Abby 2023-09-27 07:31:12
All kinds of stereotypes + clichés, this pot of chicken soup is salty. It is recommended for children who have not yet reached the age of Lina and Siqi. Adults should not waste time. (I also want to eat shrimp...
Alford 2023-09-18 08:27:14
Dragon's creativity is good, but the originality is not enough. The human characters in it are extremely ugly except for the hero and heroine. What's going on? Was it designed by Westerners? Jackie Chan's dubbing was hard work, but he heard it as soon as he heard...
Octavia 2023-09-13 09:14:29
Except the plot lines are not good, (especially the plot is old-fashioned! And vulgar!) The animation and performance parts are quite exciting, but after seeing the end of the film, I found that it is still dominated by foreigners. According to the current point of view, the biggest gap between Guoman and Hollywood is still in In animation and performance, especially performance, although cultural differences will dominate a part, but in the performance design of action, we have too much room...
Caden 2023-08-06 17:54:05
Is this a 2021 story? Look at the strange trip next...
Elenora 2023-07-28 10:11:14
Please Jackie Chan continue to be a dragon for a while~...
Megane 2023-07-25 15:39:41
At that moment, everything felt so simple, at that moment, everything felt right! - At that moment, everything felt so SiMPLE! At that moment, everything felt RiGHT! —— その moment, す べ て が こ ん な に Jane 単 に じ ら れ ま し た. その moment, す べ て が 正 しいと Sense じ ま し...
Hildegard 2023-07-13 18:27:21
The original sound of the film should be in English, and the Chinese is the dubbed...
Roselyn 2023-06-26 19:23:54
Unexpected.. not bad? Although the wishing elf is the same as Aladdin, the movie is very thoughtfully designed from scenes to action...
Hellen 2023-06-09 08:17:17
The ending is minus points, overall it's pretty good, very...
Chloe 2023-06-06 12:46:39
The level of screenwriting is to write cool articles on the Internet. The dragon setting is quite...
Wish Dragon Comments
Joaquin 2022-04-07 09:01:06
"Wish Dragon"
Watching time: April 14, 2021 At the beginning of the movie, it can be expected to be a replica of "Cinderella" with Chinese elements, especially the 300RMB suit of the protagonist in front of a large billboard because of the quality and variety. This scene is especially obvious after the...
Letha 2022-04-05 09:01:08
give you three wishes
I know that I can't expect too much from an animation, but this story really makes me uncomfortable.
In fact, there is never a shortage of stories about money, but after thinking about it, there is actually a big difference between money and power. Even if the male lead Jinshan doesn't mean...
Top cast
Long: Din!
[looks around in confusion]
Long: Whats happening?
Pipa God: Welcome Longzhu.
Long: What's going on? Where am I?
Pipa God: Congratulations! Your service as a Wish Dragon is complete.
Long: Complete? But I haven't finished, I haven't finished my tenth master!
Pipa God: You have put the needs of another before yourself, and shown us that you understand the meaning of life. You are now free to enter the spirit world
[Spirite world doors open and trumpets sound and confetti sticks to Long]
Long: Is that... a parade?
Pipa God: In your honor.
Long: No no no! I can't! I have to go back!
Pipa God: Back?
Long: Turn me back into a Wish Dragon, I have one more wish to grant!
Pipa God: Th-that's ridiculous, the laws of heaven forbid it.
Long: You're ridiculous! You're an old man in a skirt!
Pipa God: This isn't a skirt!
Long: Send me back!
Pipa God: [Pipa God plays his instrument and the doors to the spirit world close and the parade disappears behind them] You dare reject the will of the Gods?
Long: Fine, if you won't send me back, I'll do it myself!
[Starts digging into the clouds]
Pipa God: Stop that!
Long: [Continues to dig into the clouds] Stupid clouds! Ah!
Pipa God: Stop! Stop that this instant!
Long: Ah! My friend needs me!
Pipa God: Fine! We will permit you to return, but only under one condition.