Nine Lives

Nine Lives

  • Director: Rodrigo García
  • Countries of origin: United States, Mexico
  • Language: English, Spanish, American Sign Language
  • Release date: September 2, 2005
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Dokuz Kadın
  • "Nine Lives" is a feature film directed by Rodriguez Garcia, starring Glenn Close and Holly Hunter, which was released in 2005.
    The film consists of 9 short films with different plots, each telling the life course of 9 women of different age groups in important stages of their lives.


    • Release date September 2, 2005
    • Filming locations California, USA
    • Production companies Mockingbird Pictures, Z Films, Nine Lives

    Box office


    $500,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 16 ) Add reviews

    • By Janis 2022-01-22 08:03:19

      Can you hit 0?

      After all, there is a difference between movies and novels.

      As a novel, it is possible to express a certain thought in 9 fragments.

      As a movie, there are 9 short theaters with no head and no brain, just for the simple and understandable expression of thinking, that is boring.


      Not all tear-jerkers are good plots.

      Either a miserable word or a boutique.


      This movie is like some show theater.

      Crying miserably, talking about...

    • By Terrill 2022-01-22 08:03:19

      We are connected

      It's not the first time to watch this film for more than 100 minutes composed of several seemingly independent clips and several seemingly unrelated characters.
        The year before last there was "Ten minutes older" (Ten minutes older), which contained fifteen short stories of ten minutes: Bernardo Bertolucci's "Water Story", Mike Feggis' "About Time" ", Yili Manzuo "A Moment", Estefan Saber "Ten Minutes Later", Claire Dennis "Facing Nancy", Volker Schrondorf "Enlightenment", Michael...

    • By Shanon 2022-01-22 08:03:19

      About the last story

      The last scene is the most intriguing. There are a few details:
            1 When the mother took out the grapes, the daughter said: You have not forgotten
            2 When the mother said about grandpa, she said: Everyone is carrying a burden. The daughter said: I can't remember my grandfather. After saying this, my mother walked away and went down to the tree to pour water. (The tone of this dialogue clearly feels that the one in the tomb is not the grandfather.)
            3 The daughter...

    • By Lesly 2022-01-22 08:03:19

      Simple people, complicated lives, bravely live now

      I still don’t understand and look back at the Nine Lives

      Article 1: The prisoner Sandra took the initiative to clean. The Officer told her the routine here. Don’t let everyone here know you. Only 5 minutes of jail visit, the phone is really broken, the kind of despair and failure in front of her daughter don’t want to grow old. Staying in this prison after that, just like that old woman;A woman will make mistakes and enter prison. If you want to behave well, the unspoken rule...

    • By Blake 2022-01-22 08:03:19

      Life is burdened to move forward

      Many people are feeling'this is life'. I admit that I don't know what they want to express. Let me talk about my feelings after reading it.
      Every story in the movie is more or less connected. The connection is not important. The world can be very big or small, depending on how you grasp it. Everyone has their own past or future. We all carry our own baggage and baggage. Those who make us feel tired and think we cannot bear the weight of life, in fact, we are all silently taking it, and...

    User comments

      ( 82 ) Add comments

    • By Kelvin 2023-09-04 23:31:20

      "Five minutes with you, and I just feel like my life is a figment of my imagination ." "You've just always been this fucking thing that swallows me." Like 2 and...

    • By Retta 2023-07-05 17:36:40

      Excessive formalism and bland plot, but there are still a few points that touch...

    • By Issac 2023-03-25 14:13:30

      Nine stories are all in one...

    • By Rupert 2022-11-25 15:21:59

      9 Women 9 Lives 9 Long Shots 1 Emotion - Memories ~~~~~~ It is a legend that cats have 9...

    • By Zola 2022-10-14 20:34:16

      Here, every woman faces tough...

    Movie plot

    The film consists of 9 female stories: the prisoner Sandra takes the initiative to clean up, hoping to perform well, but the jailer is indifferent to this. When visiting the prison, due to the microphone failure, she was unable to communicate with her daughter and was furious; in the supermarket, pregnant mother Dai met her former lover, and she wanted to talk, but she was infinitely distressed; the little black nanny Holly asked to...
    more about Nine Lives Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Roman: Each woman is a universe.

    • Diana: Five minutes with you, and I just feel like my life is a figment of my imagination.

      Damian: I know.

      Diana: No, you don't know. No, you don't know. You've just always been this fucking thing that swallows me.

    • Maria: Who waters the lawn here?

      Maggie: There are sprinklers on timers.

      Maria: So nobody sees it, because they're all on timers and everybody's dead.