Yentl Comments

  • Lysanne 2023-09-30 11:44:21

    The appearance of this movie had a huge impact on me when I was a teenager. Although Yan Teer was not beautiful, she was such a strong girl, and it also made me start to dream about my future. Of course, because of this film, I fell in love with...

  • Francisco 2023-09-23 21:38:21

    He may give the love she longs for, and he will never give the equality and respect she seeks. Looking at today, two women are living together across the world, what else is there to do with men? Still a new...

  • Elfrieda 2023-09-19 15:40:46

    Finally watched this movie, a bizarre but convincing story. What a good singer Barbra...

  • Theo 2023-09-11 04:13:29

    Streisand's first directorial work, the shooting is extremely beautiful, and the songs written by Michel Legrand are also excellent. Unfortunately, the storyline of this Jewish version of "The Liang Zhu" is too loose, and the second half makes people sleepy. The song is directly degraded to the musical films before the 1960s. The Blu-ray version looks scary in some places, but video-like in others, and the audio quality is...

  • Uriah 2023-09-02 14:23:21

    I can love someone like a little swan, but unfortunately I can't do it...

  • Kay 2023-09-01 00:23:10

    I admire Yantel very much. Knowledge is far more important to her than love. If the male protagonist can't give her what she wants, he will fly far away. Crossing the oceans as a Jewish person in the early twentieth century was absolutely the right political...

  • Stefanie 2023-08-26 01:19:03

    Self-directed and self-directed, and sings well. With the same story theme, Liang Zhuzhong in the East is exaggerating the tragic and beautiful love, while Yanter in the West is a new woman who flaunts her independence, freedom and courage to pursue her dreams. The former is more moving, the latter is more...

  • Toy 2023-08-14 06:35:38

    Même plus de 30 ans après, le sujet du film fait toujours l'actualité. auboutisme du personnage et de sa réalisatrice dans un contexte de l'émancipation du sexe féminin mérite quand même notre attention et surtout la partition de Michel Legrand ne déplait pas non plus. Derrière l'omniprésence de Streisand, on se souviendra de l'absence de la chorégraphie et de ses monologues chantés qui se démarquent bien d'autres films du genre...

  • Jennings 2023-08-02 14:08:46

    Barbra Streisand's musical biographical version, with its various identity transitions and symbols, transcending gender and barriers, is also a metaphor for the last ship sailing in the sea....

  • Orin 2023-08-01 13:44:57

    Isn't it called Yang...

Extended Reading
  • Barrett 2022-06-05 17:53:36

    Beautiful Hardys

    Hardys is beautiful and dignified, but it is a full vase. A perfect woman under the patriarchal structure. In terms of life choices, she obeys the arrangements of her parents; her every word and deed is prepared to serve her husband; it can be said that she does not even have love.
           Hardys is...

  • Magnus 2022-06-05 19:36:05

    Classical love

    When I was very young, CCTV showed this film and was moved. At that time, I thought, how could there be such a beautiful movie, how could there be such a beautiful love. Barbra Streisand was never a beauty, but she was so talented.

    Today I suddenly remembered this movie I saw when I was very young,...

Yentl quotes

  • Yentl: Why is it that every book I buy, every bookseller has the same old argument?

    Yentl's Father: You know why.

    Yentl: I envy them.

    Yentl's Father: The booksellers?

    Yentl: No, not the booksellers, the students. Talking about life, the mysteries of the universe and I'm learning how to tell a herring from a carp.

    Yentl's Father: Yentl, for the thousandth time, men and women..."

    Yentl: [cuts him off] have different obligations, I know, but...

    Yentl's Father: [cuts her off] and don't ask why.

    Yentl's Father: [sees her disappointment] Go on, get the book.

    Yentl: Thank you, papa!

    Yentl's Father: The shutters, darling.

    Yentl: We don't have to hide my studying from God, then why the neighbors?

    Yentl's Father: Why? Because I trust God will understand. I'm not so sure about the neighbors.

  • Rabbi Zalman: It's by their questions that we choose our students, not only by their answers.