$134,000 (estimated)
$134,000 (estimated)
Movie reviews
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By Trycia 2022-10-15 09:44:14
In the documentary Journey to America, Turner gave a good reason why he didn't use the camera to visualize the creature. "The less the audience sees, the more they believe. Don't instill your vision directly into the audience, but infiltrate it little by little..." The
early masters of cinema did indeed like to pursue some kind of "seeing" less" expression. But sometimes we can't just listen to the director's words, but should analyze the specific situation. For example, when...
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By Troy 2023-09-20 08:46:26
live like summer...
By Bettie 2023-09-17 09:47:16
The boss of the company threw a title Cat People and the producers asked you to make an elegant movie under the title. It's okay...Turner did it anyway, just a little bit of humor to tease the whole thing in addition to elegance. This inexplicable setting gives emotional realism. For example, people who step back may be afraid of becoming a panther haha... I felt so familiar when I watched the pool scene, yes, there is a tribute in It Follows; and this It should be where The Headless Woman...
By Lesly 2023-09-09 21:59:55
The plot is mediocre, but there are a few classic scenes and beautiful use of light and shadow. But I'd rather see the frontal...
By Muhammad 2023-08-22 01:47:12
The foreign culture has evolved from exotic to aggressive, echoing the sense of fate with a dagger inserted into the chest, but black sin hath betrayed to endless night. my world, both parts, and both parts must die. holy sonnets, V- john donne The taste of...
By Holden 2023-08-11 07:27:44
6.8 The old horror movie is really boring, or the text of "Kiss of the Spider Woman" is more exciting, the so-called light and shadow, that's what it...
Irena Dubrovna: That's Lalage - the perfume I use. I like it, perhaps too well. Maybe I use too much of it, living alone like this.
Oliver 'Ollie' Reed: It's hard to describe. It's not like flowers exactly. It's - it's like something warm and living.
Oliver 'Ollie' Reed: [Looking down at Irena's lifeless body in the form of a panther] She never lied to us.
Irena Dubrovna: I don't feel you can help me. You're very wise, you know a great deal, yet when you speak of the soul, you mean the mind, and it is not my mind that is troubled.
Dr. Louis Judd: What a clever girl. All the psychologists have tried for years to find that subtle difference between mind and soul, and you've found it.