$26,000,000 (estimated)
Gross US & Canada
Opening weekend US & Canada
Gross worldwide
$26,000,000 (estimated)
Gross US & Canada
Opening weekend US & Canada
Gross worldwide
Movie reviews
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By Providenci 2022-10-16 21:47:25
When I saw it on PPS, I thought it was a bad movie, but the more I watched it, the more exciting it became. I had never seen the subject matter, but there was a surprise
. "Time Hacker" has been planned since 1998. The original idea was to make a film with a theme similar to "Flying Magic Weapon". ” (Flubber), a light comedy that made fun of scientific inventions, and then in 2000, the focus of the film shifted to the slowing and speeding of time, which is obviously another...
User comments
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By Kelsie 2023-09-30 06:55:20
Primary school students' imagination...
By Kylie 2023-09-04 23:43:13
The male lead in Skill 2 sucks, and Dowler has a heavy...
By Kassandra 2023-08-26 17:07:15
With a block table, you can go to superspace, really...
By Reginald 2023-08-22 14:31:07
Watching it lively, the movie is an old-fashioned story of chasing a girl and hitting a villain. It is no longer new now, and it used to be very...
By Kathryne 2023-08-20 13:50:32
The theory is still tenable... but can it really be invisible after the second...
Vice Principal: [to bullies] That's a perfectly good trash can. Don't be throwing students at it.
Dr. Earl Dopler: I love my country. Now give me the watch so I can go to Costa Rica.
Zak Gibbs: [holding up the watch] Can you fix this?
Dr. Earl Dopler: Yeah. But we're gonna need some stuff you can't get at Radio Shack.