Young Mr. Lincoln Comments

  • Hosea 2022-12-03 20:02:15

    In the 1939 biopic of the leader, Lincoln was just an ambitious and cunning country lawyer. I don't really like courtroom dramas, but it's very...

  • Lyla 2022-11-20 05:46:37

    9. The play successfully establishes Lincoln as the hero defending the innocent in the courtroom drama. |The core article of the formation of ideological criticism, the 1970 Film Manual chooses a segmental analysis method to interpret this work from thirty years ago, and analyzes the basic elements of the key signification function of scene by scene in order to understand the establishment of the play. The mode of action is to interpret the film according to the idea of ​​​​writing the film in...

  • Torey 2022-11-14 11:15:20

    Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mandela, these lawyer-turned-politicians all have rare rhetoric and argumentation skills. It can be seen that the transmission of ideas is still based on language. At the same time, we can also see from them that, Law is ultimately premised on man's perception of the most basic of goodness, justice, and compassion, rather than the garb of vague, indifferent order, institutions, which are non-essential in the former, and which can be influenced by the former...

  • Coralie 2022-09-11 09:19:28

    There have been many films about Lincoln, but this John Ford biopic takes a different approach, focusing on the young Lincoln as a lawyer. The film shows Lincoln's wisdom through a case handled by lawyer Lincoln. This film is also one of Henry Fonda's early masterpieces. I don't know if it's because of the makeup, but I always feel that Henry Fonda in the film looks weird, which is quite different from his inherent...

  • Grady 2022-09-10 22:18:29

    8.3/10. The young Lincoln (who was brave, upright, witty and humorous) took on an extremely difficult case as a new lawyer and successfully defended it, and since then he has officially become a famous lawyer. The film has a high level of expressive photography (light and shadow/composition), but the narrative is dragged, deducting...

  • Kimberly 2022-09-02 15:03:45

    Whether it's modeling, lines or soundtrack, it's full of the vigor of the early pioneering period, the story is very smooth, and the overall rhythm is well grasped; turn on the Ford...

  • Trent 2022-07-05 21:06:40

    Judging from the time when the story takes place and the behavior of the people, this is not a Western movie, but the cowboy on the horse has become the Lincoln on the court. In addition, several farce in the celebration of the holiday reflects John Ford's usual...

  • Kennedi 2022-07-05 20:49:25

    Three and a half. Ford's biopic focuses on Lincoln's youth, and thus naturally avoids political issues. On the whole, it is ok to watch, in fact, it tells a common court-themed story, murder, defense, and justice, but the absolute protagonist in the film is replaced by President Lincoln, a pivotal figure in American history. In the 1970s, the French Cinéma Critic critics used the ideological criticism method to analyze the film for the first time, and read it when you have...

  • Theresa 2022-07-05 18:55:16

    John Ford is the kind of director who loves and...

  • Bret 2022-07-05 11:44:53

    Although I felt a little bored when I saw about half of it, but I was shocked again after watching...

Extended Reading

Young Mr. Lincoln quotes

  • Abe Lincoln: [In the law office with feet up on desk, arbitrating a dispute] Now, it says here brother Hawthorne... that you owe brother Wooldridge fifty-five dollars and forty-seven cents board at the rate of a dollar and a half a week, you owe him ninety dollars for use of a team and wagon for eight months, besides one hundred dollars cash on a loan.

    Woolridge: [triumphant] Yeah...

    Hawthorne: [indignant] Well, I never said I didn't!

    Abe Lincoln: [scratches head, speaks slowly and methodically] Well, I ain't no lightnin' calculator... but accordin' to my figurin'... you owe him two hundred and forty-five dollars and forty-seven cents. You're askin' two hundred and fifty dollars damages. Now, my idea is to split the difference of four dollars and fifty-three cents... which by a *strange* coincidence happens to be exactly the amount of my legal fee.

    [stands, speaks faster]

    Abe Lincoln: And the whole thing's settled! Well, what d'ya say?

    Hawthorne: [defiant] I won't do it!

    Woolridge: [defiant] Me either! I'll go to the law first!

    Abe Lincoln: [strolls between Hawthorne and Wooldridge, puts hands in pockets] Gentlemen... did ya ever hear about the time in the Blackhawk war when I... butted two fella's heads together? And busted *both* of 'em?

    [looks slowly from one man to the other]

    Woolridge: [sheepishly] Eh... well uh, I'm willin' if he is.

    [digs in pocket for money]

    Hawthorne: [indignant] 'Tain't fair... but I'll do it just to be shut of him!

    [digs in pouch for money]

    Abe Lincoln: Thanks, gentlemen. Ahh, that's gonna save us all a heap'a legal trouble... and headaches.

  • Prosecutor John Felder: I shall prove that they were under the influence of an alcoholic beverage at the time.

    Sam Boone: Hic!