Lacey 2022-03-29 09:01:09
The tomorrow that can only be obtained in a dream of helpless dissatisfaction is another...
Syble 2022-03-29 09:01:09
Fifty-five plays. There is only one exterior view. One shot at a time. The lens is never stationary, and it is mostly shot from the front. It can be said that it is the closest movie to theatrical stage. Use Brecht's Distancing effect multiple times. Extremely simple and abstract space. The lives of people of different classes in the city. Humorous but laughable and heart-wrenching. There is no communication between the characters, but they speak to themselves. Ununderstood loneliness,...
Carmelo 2022-03-29 09:01:09
you are still alive! ? Are you actually dead? ! Our lives seem normal, but in fact they are so absurd that people don't want to face...
Aric 2022-03-29 09:01:09
Goethe: "Be pleased then, you the living, in your delightfully warmed bed, before Lethe's ice-cold wave will lick your escaping...
Sasha 2022-03-28 09:01:13
The form is minimalist, with a fixed panoramic long lens and an indoor diagonal angle of view. Only two orbital lenses are used, which creates a stage-like scheduling method as a whole, but the camera position is against the audience, and the audience is replaced by the indoor perspective. Breaking the fourth wall does not destroy the style and look of the film. The pale makeup in Roy Anderson's movies in the past has a special reaction in this film. Previously, the Nordic architectural style...
Archibald 2022-03-28 09:01:13
Still-camera life stage play. (The whole film is just two moving...
Rosendo 2022-03-28 09:01:13
Totally a fan of Roy...
Zane 2022-03-28 09:01:13
There is no reason not to recommend black humor satire kuso plot...
Guadalupe 2022-03-28 09:01:13
The deepest impression on me is that the composition of the shots in this film is extremely particular, and each shot is like a...
Jamil 2022-03-28 09:01:13
Is this a sequel to "Singing from the Second Floor"? I fell asleep!...
You, the Living Comments
Nick 2022-03-23 09:03:36
The Weird Life Story of Roy Anderson
The cold tones, absurd stories, and dull characters create an absurd postmodernist space, revealing a dark humor that is typical of Roy Anderson's films.
Roy Anderson's characters often look at the camera and speak, that is, the audience who watch it to perform, so that the space between the...
Toney 2022-03-22 08:01:03
Be content, fortunately the dream did not come true
Be content, living person, in your warm and comfortable bed
- Goethe
used this poem to carefully take the scene notes of the movie. Compared with "The Song from the Second Floor", director Roy Andersson followed the consistent The shooting method is cold, the cold tone of the fixed camera is not...
Top cast
The psychiatrist: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
[examines the large stack of patient's files]
The psychiatrist: I am a psychiatrist. I have been for 27 years. I'm completely worn out. Year after year, listening to patients who aren't satisfied with their lives, who want to have fun, who want me to help them with that - it wears you out, I can tell you. My life isn't exactly a lot of fun either. People demand so much. That's the conclusion I've drawn after all these years. They demand to be happy, at the same time as they are egocentric, selfish, and ungenerous. Well, I would like to be honest. I would like to say that they are quite simply mean, most of them. Spending hour after hour in therapy, trying to make a mean person happy... There's no point. You can't do it. I've stopped doing it. These days, I just prescribe pills. The stronger, the better.
Anna: Forgive those who only think of themselves. Forgive those who are greedy and cheap. And those who deceive and cheat or grow rich by paying miserable wages. Dear lord, forgive them. Forgive them. And Lord, forgive those who humiliate and desecrate. Forgive those who torture and kill. Forgive those who bomb and destroy cities and villages. Forgive those who are dishonest, those who lie and are false. Forgive governments who withhold the truth from the people. Dear Lord, forgive them. Forgive those who are heartless, merciless, and quick to pass judgment. Please Lord, forgive them. Forgive courts that pass sentences which are too harsh or convict the innocent. Forgive them.
The minister: Anna... We have to close and lock up now.
Anna: Forgive newspapers and TV channels that mislead. That distract attention from that which is important. Dear Lord, forgive them.
The minister: There now, Anna. We have to close and lock up now.
Anna: Dear Lord, forgive them. Forgive them.