Bad Times at the El Royale

Bad Times at the El Royale

  • Director: Drew Goddard
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: October 12, 2018
  • Runtime: 2h 21min
  • Sound mix: Dolby Atmos
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: Phút Kinh Hoàng Tại El Royale
  • "Bad Times at the El Royale" is a feature film directed by Porkchop and starring Chris Hemsworth and Jeff Bridges . It premiered at the Fantasy Film Festival on September 27, 2018.
    The film tells the story of a luxurious hotel that was once glorious and gradually declining, and gathered seven mysterious strangers, but behind the seemingly polite and kindness, there are hidden secrets   .


    • Release date October 12, 2018
    • Filming locations Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    • Production companies Goddard Textiles, TSG Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox

    Box office


    $32,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 55 ) Add reviews

    • By Lonzo 2022-12-28 23:53:17

      Killers can't be soft

      The editing technique of this film is skillful and the sense of rhythm is well grasped. However, to understand this film, it is necessary to dig deeper into some historical events, such as the deeds of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the murderer. It's really a pity for the hotel manager and the government investigator in the film. In fact, self-forgiveness is enough. Many things can't be done without self-blame. I still like fake priests very much, do things without hesitation, have...

    • By Zack 2022-12-18 23:14:11

      Suspense but not terrifying

      The film started with the fame of Brother Hammer, but the actual role of Brother Hammer in the movie only came at the end. Although it is a suspense thriller, it does not actually solve the case, and it has nothing to do with murder. The movie starts with money. The priest came here to ask for money. Because his companion was killed and the priest was betrayed, he decided to start over after ten years in prison, so he decided to withdraw the money. , is also puzzling. In fact, each hotel has...

    • By Elody 2022-12-15 07:48:33

      Believe me, this time, Brother Hammer is really a pure dragon trick.

      "Murder at the Royal Hotel" believe me, this time, Brother Hammer is really a trick. On a rainy night at the Royal Hotel, which spans two states, what kind of story will be behind the six guests and a terrified waiter? The first half of the film is really great, the multi-perspective narration, the cross editing of several story lines, the subsequent plot twists, and the successive suspense points will make you curious about the ending of the film. But in the second half of the...

    • By Thomas 2022-12-13 22:51:48

      personal review

      1. A very eclectic movie, a murder movie without "murder", a suspense movie without suspense, the movie is like the setting, half Nevada, half California; half regular, half sexy; half sensible , half brave; half angel, half devil, it depends on which side you choose! 2. The movie wants to express too much, probably all the political, military, social, educational and other events in the United States that the director has experienced that shocked his heart. , who has taken drugs, served,...

    • By Jacklyn 2022-12-13 18:33:27

      very fresh cinema

      Look good! !

      The film attracted my attention with a very Royal and oil painting style when the popularity was not high in the early stage. Overall, "Hotel Royal" isn't particularly good, but it's a crime movie I've never seen before. The film uses a non-linear narrative structure to flash back the dark history of the characters as the plot develops, making the film extremely informative but logically clear. The narration of the film is very novel. It is not a formal chronological...

    User comments

      ( 75 ) Add comments

    • By Sigrid 2023-09-30 06:46:19

      That's why it's so mysterious, not many characters have been created for a long...

    • By Allie 2023-09-27 13:33:55

      This movie tells us a truth: the correct posture for staying in a hotel is to first remove the bug, cover the two-way mirror, turn the floor, get a huge sum of money, and then leave. Remember not to provoke the waiter casually, because you don't know what he did before he became a waiter. PS: As a suspense film, the most unexpected thing about this movie is that Chris Hemsworth is ranked first on the cast and the poster is still C. As a result, the scenes are the...

    • By Ulises 2023-09-24 09:43:43

      2.5, if this kind of story cannot be filmed within 100 minutes, it will only feel procrastinated and loose, you are not "The Hateful...

    • By Crystal 2023-09-18 02:26:45

      The first half is multi-line parallel, and the suspense is enough, and the second half of the hammer comes out and completely...

    • By Lizeth 2023-09-17 09:46:10

      The down-and-out singer, the amnesiac robber, the Hoover agent, the Manson family, the Vietnam War veteran, Kennedy's pornographic photos... The conspiracy theory is not slippery. Fortunately, the actors still hold the...

    Behind the scenes gags

    After the casting of the film, the actors immediately began to preview. They have a mini-model of the scene, which can be used to take some empty scenes to help rehearse.
    During the filming of the Russian turntable at the end of the movie, the 15-minute scene was actually shot for two weeks.
    Cynthia Erivo will sing during the....
    more about Bad Times at the El Royale Behind the scenes gags

    Evaluation action

    "The Royal Hotel Murder" is both artistic and entertaining in film production and plot. The entertainment of the whole movie is more focused on the message of social reflection. Under the current situation of stagnant crime film genre, breaking through the siege brings the audience a sense of satisfaction that can only be understood but not spoken.
    "The Murder in the Royal Hotel" has a fascinating dark aesthetic film charm, which is...
    more about Bad Times at the El Royale Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Darlene Sweet: You spend your life getting shook you learn how to spot a shaker.

    • [assessing the driveability of their smashed getaway truck]

      Father Daniel Flynn: Will it run.

      Felix O'Kelly: [as truck engine sputters] Let's go with yes. Think the new guy is bent or stupid?

      Father Daniel Flynn: I'm goin' with stupid, but I can be persuaded.

    • [last lines]

      Darlene Sweet: Thank y'all for coming to listen to me tonight. It means a lot to me.

      [Darleen spots Doc in the Reno lounge's seats and smiles]