Animal Farm

Animal Farm

  • Director:
  • Writer: George Orwell,Lothar Wolff,Borden Mace
  • Countries of origin: United Kingdom, United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: June 19, 1959
  • Also known as: Angry Farm Animals
  • "Animal Farm" is a drama animation film co-directed by Joy Batchelor and John Halas and dubbed by Gordon Heath and Maurice Denham .
    Based on George Orwell's novel Correct; Adapt; Rearrange . The farmer, Mr. Jones, is addicted to drinking and hunting, and takes no care of the animals on his farm . It was June, and it was the season of harvesting wheat, and Mr. Jones had gone hunting for two days without feeding the animals, and when he came back he fell asleep. The hungry animals couldn't bear it anymore, and finally rose up to resist. Everyone shared the enemy and drove the owner out of the farm. It stands to reason that the animals can be their own masters this time, but Napoleon the boar has set a lot of rules, saying that he wants to benefit everyone, but he makes everyone work all day long, and the food is also poor . And Napoleon himself, having fun with the other boars, wanted to sell the farm and the animals!


    • Release date June 19, 1959
    • Production companies Halas & Batchelor, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

    Movie reviews

     ( 21 ) Add reviews

    • By Addie 2022-03-25 09:01:22

      (ZZ) Zoo Revolution

      There's a revolution at the Belgian Paradise Zoo, where animals "overthrow the rule of man" led by pigs. When the animals first uploaded videos to Youtube, people thought it was just a spoof by zookeepers. But a week later, when locals who wanted to visit the pandas posted photos to prove the veracity of the news, everyone was shocked that it was true. The announcement of Mr. Pig (Le Cochon) to humans instantly became the most popular video in the world. In this announcement,...

    • By Mable 2022-03-24 09:03:47

      Small comment

      This article is divided into animal rebellion, animal autonomy, animal totalitarianism, animal and human shaking hands and parts.

      The authoritarian Napoleon was the backbone and think tank of animal rebellion in the early days.

      In the animal autonomy stage, Napoleon and Snowball established two political parties, and they often disagreed.

      Napoleon relied on violence, that is, a few big dogs raised by his mother to drive away the political enemy Snowball, and then...

    • By Shawna 2022-03-22 09:02:58

      napoleon is always right

      Orwell certainly still can't belong to the mainstream. Be it totalitarianism or capitalism, everyone has their own set of views in their hearts.

      The downloaded version is in English, English and English, without Chinese subtitles. I wonder if it is because I dare not do it? But still very simple English, no hearing impairment.

      It is recommended to look at Animal Farm with the historical comparison before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, you will be pleasantly...

    • By Pauline 2022-03-14 14:12:31

      Re me mber, don't begrudge more than 70 minutes to watch human beings (spoilers and multi-picture high-energy warning)

      Humans are defined by repeating mistakes over and over again. And humans are also the most contradictory animals, with the cuteness and intelligence of pigs used for dens and cunning conspiracy theories and self-mutilation. It has to be said that since there is politics, everyone has been to blame. . . This nonsense comes from my own shameless words

      Hope the world can be better

      The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Mr. Zitch Orwell. Great...

    • By Mina 2022-02-02 08:08:41

      Tyranny comes naturally

      It doesn't necessarily take a tyrant to see tyranny. Nobody's necessarily on the righteous side.

      Everything's political while nothing's actually political without the connection between individual sociopath and social morbidity.

      Authors show their ideal or worries through works, however, nobody knows where what we're doing is taking us.

      We make firm arguments for historical decisions like we were capable of minimizing the “deviation”, but mostly we're just confidently...

    User comments

      ( 93 ) Add comments

    • By Gerson 2022-04-24 07:01:25

      In fact, it is a cycle from being enslaved by the rule to a point to the revolution. You can accept the rule if you meet your interests. If you go against your interests, you will resist. Rounds of revolutions have approached that equilibrium point time and time again, but in the end they have never jumped out of the circle of class...

    • By Macie 2022-04-24 07:01:25

      I'm a little afraid that George Orwell's novel and film adaptation will suddenly disappear one day... I can't comment on this film... But the horse was sent to the slaughter, and the donkey was neighing in the back. , my heart is really...

    • By Joaquin 2022-04-24 07:01:25

      The plot is not saturated, the key transition process is not prominent, and the details and depth are not dug enough, but the animation is very well done, which is very good at the...

    • By Karlee 2022-04-24 07:01:25

      The director's imagination is still a little off. In reality, how could other animals sympathize with the old horse who was tired and sold, and they would clearly say: "The old horse is sick because it is not in good health, and it is sold because it does not work hard. , can this blame the farm, is it possible that the farm has raised it for a lifetime, the farm is not covered with hatred, and the maggots can't stand to roll!" And the final riot is not realistic, I see the animals collectively...

    • By Vivian 2022-04-24 07:01:25

      After reading the original work, I feel that the original work is much better. The animation has been edited and edited on the basis of the original work, especially the uprising of the animals at the end. Compared with the shock and despair brought by the end of the original work, it will come even more....

    Movie plot

    On a farm, all kinds of livestock are raised, and they are the private property of the owner of the farm. What awaits them is only a lifetime of labor and the end of being sold and eaten. A pig on the farm died after putting forward the theory of "human exploitation of livestock, livestock must revolutionize", and soon a revolution led by pigs was launched on the farm, the original exploiter, the farmer, was driven away, and the...
    more about Animal Farm Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • [The laws of Animal Farm are being read]

      Snowball: No animal shall drink alcohol. No animal shall sleep in a bed. Four legs good, two legs bad.

      [The chickens are very annoyed at this rule]

      Squealer: Wings count as legs.

      [The chickens realize that Squealer is right]

      Group of sheep: Four legs good, two legs bad. Four legs good, two legs bad.

      Snowball: [continuing the reading of the laws] No animal shall kill another animal. All animals are equal.

    • Napoleon: Loyal followers, on farms owned and operated by pigs, there is order and discipline. Own lower animals do more work and eat less than other on farms.

      [gives medals]

      Napoleon: With this, we encourage you to make your lower animals work even harder and eat even less! To a greater Animal Farm! For peace and plenty under pig rule!

      [Benjamin, outside imagines Napoleon's face assimilating that of Jones; he suddenly sees through the resemblance]

      Napoleon: To the day when pigs own and operate farms EVERYWHERE!


    • Narration Spoken by: And that night the pigs drank to Boxer's memory, in the whisky they had bought with Boxer's life.