Winter Light Comments

  • Robyn 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    Bergman has been believing, questioning, denying, affirming, happiness, painful loops, entanglement and agitation throughout his life. In the process of his "wrestling" with God, he uses films to show his controversial thoughts and religious magnanimity in the dark. : The world is suffering and anxious, God is unpredictable, and the soul whispers helpless. Many philosophical mysteries lurking in the depths of the gloom are expressed through his unspeakable chaos and colorful...

  • Brice 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    Baiziwan 2016.2.26.7pm The opening and closing ceremonies are completely different and reflect each other. We can see the significant impact of the Cold War ("Chinese wanting to build an atomic bomb" does not pose a direct threat to the Swedish town, but destroys their imagination of the infinite development and progress of man), the structure of God's silence and emotional...

  • Jamaal 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    [Exhibition at China Film Archive] Most of the scenes are indoors, and the photography and composition are very particular. I was in poor condition while watching the movie and needs to be re-watched. Samsung and a...

  • Osbaldo 2022-03-14 14:12:26

    The character’s intensity of reflection is astonishing, and the narrative is concise and clear. Gannell and Ingrid have taken the “sense of distance” into place, preaching to “them” from the beginning to convincing themselves at the end, borrowing the emotional gains and losses of men and women, and the ultimate crucifixion of Christ The perplexed contradiction drenched the tragic core performance of the trust crisis between people. The pastor's self-forced love of faith finally became colder...

Extended Reading

Winter Light quotes

  • Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I don't want you. Did you hear that?

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: Yes. Of course, I did.

    Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I'm tired of your loving care. Your fussing. Your good advice. Your candlesticks and table runners. I'm fed up with your shortsightedness. Your clumsy hands. Your anxiousness. Your timid displays of affection. You force me to occupy myself with your physical condition. Your poor digestion. Your rashes. Your periods. Your frostbitten cheeks. Once and for all I have to escape this junkyard of idiotic trivialities. I'm sick and tired of it all, of everything to do with you.

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: Why didn't you tell me this before?

    Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: Because of my upbringing. I was taught to regard women as beings of a higher order. Admirable creatures, unassailable martyrs.

  • Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I don't love you, because I love my wife. When she died, so did I. I don't care less what happens to me. Am I making myself clear? I loved her and she was everything you could never be, but insist on trying to be. The way you mimic her behavior is such an ugly parody.

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: I didn't even know her.

    Tomas Ericsson, Pastor: I'd better be going - before I spout even worse bits of senseless drivel.

    Märta Lundberg, Schoolteacher: Could it get any worse?