Zardoz Comments

  • Adell 2023-02-16 10:14:59

    A long-lost shocking three-view work. A powerful worldview and avant-garde design that discusses the desire for death and sexuality and the illusion of high morality and desire declining with technology and immortality. It's a complete cult worldview, hahaha, love it to...

  • Aliza 2023-01-25 09:27:40

    This is the real "Eternals", and this ending is likely to be stolen by the green...

  • Drake 2023-01-11 00:24:28

    First movie of tonight's movie night. As a dystopian super-realistic sci-fi film, it's still quite groundbreaking, but for Sean Connery and Charlotte Rampling, it definitely belongs to black...

  • Jazmyn 2022-12-29 00:41:06

    A dystopian film, the content to be expressed and the phenomenon to be exposed are far more thorough than "Green Food" and "Logan's Run", full of countless innuendos; at the same time, it is also a well-deserved cult film, better than "Green Food" and "I Can't Die" (Logan's Run). Pagan" is more avant-garde, and such a film may have to pass through the precipitation of time to gradually show its...

  • Kristoffer 2022-12-22 20:14:31

    quirky and...

  • Shaina 2022-12-07 04:12:08

    After savage 007 learned knowledge and culture, he took a big-headed spaceship and secretly infiltrated the country of Oz, facing the rotten and corrupt ruling class. With the limited possibility of mortals, he challenged the Eternal Life Palace of the End Times, united the rebellious old people's home and the indifferent village, and destroyed harmony together. Society, smashing human civilization through the ages, entertaining to the death... Another sci-fi masterpiece that has been seriously...

  • Melisa 2022-10-27 11:02:05

    It's just a chaotic dystopian anarchist drug-addicted Cult movie, don't take it too seriously~ Seriously, I've already lost, if you like psychedelics, pseudo-sci-fi, and anarchism, then this movie is for you~ ps Aunt Xia, you are so...

  • Lelah 2022-10-04 21:46:14

    Eternal life is imprisonment, death is freedom. Humans are always afraid of getting old and dying, and after changing the laws of nature, they want to toss back. Humans are really troublesome anyway. The setting is very advanced, but sometimes I can't watch it too much. Sean Connery is quite handsome even with this look, and there is actually a hardcore bearded bridal outfit...

  • Dakota 2022-09-27 21:35:26

    Rick and Modi had an episode that borrowed from the...

  • Daryl 2022-09-14 22:32:03

    Science Fiction Patch 05: If you don't understand it, it's...

Extended Reading

Zardoz quotes

  • Zed: What is it you want?

    Friend: Sweet death. Oblivion.

    Zed: For yourself, or for the whole Vortex?

    Friend: For Everybody. An end to the human race. It has plagued this pretty planet for far too long.

    Zed: You stink of despair. Fight back! Fight for death, if that's what you want.

    Friend: I thought at first you were the one to help. But it's hopeless. All my powers have gone.

    Zed: Where is it? The Tabernacle?

    Friend: The Tabernacle... is... I can't remember!

    Zed: Who made it? Someone must know how to break it.

    Friend: Yes, but you can meet him for yourself! One of our founders, one of the geniuses who discovered immortality.

    [Friend goes to the bed of the Old Scientist and, rousing him noisily, shouts]

    Friend: We want to die! Hm? What - what's the trick?

    Old Scientist: [feebly] Death... death... Talk to May! May!

  • [Zed stands before a giant screen swarming with microscopic infusoria]

    May: Look at it. It's you.

    [Zed looks behind him, but May does not see him do so]

    May: Your genetic structure, your life chart. Look.

    [Obligingly, Zed does so again]

    May: You are a mutant, second, maybe third generation - therefore genetically stable. Enlarged brain, total recall. Your potential is... Your breeding potential!

    Zed: Breeding?

    May: Frayn!

    [May spins around to confront Zed]

    May: How did you get into the Vortex? What is your purpose?

    Zed: I'm just an Exterminator. I know nothing.

    May: You must know that you're mentally and physically vastly superior to me, or to anyone else here. You could be anything, could *do* anything. You must be destroyed.

    Zed: Why?

    May: Because you could destroy us!

    Zed: As *you* destroyed the rest of life? Can you un-know what you know now about me?

    May: For the sake of science, I will keep this knowledge from the others, for the time being. But you must follow me, obey me, be circumspect, make no disruption, quietly do whatever work is given you. I will watch over you.


Director: John Boorman

Language: English,Italian,Swedish,Latin,German,French,Irish Gaelic Release date: February 6, 1974