Marley & Me

Marley & Me

  • Director: David Frankel
  • Writer: Scott Frank,Don Roos,John Grogan
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: December 25, 2008
  • Runtime: 1h 55min
  • Sound mix: DTS, Dolby Digital
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: Marley and Me
  • "Marley & Me" is a comedy directed by Cicek, starring Owen Wilson , Jennifer Aniston , Eric Dane and Alan Akin. The film is based on newspaper columnist John Jerogan 's best-selling book "Marley & Me: A Happy Life with the World's Number One Trickster Dog".
    The film tells the story of Jerogan and his wife just married shortly after they both had successful careers and lived together in a new house in Florida. The couple originally planned to have a baby, but they were afraid that they had no experience to cope with it, so they planned to experience it in advance, starting with taking care of the puppy. This is how the Labrador Retriever Marley walked into their family's story. 


    • Release date December 25, 2008
    • Filming locations West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
    • Production companies Fox 2000 Pictures, New Regency Productions, Sunswept Entertainment

    Box office


    $60,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 97 ) Add reviews

    • By Hadley 2022-07-14 13:27:28

      Marley & Me--This Movie Brings Tears To My Eyes

      I'm a dog lover. I love how innocent and cute they are. I have also watched a lot of movies about dogs, and almost every one brings tears to my eyes. I thought it was a comedy, but after seeing it halfway through, I knew I was fooled. In fact, this film is especially suitable for couples to watch, and the discussion is actually a sense of family responsibility and dull family life. Marley is actually a very skinny dog, but he...

    • By Weston 2022-04-23 07:01:51

      Man's play and dog's play

      If the dog wasn't in the movie, or if the dog was a cat, it wouldn't get as many stars as I give it. Maybe it will become three or even two. It's the nostalgia for the dead Beanie that keeps me and Piggy from holding the same standards for movies with dogs as other movies.

      In fact, the movie tells a very simple story, and conveys a very popular truth, that is, our career will be dragged down by the trivial matters of the family, and this drag will bring you true happiness in the end....

    • By Dawn 2022-04-23 07:01:51

      After watching "Marley & Me"

      A very nice warm and humorous movie. The first half is hilarious and entertaining, while the second half is very touching.
      I have never raised a dog, and I have a very bad impression of the noisy dogs in the community on weekdays... But I really like this "bad" dog in the movie. Haha, it's really fun~ Maybe one day, I need to experience the fun of raising a dog. At the same time, I also praise the dog's owner's family, giving people a warm and happy family feeling ~ life is beautiful and...

    • By Nicole 2022-04-23 07:01:51

      Taken from the original

      A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbols mean nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class, but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his, it was really quite simple. And yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated , have always had trouble figuring out what really...

    • By Kiel 2022-04-23 07:01:51

      Marley and I

      "A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give`em your heart and he`ll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel...extraordinary?”.

      This quote often brings tears to my eyes, and I love dogs so much because of this unique quality in them. After watching this movie for many years, I don't even know that this sentence is from this movie. I...

    User comments

      ( 93 ) Add comments

    • By Ruth 2023-09-20 11:30:40

      A dog may not be as valuable as a villa, a famous car, or a famous brand of clothing. However, whether it is poor, rich, smart or clumsy, as long as you pay your sincerity, it will repay you with its sincerity. How many people can do it in the vast sea of...

    • By Vanessa 2023-09-05 13:50:12

      Movies related to animals always make people sad to think of our family Chedo don't know what to do...

    • By Laurence 2023-08-06 23:39:30

      I feel very ordinary. . Want to see if Jennifer is still old. . Her movies are average....

    • By Alysha 2023-07-19 17:56:46

      I managed to stop the tears... In addition to the movie moving, it was probably due to the pressure of the past two days. Marley's name comes from Bob Marley, which makes me think "I'm a legend" and coincidentally there's a dog in there too. Human beings are too rich and good at keeping things secret, so there is always a grudge between people. Dogs are different. As the male protagonist said at the end of the film, you treat him with your heart, and he treats you with your heart. Where can you...

    • By Letitia 2023-07-19 09:46:15

      Healing...although the story is a little bit. . . However, Marley is...

    Movie plot

    John Jerome Gan ( Owen Wilson ornaments ) and Jennie Jerome Gan ( Jennifer Aniston ornaments ) wedding night, a heavy snow unexpected. Therefore, the newlyweds decided to leave the freezing winter of Michigan and head to the West Palm Coast of southern Florida to start their new life. After arriving at the destination, they found a job as a reporter in the two competing newspapers in the local area, bought a house, and started their...
    more about Marley & Me Movie plot

    Unique starring combination

    In order to allow the actor to capture the feeling of desire that the movie wants to express well, Frank Cole chose Owen Wilson. The characters of Wilson familiar to the audience are basically spoof, vulgar, and funny clown characters (such as in "The Wedding Proud" and "The Bodyguard"). In this regard, Frankel said, "This film is a good development opportunity for Wilson. He is a very good actor, but no one really realizes this. You...
    more about Marley & Me Unique starring combination

    Cute animal actors

    During the filming process, Marley needed 22 dogs to play from puppies to 14 years old. Most of Marley's role in the film is played by a young adult dog, and the role accounts for about two-thirds of the film. This dog is the Labrador retriever "Clyde." David Frankle joked that Clyde was "trained" to be noisy and troublesome. "The trainer can make it do the movements we need, but he has never taught it such as not to jump on people,...
    more about Marley & Me Cute animal actors


    "Marley and Me" is not artificial at all. Both Irving and Aniston deliberately shielded the bad ailments in previous comedy films-using kitsch and exaggerated expressions to tickle people. In this film, it looks very impressive. Yes, it is also very real. ( "Seattle Post" film critic Sean Alex Meck commented
    What’s surprising about Marley and Me is that the ending of this film is quite important, and the relationship between humans...
    more about Marley & Me Positive

    Movie quotes

    • Debby: There were 11 thunderstorms while you were gone, 11, you were right, he doesn't like them and just so you know I am a dog person but that is not a dog, that is evil with a dog face that humps my leg and is peeing on your carpet.

    • Jennifer Grogan: Marley's not allowed to drink out of the toilet, you should just keep him out of the bathroom in general.

    • John Grogan: [to Marley] You remember how we were always saying what a pain you are... that you're the world's worst dog? Don't believe it. Don't believe it even for a minute. 'Cause you know we couldn't find a better dog. You know what made you such a... great dog is you loved us every day, no matter what. That's an amazing thing. You know how much we love you? We love you so much. I love you more than anything. I don't know exactly where we go from here... but I want you to remember you're a great dog, Marley. You're a great dog.