Five Easy Pieces

Five Easy Pieces

  • Director: Bob Rafelson
  • Writer: Carole Eastman,Bob Rafelson
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: September 12, 1970
  • Sound mix: Mono
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Пет лаких комада
  • "Five Easy Pieces" is a feature film directed by Bob Rafelson, starring Jack Nicholson and Karen Black.
    The film tells the story of Robert drove back to his hometown of Washington State, befriending like-minded Pan Mo on the way, and a series of interesting incidents happened.


    • Release date September 12, 1970
    • Filming locations Denny's Restaurant - 3652 Glenwood Drive, Eugene, Oregon, USA
    • Production companies BBS Productions, Columbia Pictures, Five Easy Pieces Productions

    Box office


    $1,600,000 (estimated)

    Movie reviews

     ( 5 ) Add reviews

    • By Teagan 2022-04-29 06:01:04

      The Isolated Island That Cannot Be Fleeed——Also on True Disposition and False Freedom

      "For the Beat generation, the devil is the tradition of the bourgeoisie, social pretentiousness and men in gray flannel suits"-Bob Dylan's kind

      reminder: The following comment has only a dime relationship with the movie.

      Watching Five In Easy Pieces, people can naturally think of the "identity crisis" in the 1970s, but the first thing I think of is the Beat generation. At that time, men and women were undressed and acted irresistibly. Drugs should be eaten, and sex should be...

    • By Edgardo 2022-04-29 06:01:04

      Song on the road

      When Luo Bo came out of the gas station’s toilet, we noticed that he was not wearing a jacket. Now, in a sense, his wife is like clothes. Then he really threw his wife at the gas station. He was like this. The woman who threw it away may not only be the woman in the film, but I'm sorry that I forgot the name, Jenny, Rachel, or other names similar to American women, just like Li and Sha in China.

      We can discuss this issue of Luo Bo in many ways, just like the female doctor who...

    • By Milan 2022-04-29 06:01:04

      Watching film notes-"Five Easy Pieces"

      1. On the road is the tradition that the counter-cultural movement inherited from the Beat generation. Generally speaking, this film is still an extension of that tradition in the 1970s, but in this film, the movement has spread to upper-middle-class young people who run away from home. 2. In fact, the counterculture at the beginning of the new Hollywood has been declining downwards, and it has long been predicted that they will blow it. 3. Why do you want to go on the road is actually divided...

    • By Ana 2022-04-29 06:01:04

      Alien sorrow

      It’s been a long time since I wrote a film review, and I’ve seen a lot of bad movies in half a year.
      I have enjoyed all the benefits of bad movies that Uncle Haoxiang said. Watching a good movie occasionally becomes a major event. Can't wait to bathe and change clothes, burn incense and pray.
      In fact, the name Lang Dangzi is a bit misleading, so I think it would be more appropriate to call it a pseudo-prodigal.
      Bobby looks bohemian, a maverick pig. In fact, it's been pretty...

    • By Marge 2022-04-29 06:01:04

      Famous American film critic Roger Ebert: "The Five Songs"

      October 23, 1970

      The title of "Five Easy Pieces" does not refer to the number of women hooked up by the protagonist along the way, because he only hooked up three in total; it is actually a piano workbook for the protagonist when he was a child. "Language" ranks among the best American movies. The protagonist practiced hard when he was young and aspires to become a pianist. Twenty years later, he just wants to disguise himself as an oil worker. The film tells the distance between the...

    User comments

      ( 60 ) Add comments

    • By Franz 2023-09-28 19:52:52

      This film has the characteristics of new Hollywood movies: loose, loose, chaotic, casual, as if it was a product of the "Beat Generation". Highlighting the confusion and negativity in American society in the 1970s, Jack Nicholson's interpretation of a decadent literary and artistic youth who cannot be tolerated in society is quite vivid, and his Charlotte-style attitude to life has become one of the highlights of the whole film....

    • By Uriah 2023-09-17 15:31:45

      Nicholson manages to play this moody, aimless character, and like many films of its time, it's a story of...

    • By Federico 2023-09-15 21:36:23

      1. Jump behind someone's truck and play the piano in a traffic jam 2. "I faked a little Chopin; and you faked a big response." 3. Chopin & Tammy Wynette 4. "If you could talk we wouldn't be...

    • By Bernice 2023-09-08 10:56:19

      The foreign land and the other briefly satisfy a certain pursuit that is not clear. The embarrassed young man does not know how to face himself, his lover, and social class, but the involvement is inseparable. I can't tell the uneasiness of the two unknown characteristics of the times, and the tenderness where love and hurt are intertwined, I really don't know whether to feel more distressed for Bobby or a girl. (The part of the musical family is really the only vulgar thing in this film. The...

    • By Lea 2023-09-02 22:55:03

      The first part is good, the back part is shit, barely...

    Movie plot

    Bobby (Jack Nicholson played by Jack Nicholson) was born into a family of music, but somehow he gave up music and lived on oil drilling. His girlfriend Rey, who works as a waitress in the restaurant, often upsets Bobby, but he still cannot bear to separate from her. Bobby's behavior is rather turbulent, seizing every opportunity to have fun with strange women; venting on the congested road; and angering his only friend Elton after...
    more about Five Easy Pieces Movie plot

    Production and distribution

    Production Company:
    BBS Productions [United States]
    Columbia Pictures [United States]
    more about Five Easy Pieces Production and distribution

    Movie quotes

    • Bobby: What's goin' on, Elton?

      Elton: I got accused of robbing a filling station down in the Indian Nation. Didn't I tell ya? I just got wild and jumped my bail.

    • Palm Apodaca: Mass production is what does it.

      Terry: What do you mean, mass?

    • Palm Apodaca: I have to come out and tell you the truth. You're not that clean either.

      Terry: Wait a minute. I'm not that neat maybe, but I am clean.

      Palm Apodaca: Well, you're not that bad.