Zardoz Comments

  • Eliezer 2023-06-04 17:37:00

    This is not 007, this is dystopia but there is still a spy...

  • Hollie 2023-05-26 08:14:30

    I didn't read it, I felt it was a fable and I didn't want to watch it. The props are very...

  • Gerardo 2023-05-20 01:05:14

    A-level creativity, B-level...

  • Floy 2023-05-16 10:13:52

    this is me watching the film: hahaha, da fuck? da fuck???? da fuck????? So fucking cult. So fucking...

  • Curtis 2023-03-25 17:06:01

    The Adventures of Tao Baibai is really not a bad...

  • Emery 2023-03-08 08:23:53

    Magical story, forget to read...

  • Jacklyn 2023-03-06 08:54:28

    God movie! Recently, I happened to watch a lot of human films related to the theme of life and immortality. With...

  • Josefina 2023-03-06 05:17:15

    This translation is very standard: Tie King Kong braves the future...

  • Alexa 2023-03-06 05:09:11

    It's because of death that life has meaning. It's too...

  • Creola 2023-02-25 08:32:32

    The absurd setting that alludes to the real structure of society, the theme idea is very good, but unfortunately the art direction is too deeply influenced by the trend of the 70s, a bit el topo ah holy mountain...

Extended Reading

Zardoz quotes

  • Zed: What is it you want?

    Friend: Sweet death. Oblivion.

    Zed: For yourself, or for the whole Vortex?

    Friend: For Everybody. An end to the human race. It has plagued this pretty planet for far too long.

    Zed: You stink of despair. Fight back! Fight for death, if that's what you want.

    Friend: I thought at first you were the one to help. But it's hopeless. All my powers have gone.

    Zed: Where is it? The Tabernacle?

    Friend: The Tabernacle... is... I can't remember!

    Zed: Who made it? Someone must know how to break it.

    Friend: Yes, but you can meet him for yourself! One of our founders, one of the geniuses who discovered immortality.

    [Friend goes to the bed of the Old Scientist and, rousing him noisily, shouts]

    Friend: We want to die! Hm? What - what's the trick?

    Old Scientist: [feebly] Death... death... Talk to May! May!

  • [Zed stands before a giant screen swarming with microscopic infusoria]

    May: Look at it. It's you.

    [Zed looks behind him, but May does not see him do so]

    May: Your genetic structure, your life chart. Look.

    [Obligingly, Zed does so again]

    May: You are a mutant, second, maybe third generation - therefore genetically stable. Enlarged brain, total recall. Your potential is... Your breeding potential!

    Zed: Breeding?

    May: Frayn!

    [May spins around to confront Zed]

    May: How did you get into the Vortex? What is your purpose?

    Zed: I'm just an Exterminator. I know nothing.

    May: You must know that you're mentally and physically vastly superior to me, or to anyone else here. You could be anything, could *do* anything. You must be destroyed.

    Zed: Why?

    May: Because you could destroy us!

    Zed: As *you* destroyed the rest of life? Can you un-know what you know now about me?

    May: For the sake of science, I will keep this knowledge from the others, for the time being. But you must follow me, obey me, be circumspect, make no disruption, quietly do whatever work is given you. I will watch over you.


Director: John Boorman

Language: English,Italian,Swedish,Latin,German,French,Irish Gaelic Release date: February 6, 1974