Olympus Has Fallen

Olympus Has Fallen

  • Director: Antoine Fuqua
  • Writer: Creighton Rothenberger,Katrin Benedikt
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English, Korean
  • Release date: March 22, 2013
  • Runtime: 1h 59min
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital, Datasat
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: White House Taken
  • "The Fall of Olympus" is directed by " Shooter " director Antoine Fuqua , co-starring Morgan Freeman , Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart . The film was released in Mainland China on December 29, 2013.
    The film tells the story of North Korean militants flying a large AC130 military aircraft and the White House traitors colluding inside and outside to capture The White House, capture the President, and attempt to control the nuclear button to destroy the United States. However, the brave male protagonist turned the tide and not only saved the President at a critical moment. He also destroyed the conspiracy of terrorists, and finally became the hero of the whole United States.


    • Release date March 22, 2013
    • Filming locations Bossier City, Louisiana, USA
    • Production companies Millennium Films, Millennium Films, G-BASE

    Box office


    $70,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 111 ) Add reviews

    • By Rebeka 2022-04-24 07:01:03

      On the Fall of the White House

      On the vast Internet, it is really difficult to find a movie that is well-received and well-received and fits your temperament. Therefore, when I saw the poster of the movie "The White House Has Fallen", I was still a little excited, thinking that I could see a film comparable to "The Fall of the Rock". In such a high-end atmosphere and arrogant picture, coupled with the YY plot of the White House being abused, I felt a sense of national pride, so I downloaded pirated copies from the Internet...

    • By Alden 2022-04-24 07:01:03

      Goryeo's dream, the real hero has been vilified

      [The plot is as follows, arranged in chronological order, the plot is more exciting than what I wrote]:
      1. The male protagonist is a macho (not handsome, but his sexual ability is good in appearance), and he has a good relationship with the president, and plays perverted boxing together. Also responsible for keeping the President safe.
      2. The accident happened. The president's car was accidentally hit by a meteor from the sky. Somehow the hero killed the first lady. Everyone laughed...

    • By Emmanuel 2022-04-23 07:01:25

      Mike is a god

      Let's not talk about the flaws in the plot, just from the point of view of obscenity, this kind of anti-social and anti-human villain looks really exciting, premeditated and organized cross-border capture of the White House within 15 minutes. How can this be achieved by the celestial and other civil strife. Thinking of the scene of Zhongnanhai being occupied, I can't help but shudder. Thankfully, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television will not let this happen!
         In the...

    • By Okey 2022-04-23 07:01:25

      Looking at the posters, all three are wrists, but the result is that the film feels like flying

      North Korean terrorists infiltrated the top leader of South Korea and lowered the IQ of the entire South Korean people to a negative level. After 9/11, the unidentified military plane flew to the special zone without any obstruction, until the two stupid raptors were killed by Gatlin, and the god-level C130 and four Gatlin were like gods. The auto-targeting turned over the streets of the special zone, and the air backup (two backups were destroyed, only one came) and went back after the C130....

    • By Joelle 2022-04-23 07:01:25

      Seems like kids downstairs with squirt guns can try to occupy the White House too

      Well, this is another movie about the occupation of the White House in the United States, that's right! Just like "The Fall of the White House" that is currently being released in cinemas, is it because the old beauty wants to be abused and wants to go crazy, or is there no money to renovate the White House? This is a super American melody movie. For a Hollywood director, making such a movie is easier than ordering breakfast at the coffee shop at the door. But that's how the greatness of...

    User comments

      ( 52 ) Add comments

    • By Jaiden 2022-03-26 09:01:03

      Compared with "Shocking Crisis", it is much worse. The same theme is also the theme melody, but there are many more bugs than the latter: President Bangzi is surrounded by a group of terrorists! Credible? Stick with the gun and get off the bus! Credible? Please, this is after 9/11, okay? ! Perhaps it was the impact of "Surprise", I thought the last BOSS was Morgan Freeman! Otherwise, AC-130 enters the U.S. airspace so...

    • By Gia 2022-03-26 09:01:03

      The American emperor is simply weak. Why do I always expect Freeman to be the real mastermind behind the...

    • By Dax 2022-03-25 09:01:06

      The fall of the male god. . . . The logic of the whole film is not strong enough. ....

    • By Gloria 2022-03-25 09:01:06

      It’s enough to play "Shocking Crisis" with the same stimulus level, and popcorn is...

    • By Emmie 2022-03-25 09:01:06

      I like the protagonist very much, but no matter how good an actor is, it can't save a brain-dead plot. Does Lao Mei want to declare war with North Korea? I dare to shoot such sensitive things. But no matter how powerful North Korea is, I think that the US and the emperor have invincible heroism to save the world. In the end, the shot of the president and the male protagonist walking out of the White House supporting each other was too passionate. There are a lot of loopholes in the movie, and...

    Movie plot

    The White House, which was secretly code-named "Olympus" by the Special Intelligence Agency, was in crisis. A group of terrorists first attacked this place with heavy aircraft and machine guns, and dispatched a death squad to enter, completely occupying the President of the United States. The government also hijacked the President of the United States and used this as a threat in an attempt to control the world. At this time sitting in...
    more about Olympus Has Fallen Movie plot

    Behind the scenes gags

    The crew originally wanted Winona Reid to play the first lady, but it failed.
    The character of Secret Service Director Jobs in the film was originally a male. After Angela Bessett auditioned, the director specially modified the script for her.
    Because the weather was too hot during the shooting in Louisiana. The Animal Protection Association ordered the crew to provide air conditioning for the German Shepherd in the film between...
    more about Olympus Has Fallen Behind the scenes gags

    North America Evaluation

    The film took a lot of time to establish an emotional foundation. Thankfully, these content played a good role in the action scenes and climax scenes that followed. ( Comment on "Slant Magazine" )
    "The Fall of Olympus" has no major breakthrough in the genre of political thrillers, but Fouquay has directed a rather cunning, intense adventure film that allows you to immerse yourself in the movie from beginning to end. ( "Chicago Sun"...
    more about Olympus Has Fallen North America Evaluation

    The true love of the two heroes does not forget to gag

    The film "The Fall of Olympus" can be described in two words, namely "miserable" and "violent". The film also spent a lot of time to establish the emotional foundation, which played an effective role in the subsequent action scenes and climax scenes. The agent played by Gerald Butler and the president played by Alan Eckhart were originally a pair of siblings "good friends", but they were alienated by a tragedy that caused the president...
    more about Olympus Has Fallen The true love of the two heroes does not forget to gag

    Movie quotes

    • Mike Banning: Classified? Really? Well right now I believe I have the proverbial need to fuckin' know.

    • [Mike and Kang engage in a final battle, with Kang slowly gaining the upper hand]

      Kang: Looks like you failed again, Mike.

    • Kang: I have no interest in your nuclear launch codes. By now, your Pentagon has changed them, no? Sit.

      [Forbes and one of Kang's terrorists sits Asher down]

      President Benjamin Asher: You from the North? You sure as hell are not from the South.

      Kang: I'm working for justice, to give millions of starving men, women, and children a chance at more than just subsistence. To end the civil war your country interrupted so long ago. And yes, for a united, prosperous Korea.

      Forbes: It's a whole new world, baby.

      President Benjamin Asher: What's the going rate for souls these days?

      Forbes: [turns cross] What do you say to me?

      President Benjamin Asher: I never would've taken you for a traitor.

      Forbes: Me? What about you? You sold this country out long before I ever did. Globalization and fuckin' Wall Street! What's the cost to a presidency nowadays anyway, huh? $500 Million? I'm a fuckin' rookie compared to you!

      [Asher head-butts Forbes in the face]

      President Benjamin Asher: Gotta keep your gloves up, Forbes.