorced. At the age of 37, even though she has a successful career, she is uncertain about the future because of love. An unexpected encounter made Duff ( Bryan Greenberg ), a 23-year-old talented painter from Brooklyn, fall in love with Lafite. Although Lafite also admired the energetic Duff, the huge difference in age between the two always made her scrupulous.

    Evaluation action

    In addition to the collaboration of two Hollywood actresses, Uma Thurman and Meryl Streep, "Prime" has also become a major selling point of the film, which is a growing phenomenon in modern society. In fact, movies of this kind of subject matter are not new, but compared with many increasingly impetuous and vulgar Hollywood youth comedies, this film can be regarded as a work that reflects social reality very deeply. The performance of...
    more about Prime Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • [first lines]

      Lisa Metzger: Oh, I'm sorry. It's so hot in here, and I can't figure this stupid thing!

    • Morris: Meeting Michelle! What are you going to see, "Beaches"?

      David Bloomberg: You are the wind beneath my wings, man!

      Morris: Hey, did you ever know that you're my hero?

    • Blanch: Jeff Rosenberg's son got engaged yesterday. To a speech therapist!