La Bête Humaine

La Bête Humaine

  • Director: Jean Renoir
  • Writer: Émile Zola,Jean Renoir,Denise Leblond
  • Countries of origin: France
  • Language: French
  • Release date: February 19, 1940
  • Aspect ratio: 1.37 : 1
  • Also known as: Človek - zver
  • "Human Face and Beast Heart" is a French film released in 1938, directed by Jean Renoir and starring Jean Gabin and Simone Simon. The film describes the lives of French railway employees in a very real way. It describes the protagonist Ronquière on the road of crime due to the inheritance of alcoholism, exposing the struggle between power and desire in the upper class.


    • Release date February 19, 1940
    • Filming locations Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris 8, Paris, France
    • Production companies Paris Film

    Movie reviews

     ( 5 ) Add reviews

    • By Elinore 2022-08-21 23:40:37

      The crappy translation of the movie's name confuses the true theme of the movie.

      "Beast of Desire" La bete humaine, monopoly and exclusive desire, is the blood of a man, while a woman's weapon is the seed of his affection, provoking desire, stinging jealousy, and bursting out hatred.

      Judging from the Chinese name of this movie, it may be about a scumbag or a movie with a well-dressed appearance but a very dark heart. However, this is actually not the case. The French name of this film is La bete humaine, which is a beast of...

    • By Rosetta 2022-08-21 21:13:10

      Workers’ confusion

      Before World War II, France ushered in the golden age of its own film industry, and a large number of realist masterpieces were born. "La bête humaine" adapted from Zola's famous book is no exception.
      Renoir was not only a prolific film author, but also very good at handling scripts. He transplanted Zola's famous works into French society at that time, which produced the due social effects.
      The film depicts the ideological status of the French working class before World War II. The...

    • By Wade 2022-08-21 20:10:44

      Jean Renoir's power

      This film is adapted from Zola's novel. I remember when I was young, there was always Zola’s "Nana" on the shelf, accompanied by Hugo’s "The Laughing Man" in tatters. I never touched it. Later in middle school, the teacher said he was The masters of realism and naturalism, they are displayed in the memory in the name of the master and only in the name of the master.

      Renoir also heard about it when he was in high school. At first, I heard that the old Impressionist Renoir....

    • By Gerhard 2022-08-21 19:53:40

      A film that holds a sense of power

      First of all, let me talk about the translation of the title. Whether it is a beast in a cloak or a beast with a human face, it is all nonsense and rude, while the "Desire to Be Human" suggested by Comrade Kafka is much more accurate and calm.
      If a key word of a movie is given, I think it is: power. Powerful emotional expansion, powerful explosive performance, powerful camera rhythm, especially the long shots of the train speeding from the beginning to the end, love to death. Forward, fork...

    • By Marcelle 2022-08-21 18:07:34

      Sometimes love is not sublime

      Roubaud is a railway station master. In his work, he is serious and responsible. He does not fear power and treats all passengers equally. He is indeed a respectable fellow. (At least in work). In his personal life, he has a beautiful wife Séverine. What can you expect from such a life? But he said that his woman was the daughter of a maid, (to make her despise herself) and even suspected that his wife had had a relationship with her godfather, whether he was jealous or inferior? (I think he is...

    User comments

      ( 69 ) Add comments

    • By Krista 2023-09-20 23:50:31

      Renoir always keeps interesting characters to...

    • By Liana 2023-09-16 23:24:44

      Life is like a train, you can follow the track, you can also change the fork, just a thought. Human beings are driven by desire and destroyed by...

    • By Louisa 2023-09-12 21:51:44

      It's very bland, including killing people, but the director's cameo is his favorite scene, that of Cabuche who was caught by mistake. Zola's style? Many ordinary people are really full of wounds on the inside, but the jumping and flamboyant people are simple and...

    • By Scotty 2023-09-10 00:26:41

      The power of the characters comes from heredity, and it is more reasonable to convey them through film. It seems that the film that can only express the appearance is even more...

    • By Ransom 2023-09-09 07:03:20

      Renoir is the most beautiful director in film history, you can feel him as a man, a woman and a child at the same...

    Movie quotes

    • Séverine Roubaud: Lison is such a funny name for a train.

      Jacques Lantier: You can't call someone you love by a number.

      Séverine Roubaud: May I get on?

      Jacques Lantier: You'll get all dirty.

      Séverine Roubaud: Who cares?

    • Séverine Roubaud: So you're in love with a locomotive.

      Jacques Lantier: We've been through so much.

      Séverine Roubaud: Really?

      Jacques Lantier: Yes. On the line we see it all.

      Séverine Roubaud: Even when you're flying by.

      Jacques Lantier: Of course. You get to watch the changing seasons. The leaves uncurling in the spring and drifting to the ground in autumn. The rabbits in the fields with their little ears sticking up. They watch us go by. They know we'd never harm them.

      Séverine Roubaud: That's funny. When I travel, I never notice a thing.

      Jacques Lantier: Perhaps you don't know how to look.

    • Séverine Roubaud: If you only knew how Roubaud treated me. He knocked me down and dragged me around by my hair, and then he beat me. Beat me. At one point he had his heel right in my face, ready to smash it in. I'll never forget it as long as I live. He's just a jealous monster.