An Inspector Calls

An Inspector Calls

  • Director: Aisling Walsh
  • Writer: J.B. Priestley,Helen Edmundson
  • Countries of origin: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • Release date: September 13, 2015
  • Sound mix: Stereo
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 HD
  • Also known as: Ha llegado un inspector
  • "An Inspector Calls" is a reasoning thriller film directed by Eslin Walsh , co-starred by David Thewlis and Sophie Rundle . The film was released in the UK on September 13, 2015.
    The film is adapted from the play of the same name by John Boynton Priestley . It mainly tells that an inspector visits the family of Arthur Burling, who is about to be knighted, in order to investigate the suicide case of a young female worker, and finally proves everyone in the Burling family. A story about all responsible for the death of this female worker. 


    • Release date September 13, 2015
    • Filming locations Scampston Hall, Scampston, North Yorkshire, England, UK
    • Production companies Drama Republic, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

    Movie reviews

     ( 103 ) Add reviews

    • By Nakia 2022-04-23 07:04:06

      With a gorgeous moral height, it can't match the word "human nature", and preaching is not pleasing

      As a script, it is exquisite. It can be said that it is a book written for a drama. The long narration and the dialogue of many people definitely rely on the lines to create suspense and promote the plot, and the scene is single. Suddenly, I feel that the detective is Conan's upper body. , Unfortunately, the focus is not on
      the quirkiness of the case, committing suicide together, and it is definitely not a strange case hidden by superb techniques, a very simple suicide, but the focus...

    • By Tara 2022-04-23 07:04:06

      People are fearless without knowing destiny

      -------------------------------------------------- --------Practice assignments---------------------------------------- -----------------------
            "Sin House" is adapted from "The Inspector's Visit", one of the three famous West End dramas in London. The story is that at the family dinner of the Jazz family celebrating their daughter's engagement, a detective named Gould made a sudden visit and declared that he came because everyone present was related to the death of a female worker....

    • By Maribel 2022-04-23 07:04:06

      Let morality torture the heart and let the law judge reality.

      This is a morally oriented film. Every audience is undergoing a psychological torture during the viewing process. With the successful atmosphere rendering and the wonderful performance of the actors, the audience's sense of substitution is even stronger. What the two characters, son-in-law and mother, did objectively did not make the heroine worse, so their repentance depends more on the fate of the heroine. Many people will use hypocrisy to satirize son-in-law and mother. They think that the...

    • By Stan 2022-04-23 07:04:06

      It's a relational society

      It turns out that there is a character limit for short comments, I am ignorant. But thinking of what I have learned recently, I should record it.

      Leaving aside the exploitation and oppression of capitalists, let’s look at it from an emotional and relational perspective.

      Let’s talk about family relationships first. Authoritarian and selfish parents rarely seem willing to pay attention and respect their children's thoughts from the heart. This caused her daughter to be...

    • By Madisyn 2022-04-23 07:04:06

      into the abyss, all the way down

      Fall into the abyss, all the way down.
      The drama was put on the screen, and the whole play was performed by six leading actors in one room. Whether it is the performance of the actors or the performance of the lines, they are full of tension, with a strong sense of stage, and there is a feeling of watching the drama at close range. The film exposes human nature, slams the exploitation and numbness of the capitalists, and denounces the corruption and chaos of the upper class. The last 20...

    User comments

      ( 52 ) Add comments

    • By Christy 2022-03-31 09:01:08

      This version of Peugeot is re-engraved and restored. At first, I thought that the one-act drama was not as good as the tension of Gosford Manor and the strange banquet, as well as the goold monologue and the frankness of everyone. Of course, after knowing the real identity, everything makes sense, the best looking That paragraph was still 15 minutes when the son-in-law was suspicious of God. The so-called self-blame is nothing but a desperate situation. As Goold said, everyone's sins have...

    • By Adalberto 2022-03-31 09:01:08

      Looking up, not class, not religion, but everyone. Behind the tragedy, everyone is complicit. Looking down, there are religions, classes, characters. A classic play, with a wonderful ending, Hugo and Buñuel, a fig leaf of the bourgeoisie and an unfinished...

    • By Nakia 2022-03-31 09:01:08

      The sins of the world, the judgment of God. A good story loses in telling too many good...

    • By Nils 2022-03-31 09:01:08

      The unique tension of drama, human nature is always unbearable, how much kindness can morality inspire? Because I can't believe in humans, I believe in God. And God's visit has no effect on the...

    • By Kiana 2022-03-31 09:01:08

      The plot is very good, the plot is like a god, and this family is unlucky enough. My sister is the most wronged for lying innocently. In fact, this family is a little shameless. There are many uglier people in the real world. But the detective's last words were also very alarming. We all make mistakes, but sometimes it can lead to catastrophe. We must think deeply about the death of the female worker. It is really sad, but the female worker is too naive (this plot is made up, it is too...

    Movie plot

    Arthur Burlington ( Ken Stott ornaments ) is a successful capitalist, shortly after coming JiaGuanJinJue. Sheila ( played by Chloe Pirie ) is the daughter of Arthur. This innocent and kind daughter accepted the proposal of her boyfriend Gerrard (played by Kyle Soller ) at a banquet. The two got married. Arthur Birling Bolling and his wife Sybil ( Miranda Richardson ornaments ) to this marriage apparently satisfied, and Sheila's brother...
    more about An Inspector Calls Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    The film is adapted from a drama. It is still a story that takes place in a small living room. The story is driven by tight language. The narration and description in the original work are replaced by the natural advantages of the camera. The expressions of the characters can quickly express a lot of content. It also retains the beauty of the stage performance. The positions and expressions of each actor in the screen are carefully...
    more about An Inspector Calls Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • [first lines]

      Man: Do you believe in God?

      Woman: Yes.

      Man: How can you?

      Woman: I can't believe in people. I have to believe in something, or I'd fall - fall down through the cracks. Never stop falling.

    • Arthur Birling: [about his workers] If you don't come down hard on some of these people, they'll soon be asking for the earth.

      Gerald Croft: [obsequiously] That's right.

      The Inspector: They might. But it's better to ask for the earth than to take it.

    • [last lines]

      Arthur Birling: [hanging up the phone] A girl has died. Suicide. A police inspector is on his way to ask us some questions.