Make It Happen

Make It Happen

  • Director: Darren Grant
  • Writer: Duane Adler,Nicole Avril
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: August 8, 2008
  • Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1
  • Also known as: Untitled Bille Woodruff Project
  • "Make It Happen" is a Feature film directed by Darren Grant, featuring Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Tessa Thompson.
    The film tells the story of Laurian leaving his hometown to realize his dream.


    • Release date August 8, 2008
    • Filming locations Louisiana, USA
    • Production companies The Mayhem Project

    Box office

    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 7 ) Add reviews

    • By Liam 2022-02-22 08:03:29

      About dreams~

      I have to admit that dreams are really fascinating, and I have to be sure that a person with a dream is a happy person. Sing for dreams, dance for dreams, fight for dreams, everything is for dreams...
             The beginning of the film attracted me tightly because of the unpredictable scenes and the dynamic music. At the beginning, although the heroine's looks were not very attractive, she became more and more fascinated by her.
             Many shots are used in the film to show the dancing...

    • By Isidro 2022-02-22 08:03:29

      Good feeling = right state of mind~ "MAKE IT HAPPEN" after watching

      Jingwei tune a
      change oxygen mouth
      off high-heeled
      put on canvas

      like it
      dirty air
      misty light
      noisy city
      house mood

      music, dance, dream hair and
      light, text, smoke
      slammed heart

      I watched, listened, intoxicated
      tears, screams, inspired

      you see, hear, feel boring but
      efforts to capture the moment touches

      your feet waves, close the window
      wind curtains, music and...

    • By Glennie 2022-02-22 08:03:29

      I think it's pretty good

      Everyone scolded me from the previous comments.
      But I think it's not bad. I didn't have any deep thoughts to watch it, but I just wanted to see beautiful girls dancing. I really like the dances in the film. I'm a rookie, I don't deny it at all. And this is the first dance movie I watched.
      It's like being in the first American blockbuster movie, "Pearl Harbor". . . Maybe when I look at Jessica's film, I think this one is not up to the grade now? But I watched Jessica once in "Sin...

    • By Kiley 2022-02-22 08:03:29

      The pain of giving up dreams

      I know how painful it is to give up your dreams.

      When I was young, I also danced. The conditions in the countryside were limited, there were no professional teachers, and no venues, but that's how I danced. The summer when the second grade ended, I moved to the county seat. The elementary school in the county seat was in much better condition, thinking that it could dance at will, but it was not approved. The dance teacher said that I am too old, my body is hard, and I have no formal...

    • By Jean 2022-02-22 08:03:29

      anyway~happy ending~

        littlle dancing girl from small town, pursuits her

      mother's dream in big Chicaco. The

        plot is very routine, and all the plots of this kind of movie you can think of can be found.

        Long ago, Lee Hyori’s "anymotion" had basically the same MV plot as the movie, only seven


        In the dance school bar, the hero who helped the heroine realize her dream is of

        course the happy ending who successfully passed the exam~ If you...

    User comments

      ( 76 ) Add comments

    • By Madonna 2022-04-24 07:01:23

      I watched it on the recommendation of...

    • By Candace 2022-04-24 07:01:23

      The struggle is less, but the film is better than expected, three and a half...

    • By Marge 2022-04-24 07:01:23

      Play a LADY GAGA song and it will dance differently. . . =-= In fact, it is the softness of the women in PUB that saves her rigid lines....

    • By Garnet 2022-04-24 07:01:23

      This belly should only be found in...

    • By Valentin 2022-04-24 07:01:23

      A few dances in the club are quite...

    Evaluation action

    Movies with themes such as dance or sports often have their fixed supporters. After all, people who like the dynamic and vitality of such movies are like another group of loyal audiences who love the action scenes in martial arts movies or other people who love to be horrified. Movie fans are scared. I also early from " Dirty Dancing " (Dirty Dancing), began to enjoy this kind of dance movies, like their dance was in full swing, dance...
    more about Make It Happen Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Carmen: Maybe he was upset cos you were so bad.

      Brooke: Ease off Carmen, she was killing it.