Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II

  • Director:
  • Countries of origin: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • Release date: January 20, 2018
  • Sound mix: Dolby Digital
  • Also known as: Блакитна планета 2
  • "Blue Planet II" is a marine life documentary produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation, directed by James Honeyborne , narrated by David Attenborough , and Hans Zimmer as the main soundtrack. The show premiered in the UK on October 29, 2017, and exclusively landed on China's Tencent Video on October 30 of the same year, and was broadcast simultaneously on the BBC   .
    The film realized the simultaneous broadcast of the natural history series in European countries and Asia for the first time. The film mainly covers the polar seas to coral islands and reefs; from the Atlantic Ocean to the deep sea floor; it introduces people to those amazing new landscapes and incredible new species   .


    • Release date January 20, 2018
    • Production companies BBC Natural History Unit (NHU), BBC Studios, OceanX Media

    Movie reviews

     ( 99 ) Add reviews

    • By Jeff 2022-04-23 07:03:39

      How deep is "The Deep"?

      First of all, on the issue of depth, documentaries have reported from the sea to the Mariana Trench, so the deepest part must be the Mariana Trench, which is more than 10,000 meters deep. But the Mariana Trench is not the focus of the documentary's description. The documentary focuses on two environments: one is the seabed more than 1,000 meters deep, and the other is a mid-ocean ridge that is 2,000 to 3,000 meters deep.

    • By Ashleigh 2022-04-23 07:03:39

      one ocean

      Amazing! The sea is a way of expressing the power of nature. one ocean: There are biological activities in every part of the ocean on the earth. Red-toothed fish use the protrusions of rocks to break open oysters to get food. Bottlenose dolphins like surfing, but they just find it fun and happy. Catching terns in flight, giant wrasses with golden bulges. Larger females can turn into males and compete for leadership. The giant panda killer whale on the bottom of the sea slammed the herring on...

    • By Genoveva 2022-04-22 07:01:44

      Soft heart into a blue ocean

      In order to eat a small clam, the pig-toothed fish has to smash the coral stone countless times until the hard shell is broken to eat the meat inside;

      In order to survive, young terns must learn to fly as soon as possible, and they must always be vigilant to avoid the rare trevally in the "practice range";

    • By Sister 2022-04-22 07:01:44

      amazing sea world

      It was so shocking. After four years, the shooting team risked their lives and overcame many difficulties to present an exquisite ocean feast for everyone. Under the deep sea, colorful fish live a carefree life. Many fish are more unknown to human beings. There is a brightly red cross-eyed squid whose left eye is bigger than the right eye, and a backside that is black as ink but has a transparent head. Anal fish, pig-toothed fish with high IQ, bottlenose dolphins who like to surf and play,...

    • By Bianka 2022-04-22 07:01:44


      I saw the blue planet at 9:90 yesterday and coincidentally caught up with the CCTV 9 live broadcast at 9:00 pm

      I didn't save what I wrote yesterday, I'm too lazy to write it again

      Plankton glows:

    User comments

      ( 86 ) Add comments

    • By America 2023-09-26 20:21:18

      At the first moment, I thought that China would never make such a documentary, because in addition to seeing funding and technology, what is more important is the love of every team member for this event. However, what do we love, let alone love, many people may not even be interested. As an ordinary Chinese, it is likely to be monotonous, dull, and boring, lacking a sense of existence and value. is extremely...

    • By Vita 2023-09-09 16:12:49

      I feel like watching a real-life version of Drifting Pi, the film crew can dive and shoot freely in minutes, I really knelt down, I want to give it six...

    • By Lori 2023-09-01 02:18:51

      pay tribute!...

    • By Katheryn 2023-08-22 10:35:15

      The fourth and seventh episodes can be skipped and the fifth episode of Green Seas is the most...

    • By Kayli 2023-07-20 17:47:22

      Want to raise a pancake octopus?...

    Shooting process

    The entire production cycle of "Blue Planet II" lasted four years, and most of the time was spent in the preliminary planning and preparation with related professional scientists. In order to shoot this 7-episode documentary, the BBC Natural History Department conducted 125 expeditions, visited 39 countries, and covered almost all the waters of the world's five oceans, including the 1,000-meter-deep seabed under the Antarctic ice sheet...
    more about Blue Planet II Shooting process

    Equipment technology

    In terms of the shooting technology of "Blue Planet II", the machine has changed from a 16mm film camera to a 6K high-definition digital video camera, and the captured images can be clearly displayed even on the IMAX screen. At the same time, the BBC has also rented several deep-sea submersibles, which can spend more than ten hours on the seabed at a depth of 1,000 meters. The underwater shooting time reaches more than 6000 hours   .

    Production lineup

    At the beginning of the first episode of "The Same Sea", a 91-year-old man stands on the bow of the ship, facing the sea breeze and commenting. He is David Attenborough who is known as the "father of the world's nature documentaries". The commentary style It is infectious and has become one of the hallmarks of the BBC's nature documentary. He personally wrote and commented the first season of "Blue Planet", and he could still hear his...
    more about Blue Planet II Production lineup