X-Men Comments

  • Ernestine 2021-10-20 18:58:36

    The clues are not complicated, and mainly focus on the recruitment and duel between the mutant alliance and Team X. Compared to the long-burning spark of Fassbender v McAvoy, the dramatic tension between Stuwart v McKellen is more appealing to me. Don’t forget Anna Paquin’s Rogue, Famke Janssen’s Dr. Jean, and Halle’s Storm. The old version of female characters is much stronger than the new version, and it’s a pretty good...

Extended Reading

X-Men quotes

  • Storm: Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?... The same thing that happens to everything else.

    [blasts Toad]

  • [trapped inside the Statue of Liberty]

    Cyclops: Storm, fry him!

    Magneto: Oh yes! A bolt of lightning into a huge copper conductor. I thought you lived at a school?