Wuthering Heights Comments

  • Winifred 2022-04-22 07:01:49

    They tumbled in the mud, and she licked the wound on his back for him. Until Heathcliff's departure, the rough, wild, gloomy atmosphere rendered in the film is very in line with the essence of the original work, and the subsequent plots are a bit outrageous, which can only be regarded as a very personal...

  • Ernest 2022-04-22 07:01:49

    This film is not suitable for people with a famous book...

  • Lottie 2022-04-22 07:01:49

    Only a director with boldness and style will adapt the famous book in this way. Instead of using the story itself, he uses the language of the movie to describe the temperament of the original work. The lens is...

  • Theron 2022-04-21 09:03:12

    Tucao powerless. ....

  • Felix 2022-04-21 09:03:12

    A morally incomprehensible orphan growing up to take revenge on society; an unacceptable black version of Heathcliff; a hypocritical documentary with no soundtrack from beginning to end; An extended version of the MV for 108,000 miles; a movie that tries to express in literary language but abandons the basic film language... The folk music MV at the end is even more unbearable. It doesn't get any worse than...

  • Milo 2022-04-21 09:03:12

    A dull movie, the atmosphere of the movie is more important than the...

  • Jeffrey 2022-04-21 09:03:12

    The director lives in his own world without considering the mood of the audience at...

  • Gust 2022-04-21 09:03:12

    Originally I didn't like Xi's character! I always hated hand-cranked camera! Congratulations to your director.... Both of them hit my point. The color contrast of the N night scene is not enough, if you are watching from the standpoint of an audience who doesn't know the original work There should be a three-character movie review after this...

  • Nelda 2022-04-21 09:03:12

    Movie of the year! Stylization is indeed a major killer in adapting famous novels. If the last song is also removed, it will be completely in...

  • Theodore 2022-04-21 09:03:12

    If you put aside the original book and just talk about movies, this movie is very stylish. There is no soundtrack, and all the fancy performances are abandoned, and the most essential film method is restored, and the atmosphere rendering is very good. In particular, the switching between the juvenile group and the adult group was impressive. The two met again, under the pear tree, in the backlight. If there is no original book, it is a story that none of us have ever heard of, it can almost be...

Extended Reading

Wuthering Heights quotes

  • [last lines]

    Young Cathy: I am Heathcliff.

  • Isabella Linton: You must have some stories to tell.

    Older Heathcliff: Stories?

    Isabella Linton: Well, you've been gone a while. You changed. We were all wondering.

    Older Heathcliff: There is nothing I want to remember.