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By Seamus 2022-03-12 08:01:02
"Pillow Whisper" in the movie book
By Nola 2022-03-12 08:01:02
Everything I Know About Rock Hudson
How did you feel when you saw his face for the first time? Handsome, charming, and dashing, typical of the Hollywood gentleman of the 50s and 70s. His name is - Rock. Hudson. In addition to his burly and tall figure of more than 1.90 meters, he became popular in Hollywood in the 1950s and 1970s. He was an idol in everyone's heart, an infatuated hero in love movies, a hero in action movies, and an elegant little boy in comedy movies. ...Yes, such a face in that era would really become the most...
By Briana 2022-03-12 08:01:02
Confused Romance, Confused Values, Two Worlds, One Man - Hollywood Classic Romance Movie
Hollywood romantic comedies, generally speaking, are two middle-class men and women who don't like each other's eyes. A variety of accidental conflicts and so on, but it's not a problem, because all fools know that they are a couple in the end. The general social status, taste, and conversation of the male and female protagonists are absolutely above the standard, and they often have some talents, such as singing and piano skills.
In fact, to put it bluntly, just like the talented and...
By Makenna 2022-03-12 08:01:02
I feel like there is something wrong with Aaron's character
Constantly changing women, grabbing friends' favorite objects. No matter how handsome he is, no matter how talented he is, his character is scumbag, a typical scumbag. Constantly changing women, grabbing friends' favorite objects. No matter how handsome he is, no matter how talented he is, his character is scumbag, a typical scumbag. Constantly changing women, grabbing friends' favorite objects. No matter how handsome he is, no matter how talented he is, his character is scumbag, a typical...
By Kristy 2022-03-12 08:01:02
Telephone love, classic love sketches triggered by shared lines
"Pillow Talk" is a classic romantic comedy film co-starred by the golden romantic comedy partners Doris Day and Rock Hudson who stunned the screen. It has achieved great results both in word of mouth and in business. So later, he co-starred in the two films "Lover Come Back" and "Send Me No Flowers".
Doris Day made great achievements in music and movies back then. Her image is lively and healthy. Although she is not particularly bright and moving or sexy, she reveals a very smart and...
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By Will 2023-05-03 03:07:28
A boring comedy, people at that time were really easy to...
By Jaiden 2022-04-24 07:01:25
The film has definitely not stood the test of time. Those scenes of sexual violence seem really uncomfortable today. There are also many loopholes in the plot. But the whole movie is still very entertaining. Both stars are charming and have funny lines. Better than many movies out...
By Alfonso 2022-04-24 07:01:25
Doris Day is so cute! Rock Hudson is tall and strong xp explosion le (the film's central idea: good men are peasant men and bronze...
By Demarcus 2022-04-24 07:01:25
The domestic comedy mentioned by Almodóvar in "The Woman on the...
By Green 2022-04-24 07:01:25
Quite interesting, finally saw the famous split screen! I remember the first Rock Hudson movie I watched was Legend of the Giants. I really thought he was so handsome at the time. After knowing his gay identity, I didn't think he was attractive at all in this...
[Tony is driving Jan home; he pulls the car over and starts kissing and groping her]
Jan: [she shoves him away] Oh! Tony, please!
Tony Walters: Jan! You're so... so primitive!
Jan: [he leans into her again] Oh! Tony, control yourself! Remember, you're a *Harvard* man!
Tony Walters: [she shoves him away again] Not tonight, baby; I'm on vacation!
Jan: [he leans into her again] Oh, stop it! You're only 21!
Tony Walters: I dig older women!
Jan: [she tries slapping his hands away, to no avail] Oh! I've never seen a boy with so many *arms* before! Tony, so help me, I'm going to tell your mother!
Tony Walters: [pause as he gets off her] It's your word against mine.
Jan: [he leans into her again; she shoves him away and raises a clenched fist] Look! I've never belted a Phi Beta Kappa...
Tony Walters: Okay, okay, I'll take you home...
Jan: Okay.
Tony Walters: ...if you promise to stop and have one drink with me.
Jan: [looks at him sternly] *No*.
Jan: [he leans into her again] Ah! I'm certainly in no condition for *this*. Now, will you *please* start this car?
[Tony grins as he starts the car, and proceeds to take her to a nightclub]
[Tony has taken Jan to a nightclub; he's drunk while she hasn't even touched her glass. Sitting at the table next to them is the other end of Jan's party line, Brad, who she's never met]
Tony Walters: Come on, come on, drink up. You're still on your first one.
Jan: Tony, your mother is going to be terribly worried about you. Now, what do you say I *pour* you into a cab and send you home?
Tony Walters: You know something? You are being very uncooperative.
Jan: [rolls her eyes] Oh...
Tony Walters: Ah, come on, Jan!
[Brad overhears this and starts eavesdropping]
Tony Walters: Finish your drink! It's very nourishing!
Jan: [pushes her glass towards him] Will you please stop trying to get me drunk?
Tony Walters: Drunk? I'll have you know a Harvard man *never* resorts to getting a woman drunk. Except in an emergency. And *you*, Ms. Morrow...
[Brad's eyes go wide and he realizes who the woman Tony is addressing is]
Tony Walters: ...are an emergency.
Jan: Tony, I want you to get the check and let's get out of here and I mean it.
Tony Walters: No. I categorically refuse.
Jan: Alright. You can stay 'til AA comes for you. *I* am leaving.
Brad Allen: Did she cry?
Jonathan Forbes: Cry? I never knew a woman that size had that much water in her.