Young Mr. Lincoln Comments

  • Jeffry 2022-07-05 09:54:13

    1 In order to break the occlusion of pure text analysis brought about by author-centrism, the editorial team of "Cinema Manual" in the 1970s co-wrote a film review for this film from different review angles. 2 The thirty-four-year-old genius John Ford also filmed "Flying Off Mountains" in the same year. It can be said that it is at the peak of creation. 3 It is precisely because of Henry Fonda's appearance of justice in court in this film that the later "Twelve Angry Men" was...

Extended Reading

Young Mr. Lincoln quotes

  • Abe Lincoln: [In the law office with feet up on desk, arbitrating a dispute] Now, it says here brother Hawthorne... that you owe brother Wooldridge fifty-five dollars and forty-seven cents board at the rate of a dollar and a half a week, you owe him ninety dollars for use of a team and wagon for eight months, besides one hundred dollars cash on a loan.

    Woolridge: [triumphant] Yeah...

    Hawthorne: [indignant] Well, I never said I didn't!

    Abe Lincoln: [scratches head, speaks slowly and methodically] Well, I ain't no lightnin' calculator... but accordin' to my figurin'... you owe him two hundred and forty-five dollars and forty-seven cents. You're askin' two hundred and fifty dollars damages. Now, my idea is to split the difference of four dollars and fifty-three cents... which by a *strange* coincidence happens to be exactly the amount of my legal fee.

    [stands, speaks faster]

    Abe Lincoln: And the whole thing's settled! Well, what d'ya say?

    Hawthorne: [defiant] I won't do it!

    Woolridge: [defiant] Me either! I'll go to the law first!

    Abe Lincoln: [strolls between Hawthorne and Wooldridge, puts hands in pockets] Gentlemen... did ya ever hear about the time in the Blackhawk war when I... butted two fella's heads together? And busted *both* of 'em?

    [looks slowly from one man to the other]

    Woolridge: [sheepishly] Eh... well uh, I'm willin' if he is.

    [digs in pocket for money]

    Hawthorne: [indignant] 'Tain't fair... but I'll do it just to be shut of him!

    [digs in pouch for money]

    Abe Lincoln: Thanks, gentlemen. Ahh, that's gonna save us all a heap'a legal trouble... and headaches.

  • Prosecutor John Felder: I shall prove that they were under the influence of an alcoholic beverage at the time.

    Sam Boone: Hic!