You, the Living Comments

  • Hoyt 2022-04-23 07:05:35

    Thank goodness there is Roy Anderson in this...

  • Kirstin 2022-04-23 07:05:35

    The loser tavern, the punk frustrated girl, the fat woman who cried "no one understands me", the clerk who pulled the tablecloth and was sentenced to be an electric chair, all of them show the original form of life that has been obscured, and like the director's still intoxicating frigidity The color and composition and the next scene of the camera are the embarrassment of life. The Nordic atmosphere is so cold and suitable for living...

  • Bradford 2022-04-23 07:05:35

    It's too awesome, it's been on the hard drive for six or seven years, why didn't I watch it sooner! Can't wait to watch the third...

  • Cristina 2022-04-23 07:05:35

    We are still alive~ I like this movie so much~ I watched it while...

  • Fern 2022-04-23 07:05:35

    I watched it with very relaxing music~Even the funeral was a relaxing song~ The fat woman who is always complaining, one is enjoying ML, the other is babbling, I don't know if she is complaining or praying. With a little humor, it makes people smile but think. Like guitarist Macke~ Be happy, living people, in your warmest and most comfortable bed, before the icy waves of the Forgotten River are about to beat your fleeing...

  • Garret 2022-04-23 07:05:35

    All manner of beings. A heavy rain washed down, but nothing changed. I like the dream of a girl the most, the closest moment to happiness in the movie. Nei, we are still alive, this is what the director reminds...

  • Alberto 2022-04-23 07:05:35

    Using indifference to oppose indifference, using absurdity to resist absurdity, tearing apart despair with despair, and satirizing black existence with black...

  • Viviane 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    Life is becoming more and more cluttered, noisy, cold, and busy. I like the scene of the old fat man practicing drums, the support of...

  • Chet 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    Absurd and dull story, but full of joy, life? It's strange how Anna's dream was...

  • Randi 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    #BJIFF# ​​Roy andersson's life trilogy, the second part of the three parts, is relatively easy to understand. The opening is a crying love-seeking bitch. It is very fireworks in the high-level trilogy. This part is Ukiyo-e of frustrated people, downpours and moving houses are all my favorite designs. The title of the film was changed to: I can't die anyway, so it's...

Extended Reading

You, the Living quotes

  • Mia: Serving non-alcoholic beer with food that smells so good. It's torture!

    Uffe's mother.: I only want what's best for you.

    Mia: Best! Is this what's best for me? Enduring this damned existance... with all the shit and deceit and wickedness and staying sober? How can you expect or even want a single poor bugger to put up with it without being drunk? It's inhuman. Only a sadist would demand that.

  • The psychiatrist: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

    [examines the large stack of patient's files]

    The psychiatrist: I am a psychiatrist. I have been for 27 years. I'm completely worn out. Year after year, listening to patients who aren't satisfied with their lives, who want to have fun, who want me to help them with that - it wears you out, I can tell you. My life isn't exactly a lot of fun either. People demand so much. That's the conclusion I've drawn after all these years. They demand to be happy, at the same time as they are egocentric, selfish, and ungenerous. Well, I would like to be honest. I would like to say that they are quite simply mean, most of them. Spending hour after hour in therapy, trying to make a mean person happy... There's no point. You can't do it. I've stopped doing it. These days, I just prescribe pills. The stronger, the better.