Young Mr. Lincoln Comments

  • Garry 2023-03-25 02:47:41

    In terms of characterization, it can be called a textbook-like movie. After watching it, I completely fell in love with Lincoln. The ideological function of the movie is really terrible. I deeply doubt whether Lincoln in reality is so charming. In the scene where Lincoln rode into the city on a donkey, the director obviously compared him to Jesus Christ in America, which contrasted with the rain (baptism) at the end of the film. This is a man who brought new life to...

  • Immanuel 2023-03-20 12:01:39

    The setting of throwing branches to decide fate at the beginning is very interesting, there is a feeling of throwing shoes to decide the country. Integrity, kindness, empathy, and institutional humor in a young...

  • Iva 2023-02-27 02:58:02

    In order to understand "John Ford's Young Lincoln" written by the editorial department of "Cinema Manual", look at the ideological expression in this...

  • Brady 2023-02-24 23:58:07

    lol john ford and young...

  • Trent 2023-02-24 14:33:58

    #political movie class...

  • Blaze 2023-02-22 11:51:02

    Fonda wears a big nose, and the shape is really hard to recognize. Lincoln's conversation with the brothers and family was Ford and sentimental. His performance in the small town "sports meeting" is also very funny, I already want to read the biography of...

  • General 2023-02-21 09:30:02

    7. The two main scenes, the rally scene is better than the court scene, and there are a lot of freehand scenes. Fonda's Lincoln is very...

  • Ferne 2023-01-10 19:29:26

    Similar to "To Kill a Mockingbird", the human community needs emotion, reason and order. Although the current system has various shortcomings, we must uphold the flexibility of human nature under the general principle, and the law always lags behind. , but we can keep improving him, any outlaw is at risk, and a sociopath is as suspicious as a lyncher. Lincoln deserves to be one of the best presidents in the United States, and now the statesman is dead, and there are only power chasers and...

  • Verda 2023-01-01 17:06:18

    Young Fonda, young Ford, together interpret the young Lincoln, full of passion and idealistic glory, spread out the brief moment of Lincoln's boyhood in soft photography, Ford did not present it rigidly, but added many Comedy elements, Lincoln's nostalgia for his mother, the death of his first love, his thirst for knowledge, and his adherence to the fairness of the legal system, but he is also a foodie and likes to play tricks in games. It is not the theme of the film. The contrast between...

  • Blaze 2022-12-18 00:40:17

    I actually recognized that it was Fonda by his voice, and the young Lincoln was a calm emperor who was very...

Extended Reading

Young Mr. Lincoln quotes

  • Abe Lincoln: [In the law office with feet up on desk, arbitrating a dispute] Now, it says here brother Hawthorne... that you owe brother Wooldridge fifty-five dollars and forty-seven cents board at the rate of a dollar and a half a week, you owe him ninety dollars for use of a team and wagon for eight months, besides one hundred dollars cash on a loan.

    Woolridge: [triumphant] Yeah...

    Hawthorne: [indignant] Well, I never said I didn't!

    Abe Lincoln: [scratches head, speaks slowly and methodically] Well, I ain't no lightnin' calculator... but accordin' to my figurin'... you owe him two hundred and forty-five dollars and forty-seven cents. You're askin' two hundred and fifty dollars damages. Now, my idea is to split the difference of four dollars and fifty-three cents... which by a *strange* coincidence happens to be exactly the amount of my legal fee.

    [stands, speaks faster]

    Abe Lincoln: And the whole thing's settled! Well, what d'ya say?

    Hawthorne: [defiant] I won't do it!

    Woolridge: [defiant] Me either! I'll go to the law first!

    Abe Lincoln: [strolls between Hawthorne and Wooldridge, puts hands in pockets] Gentlemen... did ya ever hear about the time in the Blackhawk war when I... butted two fella's heads together? And busted *both* of 'em?

    [looks slowly from one man to the other]

    Woolridge: [sheepishly] Eh... well uh, I'm willin' if he is.

    [digs in pocket for money]

    Hawthorne: [indignant] 'Tain't fair... but I'll do it just to be shut of him!

    [digs in pouch for money]

    Abe Lincoln: Thanks, gentlemen. Ahh, that's gonna save us all a heap'a legal trouble... and headaches.

  • Prosecutor John Felder: I shall prove that they were under the influence of an alcoholic beverage at the time.

    Sam Boone: Hic!