Invader ZIM: Enter the Florpus

Invader ZIM: Enter the Florpus

  • Director:
  • Writer: Jhonen Vasquez,Breehn Burns,Eric Trueheart
  • Countries of origin: South Korea, United States
  • Language: English, Korean
  • Release date: August 16, 2019
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 HD
  • Also known as: Invader Zim
  • "Invader ZIM: Enter the Florpus" is an animated film directed by Young Kyun Park and others and dubbed by Olivia Apo, Justin Rowland, Mo Collins, Roger Bupas, etc. The film was released on August 16, 2019 Released in the US today.


    • Release date August 16, 2019
    • Production companies CJ Entertainment, Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Taewon Entertainment

    Movie reviews

     ( 1 ) Add reviews

    • By Rosemary 2022-10-15 23:35:22


      In general, it was quite successful from the early stage, but the content was not easy to be accepted. It is recommended to watch this after watching the early animation, the whole old version has a lot of energy.

      The old version is mainly black humor, and it is really not a popular theme. The movie has improved character settings and color matching. Most of the other styles still follow the nonsensical energy of the past, which can be regarded as an episode with more elements than...

    User comments

      ( 12 ) Add comments

    • By Alexandrine 2023-08-20 03:52:53

      Maybe poverty and laziness everywhere can be considered a...

    • By Devon 2023-07-16 23:12:09

      At first I was attracted by the style of painting, but later I found out that it is a movie with a bunch of mouth...

    • By Anne 2023-05-07 00:23:47

      Another style of painting~~It's too...

    • By Norbert 2023-03-19 06:15:46

      This movie is very fun, very cool, but also very annoying and...

    • By Jerel 2023-01-19 19:33:50

      Zim, who was disliked and exiled by aliens, came to the earth to destroy it. He wanted to rule the earth. He was stopped by the neighbors. Out of sympathy, the male lead Zim hacked into his dad's bracelet, but Zim took advantage of the loop and took the earth away. The stubborn dad keeps saying it's impossible, it doesn't exist, as if the western...

    Movie quotes

    • GIR: [shouts excitedly] I remember phase two!

      Zim: You do? Good work GIR! Tell me.

      GIR: You gonna order a million pizzas, and then I gotta roll around on them pizzas, and that's the story about how I turned into a giant pizza.

      Zim: This isn't the time for the giant pizza story, GIR. And that will never happen!

      [wails loudly]

    • Zim: You're ugly when you lie, Dib!

      Dib: I'm not lying!

      Zim: Then why are you ugly?

    • Professor Membrane: Tomorrow is Peace Day, and nobody is as excited for the big celebration as I am.

      Excited Audience Member: [shouting in the distance] I AM!

      Professor Membrane: [rapily rushing up to the excited audience member where he points his finger to the man's face] NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!