

  • Director: Majid Majidi
  • Countries of origin: Iran
  • Language: Kurdish, Persian, Azerbaijani
  • Release date: October 10, 2001
  • Runtime: 1 hour 34 minutes
  • Sound mix: Mono
  • Aspect ratio: 1.85 : 1
  • Also known as: Rain
  • "Baran" is a feature film directed by Majid Majidi and featuring Hossein Abedini, Zahra Bahrami and others.
    The film tells the story of how the Baran family, an Afghani family who left Iran due to the civil war after the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989, used hard work and sweat to maintain a miserable life.


    • Release date October 10, 2001
    • Filming locations Tehran, Iran
    • Production companies Fouad Nahas

    Box office

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 13 ) Add reviews

    • By Keven 2022-12-29 06:49:45

      A Heart of Gold - A Brief Review of "Barron"

      In the 1980s, a large number of war-torn Afghan civilians were forced to flock to Iran, struggling to survive. Barron, one of the protagonists of the film, is one of the refugees. His father, who worked as a black worker on a construction site in Iran, broke his leg in an accident. Seeing that the family's survival was unsustainable, Barron, the eldest daughter, went to the construction site in disguise to replace his father's work. In the days that followed, Barron met Latif, an Iranian...

    • By Marcos 2022-11-27 14:12:05

      "The fire of separation sets the heart on fire"

      Barron didn't say a word.
      Latif always thinks about her being on the construction site, and she has become different in Tehran
      , a refugee settlement. She left because of her status. He went to find her. She supported the whole family with her tender and clean hands . Going down, going alone and pouring out all that she has survived in the misery that cannot be escaped, but the cold wind can't blow away the hairpin he left on the brim of his hat, and the rain can't drown her muddy...

    • By Marlin 2022-11-24 18:29:07

      16 year old love

      I remember saying in that movie that everyone knows the name, when one day you fall in love with the person you once hated the most, this feeling is the most deadly.

      We always try to prove that we don't fall into stereotypes, the traps that our predecessors have fallen into countless times. In the end, he was always elated, and happily fell another dog to eat shit in the same place. There is nothing new under this Sunshine. This is life.

      Youth, for boys, is actually...

    • By Chet 2022-11-14 17:53:45

      love with heart

        Because of the poor family background, the girl had to go to the construction site to work, and the construction site did not accept girls. So she disguised herself as a boy. Doing things that only men can do, and then cooking for the workers, spending all day alone in a dilapidated room full of condiments.
        The boy didn't like him from the first day she came, broke her things, spat at her cooking, and destroyed her confidence.
        But when the curtain of the broken house was...

    • By Hassie 2022-10-15 18:34:11

      love inspires compassion

      The film selected by the art museum, I wanted to watch it casually, but I was deeply moved.

      The background of the story is that in Iran, the Iranian people live very hard, but the Afghan people under the war are even more bitter. In order to make a living, Afghans secretly go to Iran to work illegally. The heroine Barron's father is such an Afghan illegal worker. He broke his leg while working on the site, but could not receive any compensation or care. Barron disguised as a...

    User comments

      ( 21 ) Add comments

    • By Eleanora 2023-08-31 17:18:38

      2007/09/17. This is the work of the director "Children of Heaven" in 2001. Although the Iranian films repeat the theme of the genre again and again, each film is still so beautiful and moving. The transformation of the protagonist in the play is a bit difficult to explain, but I absolutely believe that his lies are accompanied by sincere tears, especially the smile at the end, he is so cute, and I have to forgive him for his many voyeuristic and insane behaviors. When I saw it, I thought that th

    • By Brandy 2023-07-28 00:26:37

      The director is very careful, and the front is foreshadowing that the male protagonist is a young impulsive and reckless person, so the later development does not feel abrupt. And more innocent than "Love of Hawthorn Tree"......

    • By Nick 2023-07-19 14:23:24

      Dropped again, how did the poster become so...

    • By Antonette 2023-07-09 06:51:27

      It is only because of the sense that you look back, which makes me think of you in the morning and...

    • By Humberto 2023-06-20 04:39:51

      Love, what a flower that is still bright in the mud. All I can do is just for that little pure and beautiful little happiness. (Film from Hall 1 of the...

    Movie plot

    When the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989, the country was immediately plunged into a chaotic civil war. Millions of refugees poured into neighboring countries, with Iran alone hosting more than 1.4 million. The younger generation of Afghan refugees was born in Iran, and their homeland is only a strange and distant name for them. They struggle in poverty, and most are limited to the hardest jobs for low wages - like...
    more about Baran Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    "Baran" is a work with a realistic style. The narration of the film is simple and restrained. The director strives to make the audience understand the suffering of the Afghan people and what is happening in this country in an unassuming expression. the catastrophic nature of the matter. He unleashes his power through a series of simple and ordinary events, in which he shows composure and sophistication, and moves the audience in a way...
    more about Baran Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Afghan cobbler: A man alone is a neighbor of God.

    • Afghan cobbler: From the hot fire of being apart, comes the flame that burns the heart.