Beyond the Sky

Beyond the Sky

  • Director: Fulvio Sestito
  • Writer: Rebecca Berrih,Marc Porterfield,Fulvio Sestito
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: September 21, 2018
  • Aspect ratio: 2:1
  • Also known as: Вище неба
  • "Beyond The Sky" is a film directed by Fulvio Cestito and starring Peter Stormare and Jordan Sinsen.


    • Release date September 21, 2018
    • Production companies Elysian Fields Entertainment, ExP Films, Kali Pictures

    Box office


    $1,500,000 (estimated)

    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 6 ) Add reviews

    • By Bailee 2022-12-06 04:57:14

      There is still a group of people in the United States who believe they have been kidnapped

      It's a low-budget movie, I don't know how much the final special effects cost. It is estimated that there will be a lot of references in the trailer. The male protagonist does not believe that aliens have kidnapped his mother. It is unnecessary to run away from home because of domestic violence. Divorce is enough, and there is no need for relatives. Friends have cut off contact, and sons have not seen each other. Generally speaking, it is more likely to be killed and abandoned in the...

    • By Cortez 2022-09-04 19:37:30

      Some of the IRL shots in this film

      The conference begins with "The Skyfire Summit" in Phoenix in the fall of 2014

      This clip in the video is actually this photo

      The names are

      Top row from left

      1、Clifford Mahooty

      2. Do not know

      3、Donald Schmitt

      4 、 Jim Dilettoso

      5、Richard Dolan

      6、Linda Moulton...

    • By Emmanuel 2022-09-04 19:27:33

      The last scene is a bit silly

      I don't know why, the male and female protagonists were inexplicably released by aliens, and then suddenly began to kiss. His other buddy is miserable. It can only be seen. He looks like a juicy guy. I think this ending is very embarrassing. I don't know why he kisses the heroine. land?

      The form of pseudo-documentary feels useless, why is it useless? Because every time his buddies get the camera and start filming, it stops abruptly. And then half of the recordings are traditional...

    • By Danielle 2022-09-04 16:55:03

      just want to sleep early

      In fact, it's just that the future humans want to do experiments, but they can't tell the present humans that, within the scope of the current humans' knowledge, they are either classified as mental illness, or they are just making up big news! Is the kidnapping of this bad old man Bill a typical business operation?

      After watching it, I thought about what the two aliens in the movie said they lost. Love? emotion? Combined with the rapid development of modern science and technology. A...

    • By Verda 2022-09-04 16:17:14

      Where did the UFO come from! It's all business!

      The UFO industry in the United States can have a scale of tens of billions of dollars a year. Maybe it was some mysterious and unknown events or natural phenomena at first, but when some people found that this was a very profitable and very good IP, the whole format changed. , is a paradise for all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, all kinds of mentally injured patients, so in order to attract attention, artificial arguments and all kinds of false stories are created, there is a...

    User comments

      ( 49 ) Add comments

    • By Effie 2023-09-29 17:32:25

      The UFO lens at the back is ok. . ....

    • By Ryley 2023-09-20 09:56:38

      1. The female reporter has always been played by a woman. Can't you tell from the back? 2. Special effects five hairs. 3. The front rendering is very good. The back is messed up. 4. Abruzi, who escaped from prison, played the father of the male...

    • By Elinore 2023-09-08 14:41:25

      The answer is similar to "Time Trap", but the narrative and shooting are really not...

    • By Idella 2023-08-22 13:02:12

      Aliens are not aliens, but evolved future...

    • By Junius 2023-08-05 00:18:04

      Embarrassed to the point where the toes pierce the...