You, the Living Comments

  • Dean 2022-03-22 09:03:03

    I woke up at five o'clock and couldn't fall asleep. I flipped through this film and watched it, but I really didn't understand it. And it's so sleepy to watch... I think I'm still not used to watching this style of...

  • Vivian 2022-03-22 09:03:03

    #Northern Film Festival Rewatch# Still. There are 56 fragmented passages in the film, set in the form of live people performing paintings. The passages are all shot with long shots, with 8 camera movements, 6 of which are slightly adjusted for composition, and the other 2 are pushed and pulled. Almost all shots are shot in closed spaces with long-range views, clever use of door frames and windows to create spatial layers, and ambient sound to create space outside the painting. The film is 86...

  • Jason 2022-03-22 09:03:03

    Growing up in alienated northern Europe, it is possible to make modern civilization look suspicious without offending the dignity of any class. A bloated woman complains to her lover, and no one understands her. The dignified teacher stood on the podium crying and was insulted by her husband in the early morning. Idle old men play military music in torrential rain even without an audience. The son of a shameless prodigal eats his father's money. Psychiatrists bluntly say that most people ask...

  • Frank 2022-03-22 09:03:03

    Roy Anderson's life trilogy. 1. Compared with the previous work, the embarrassing aesthetics is stronger, the degree of freedom is increased (the number of moving long shots is increased), the allegory is reduced, more fragmented, the reflexivity is improved (the fourth wall has been broken many times), and the degree of absurdity is reduced— - Surreal passages are embedded in the dream (indicated by front and rear mirrors). 2. However, there are still several main characters and approximately...

  • Kitty 2022-03-22 09:03:03

    Lying on the green sofa and sleeping, with a picture on the wall, Don Quixote hid in it; saying "it's not important to eat", then the tablecloth and cutlery were pulled down from the long dining table, revealing the table top Two big swastikas; sentenced to more than 200 years in prison, sitting in electric chair three times; playing the guitar to the lightning and thunder outside the window; a bunch of flowers caught in the crack of the door; moving the wedding room; little girl talking to...

  • Sylvia 2022-03-22 09:03:03

    The estrangement that is always indifferent, no one can understand. Two hundred years of porcelain heirlooms have been exchanged for the death sentence of the electric chair auctioned at the beer court. The station in the rain and the elevator full of loads are a strange and silent group. The same group warmly blesses the newcomers in the train apartment in the dream. Singing and death make doomsday respond to first...

  • Clotilde 2022-03-22 08:01:03

    B+ / It seems unnecessary to break the fourth wall several times to draw out the psychology of the characters, or it is unnecessary to dig out the psychology of the characters in Roy's universe - but these strokes do make this film show a special warmth . If Svanmeier's surrealism of strange visual stimulation has gradually died out, then Roy's surrealism by directly presenting some kind of absurd logic to reality still has a strong...

  • Lois 2022-03-22 08:01:03

    One scene at a time, it looks like a European caricature. The director spent too much time on the setting of the scene. The Nordic is cold and humorous, and the more you go, the more funny it gets. There is a scene at the end of the movie. The heroine married the lead singer of the band in a dream. Their house was approaching slowly like a train. The audience outside was congratulating them. I was really touched. Isn't this a dream within a dream? Roy Anderson's movies are babblings of idiots,...

Extended Reading

You, the Living quotes

  • Mia: Serving non-alcoholic beer with food that smells so good. It's torture!

    Uffe's mother.: I only want what's best for you.

    Mia: Best! Is this what's best for me? Enduring this damned existance... with all the shit and deceit and wickedness and staying sober? How can you expect or even want a single poor bugger to put up with it without being drunk? It's inhuman. Only a sadist would demand that.

  • The psychiatrist: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

    [examines the large stack of patient's files]

    The psychiatrist: I am a psychiatrist. I have been for 27 years. I'm completely worn out. Year after year, listening to patients who aren't satisfied with their lives, who want to have fun, who want me to help them with that - it wears you out, I can tell you. My life isn't exactly a lot of fun either. People demand so much. That's the conclusion I've drawn after all these years. They demand to be happy, at the same time as they are egocentric, selfish, and ungenerous. Well, I would like to be honest. I would like to say that they are quite simply mean, most of them. Spending hour after hour in therapy, trying to make a mean person happy... There's no point. You can't do it. I've stopped doing it. These days, I just prescribe pills. The stronger, the better.