Phone Booth

Phone Booth

  • Director: Joel Schumacher
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English, Swahili
  • Release date: April 4, 2003
  • Runtime: 1h 21min
  • Sound mix: DTS, Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: Телефонна будка
  • "Phone Booth" is an American crime thriller directed by Joel Schumache and starring Colin Farrell , Forest Whitaker , Katie Hermos, Kiefer Sutherland and others. The film's screenwriter Larry Cohen is a front guard independent film director. The film was released in the United States on April 4, 2003.
    The film mainly tells a young man who wanted to make a phone call, but received a threatening call, warning him not to go out of the phone booth or he would be shot. The film wins with a novel idea and a tense rhythm   .


    • Release date April 4, 2003
    • Filming locations Times Square, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
    • Production companies Fox 2000 Pictures, Zucker/Netter Productions

    Box office


    $13,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 81 ) Add reviews

    • By Winona 2022-04-23 07:01:28

      Sniper phone booth look and feel

      Just imagine when a criminal holds a gun to your head and forces you to confess your sins, trading with you with the lives of you and the people around you, will you also collapse? The brilliance of the movie is that it only goes through one main scene - the phone booth tells such a tight story, without dragging, the atmosphere is tense, and the key to the plot setting is that the hero's opponent is a criminal with a high IQ, and he doesn't know where he is. The development of the story...

    • By Deron 2022-04-23 07:01:28

      Fraudster's last words at the phone booth

      Sometimes it is really difficult to be completely honest with the outside world. There are always scruples, face, dignity, social relations, etc., but in the face of people and things that you want to protect more than your own life, why not face everything calmly? . The male protagonist is smooth in his work, and his life and family are full of too many lies. He uses one lie to make up for another lie, and uses his lips to publicize the entertainment media to make a living, much like the...

    • By Brett 2022-04-23 07:01:28

      Honest to the dark side of human nature

      The rhythm of the film is relatively tight, and there is always a string in my heart. The real sniper is not the courier who delivers the pizza. From the beginning of the movie, the mysterious sniper has been carrying out psychological attacks on the protagonist, breaking the hypocritical and low-interest shell that the protagonist has maintained for a long time, and finally the protagonist dissects his dark side in front of the national media. The protagonist represents a part of the...

    • By Bobby 2022-04-23 07:01:28

      The most boring movie ever.

      The whole film doesn't feel any tension, just the urge to catch the boring and persuading criminals and beat them up.

      Can this movie be any more boring? Fast forward to the end and I just want to see if the murderer has been shot in the head, but it didn't. Spicy chicken, just a waste of time.

      Even if the labor and management are scum, it's none of your business. What kind of judge do you want to play?

      If you give a high score what to say about human nature, please shut...

    • By Tara 2022-04-23 07:01:28

      minimal room play

      Short and shrewd, the meaning is simple, and the intention is sinister! Hitchcock legacy! As the protagonist who lives a life with a bright appearance and a chaotic inner heart, like thousands of mediocre people who are running around for life, but one day, you find yourself in a dangerous corner, God gives you a lie to die threat, you will How to choose? Can't help but think of Jim Carrey's "The King of Big Talk", God gave the child a father who doesn't lie, and the sniper phone booth is...

    User comments

      ( 65 ) Add comments

    • By Katrine 2023-09-16 02:25:40

      The plot design is very good, and in the face of an investment of tens of millions of dollars at every turn, the investment in this film must be very small, as long as you choose a phone booth, you can find a place where there are not many people on the street, and the number of extras is only that much. The shots could have been shot in a couple of weeks, but the cleverness of the design made a huge impression, it's just that the film industry doesn't think about investing, otherwise it's...

    • By Constantin 2023-09-04 05:09:48

      The leader called last night, I said that I was watching this movie, and he said that you haven't seen it, I'm so happy. There are still many classic old movies waiting to be...

    • By Eliza 2023-08-16 23:00:03

      The scene in this film is almost only a phone booth on the street, but the director moves around in such a narrow space without hesitation. . From the initial slick tongue to the submissiveness when life is threatened to the final emotional outburst, Farrell has a very catchy...

    • By Alexandrine 2023-08-01 16:27:30

      A top-notch thriller, a movie you'll be reminded of every time you walk into a phone booth. Step by step, the script and Colin Farrell's performance are at their...

    • By Russell 2023-05-15 02:42:57

      "I am just a part of a big cycle of lies. I should be fucking...

    Movie plot

    Stu is an ordinary advertising salesman in New York. This day was also an ordinary day. He walked into an ordinary telephone booth and picked up an ordinary telephone receiver. However, this call was fatal. A gloomy voice on the phone told him that if he dared to hang up and leave the phone booth, he would be bloodied on the spot.
    Stu took this threat for granted as a prank, until he was about to walk out of the phone booth, a cold...
    more about Phone Booth Movie plot

    Behind the scenes gags

    Kim Carey had hoped to play Stu.
    The film is adapted from the New York University student short film "End of the Line".
    Michael Bay had planned to direct the film. Ron Elda is the first candidate to play the sniper killer.
    more about Phone Booth Behind the scenes gags

    Evaluation action

    The film has a strong dramatic meaning. The director almost abandoned the richness of the spatial level brought by the conversion of multiple scenes that the film is good at. However, the limitations brought by the lens frame have another deep meaning. Most of the time, the lens is slightly higher than the audience’s eyes. In the middle of the square screen, there is a square phone booth where the hero never leaves. Sometimes the lens...
    more about Phone Booth Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Stu: I have never done anything for anybody who couldn't do something for me. I string along an eager kid with promises I'll pay him money. I only keep him around because he looks up to me. Adam, if you're watching, don't be a publicist. You're too good for it. I lie in person and on the phone. I lie to my friends. I lie to newspapers and magazines who, who sell my lies to more and more people. I am just a part of a big cycle of lies, I should be fuckin' president. I wear all this Italian shit because underneath I still feel like the Bronx. I think I need these clothes and this watch. My two thousand dollar watch is a fake and so am I. I've neglected the things I should have valued most. I valued this shit. I take off my wedding ring to call Pam. Kelly, that's Pam. Don't blame her. I never told her I was married. And if I did she, she would have told me to go home. Kelly, looking at you now, I'm ashamed of myself. All right? I mean, I work so hard on this image, on Stu Shepherd, the asshole who refers to himself in the third person, that I only proved I should be alone. I have just been dressing up as something I'm not for so long, I'm so afraid no one will like what's underneath. But here I am, just flesh and blood and weakness, and uh and I love you so fucking much. And, um, I take off this ring because it only reminds me of how I've failed you, and I don't, don't want to give you up. I want to make things better, but it may not be my choice anymore. You deserve better.

    • The Caller: Stu, if you hang up, I will kill you.

    • The Caller: You'd shoot me if you had the chance, wouldn't you?

      Stu: With a big fucking smile on my face.

      The Caller: There's the spirit.